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    has al sharpton ever been charged with inciting a riot? if you want a good look at al sharpton search tawana brawley and you will see what he was like and the only difference between then and today is is great loss of weight! Just the fact that he has a show on msnbc and seeing how msnbc reports (?) the news can tell you a lot......and imho it is far from complimentary.

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    Circuit advertisement Looting After Vigil for Missouri Man
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    Tensions continue to run high in Ferguson, Missouri, as police respond with a heavy show of force against protesters in the wake of an officer-involved shooting of unarmed 18-year-old teenager Michael Brown.

    Wednesday, August 20

    23:38 GMT: A police officer who quickly gained notoriety after he brandished a gun at several individuals recording demonstrators has been removed from his post by the St. Louis County Police.

    The officer in question had threateningly brandished a semi-automatic rifle at bystanders. A person who had been live-streaming the scene, going by the name of 'Rebelutionary Z' can be heard in clips shared via social media telling the officer that his “hands are up,” to which the officer responds “I will f-ing kill you -- get back! get back!”

    The officer became widely known via Twitter when he was asked for his name and responded “Go f-ck yourself.”

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    Eric Holder in Ferguson: ‘I’m Also a Black Man’
    August 21, 2014 By Jennifer Burke

    Self-proclaimed activist attorney general Eric Holder, the first sitting attorney general to be held in contempt of Congress, arrived in Ferguson, Missouri yesterday. There have been questions regarding whether Holder’s presence will put an end to the violent response of the community to the shooting death of Michael Brown or if his presence would actually fan the flames of race baiting influenced unrest even further.

    Although medical reports indicate that Officer Darren Wilson was badly beaten prior to the discharge of his gun, a fact that corroborates his story that he was in fear of his life when he fired his gun, Holder made a statement on Wednesday in Ferguson that appears to ignore the facts.

    According to FOX News, Holder told 50 community leaders in Ferguson that he understands why many black people do not trust the police. He then went on to describe personal experiences from his past when he was stopped by police. In one instance, Holder said, he was stopped on the New Jersey turnpike and accused of speeding. The police then searched through his car. Holder added, “I remember how humiliating that was and how angry I was and the impact it had on me.”

    In addition, Holder made a statement that he has made before once again alluding to his self-described activist role. In detailing his experience on the New Jersey Turnpike and connecting it to the Ferguson unrest and complaints, despite medical evidence, of police brutality, Holder said in regards to residents’ mistrust of police, “I understand that mistrust. I am the attorney general of the United States. But I am also a black man.”

    As the lead attorney for the United States, stating that a mistrust of the police is understandable is a remarkable statement. This radical activism by Holder, however, is not new. As a college student at Columbia University, Holder participating in an armed takeover of the ROTC office demanding that it be renamed the “Malcolm X Lounge.” His group said this renaming should to place “in honor of a man who recognized the importance of territory as a basis for nationhood.”
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    White House Officials Will Attend Michael Brown Funeral

    Three White House officials will attend Michael Brown’s funeral Monday on behalf of the Obama administration, a White House official told NBC News.

    Assistant to the President and White House Cabinet Secretary Broderick Johnson, Deputy Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement Marlon Marshall and Heather Foster, an advisor to the public engagement office will be at the ceremony for the unarmed teenager who was shot dead by a Ferguson, Missouri, police officer on Aug. 9, sparking days of unrest in the St. Louis suburb.

    Brown’s funeral will be at 10 a.m. local time at Friendly Temple Missionary Church in St. Louis.

    So, The White House doesn't attend a General's funeral. Not even a Soldier's funeral...not a single Soldier, black or white. But will attend the funeral of a documented CRIMINAL, who as of this date still hasn't had facts prove the police officer did not act appropriately. In fact Police Officers have been killed and/or shot in the line of duty in the past few weeks since this incident and he has NOT attended any of their funerals. Somebody explain this to me....

    Unarmed White Man Killed By Black Cop; Here’s How The Media Reacted
    By Steve Straub On August 21, 2014

    The shooting may be completely justified, we don’t know yet, but that’s not the point, it’s the media’s non-reaction to the event that is the issue here.

    While national news media continue to focus on race in Ferguson, Missouri, where a white police officer shot and killed an unarmed black teenager, they apparently don’t think a similar case in Utah with the races reversed is that newsworthy.

    Police in Salt Lake City are continuing their probe into an Aug. 11 shooting outside a 7-Eleven convenience store, when a black police officer, whom local media are referring to as “not white,” shot and killed 20-year-old Dillon Taylor, who was unarmed at the time, according to his supporters.

    Police Chief Chris Burbank said the entire incident was captured on the body camera of the officer who shot Taylor. “You will see on camera … the actions of everyone involved, including up to the point where our officer utilizes deadly force and his response thereafter,” Burbank told reporters.

    He said the video, along with the officer’s identity, will be released at the “appropriate” time, adding it could be days, weeks or months. “It would be wholly inappropriate to take the most vital piece of evidence that we have and put it out to the public prior to the officer having some due process,” he said.
    Rush Limbaugh has more:

    “There’s a mindset out there, and the way it works in situations like this [is] only people of color can be victims. A white person can never be a victim. It just can’t happen. That’s not permitted, that’s not allowed because it isn’t the case. The whites are the oppressors. They’re the majority. In the liberal worldview, every majority is an oppressor, whether they’re white or whatever. They’re all oppressors. The minority is always the victims, and the victims are with whom we should always sympathize, no matter what. And the victims are permitted to do anything precisely because they’re a minority, and I’m talking about in numbers, not skin color. They’re outnumbered. The evil majority does horrible things to the minority. And so the minorities, be it skin color or numbers … [are] always victims. And so anything they do is justified and we must try to understand the rage.

    “But in the current climate in the United States, a black person can never be the oppressor and a white can never be the victim. And that’s how you have a corrupt or perverted news business in Salt Lake City, refusing to identify a black cop who may have shot an innocent person. That destroys the whole picture we’ve been creating here for centuries. That could totally destroy the image that we’ve been trying to concoct. Oh man that could blow it sky high; that’s just not supposed to happen. And so they come up with these things to hide it or to not reference it at all.”

    What do you think about the media’s hypocrisy when it comes to black on white, or black on black violence?
    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 08-24-2014 at 06:09 PM.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    it appears that discrimination can only be when the deceased is black and the shooter is white. this administrations seems to also forget all the black children in chicago killed by other blacks. what about the non-blacks who have been killed by those of other races? this administration by sending 3 people from the white house to the funeral has already chosen sides without even hearing all the evidence. If this officer is guilty of using excessive force then he should be prosecuted. However let us not convict him before we have evidence of his alleged guilt. did they not learn a lesson after the trayvon martin/zimmerman incident? what happened to innocent until proven guilty? There are no words to describe this administration...perhaps the whole administration should spend the next 2+ yr on a golf course and not leave until there is a new administration that is not prejudiced, that respects those who have served this country, their towns, their cities, theirs states and lost their lives protecting those they pledged to serve and protect.

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    Lawsuit seeking release of Michael Brown's juvenile records claims slain teen was a murder suspect
    Aug 27th 2014 6:22PM

    An explosive new lawsuit filed in St. Louis seeking the release of Michael Brown's juvenile criminal record alleges the slain teen was a gang member and faced a second degree murder charge.

    The citizen journalism website GotNews took St. Louis County authorities to court Wednesday to secure the release of the records because it believes they do not need to be kept private since he is no longer alive.

    The unarmed Brown was fatally shot earlier this month by white Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. He has no criminal record as an adult, but only because he had recently turned 18, claims GotNews Editor-in-chief Charles Johnson.

    The citizen journo wrote in a Wednesday afternoon post to his site and on Twitter that he was told by law enforcement sources the black teen has a juvenile arrest record that is being kept private.

    Johnson also claims cops told him that Brown's juvenile arrest record contains a second-degree murder charge and there are rumors he is a member of the notorious Crips street gang.

    "To find out if those police officers are correct requires seeing Brown's juvenile arrest record, which ought to be freely available given that he is dead and therefore has no right to privacy remaining," insists Johnson.

    "Knowing the truth about Brown's past will help us gauge the credibility of his parents and family who have called him a 'gentle giant.'"

    Attorney Johnathon Burns, who is arguing the case, told KMOX that since the teen is deceased, his records are no longer sealed.

    "Missouri common law applies, and under Missouri common law, court records and virtually all other documents are open to the public," said Burns.

    Saint Louis University Associate Law Professor Tricia Harrison disagreed in comments to the station, saying that "to suggest that the general public has a right to know what any juvenile does in any situation is ludicrous."

    Courts normally only give up a juvenile's right to privacy to schools and counselors, she added.

    Johnson cites the previous instance of William L. Halstead, a white 18-year-old who stole a packet of cigarettes.

    Halstead was beaten by a security guard until his neck was broken and he was paralyzed, Johnson recalls. The teen died 19 days later.

    "Halstead's juvenile arrest record was released as part of a wrongful death suit filed by his family, much to their protestation."

    AOL News was not immediately able to reach St. Louis County authorities for comment on the lawsuit or its claims.

    Brown was laid to rest Monday after a nationally televised funeral.

    A court hearing is set for September 3.

    Missouri Court Further Clarifies: No Arrest Record for Michael Brown, Juvenile Records Remain Sealed
    By Kyle Becker 46 mins ago

    Following up on a breaking news story last week regarding a lawsuit filed by journalist Charles C. Johnson to release any possible juvenile arrest records of Ferguson shooting victim Michael Brown, NBC News reports that there are no adult convictions or serious juvenile convictions for Brown:

    A Missouri court official said Wednesday that Ferguson police-shooting victim Michael Brown was never convicted of a serious A-level or B-level felony as a juvenile and was not facing any charges at the time of his death, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported Wednesday. It’s unknown if he was ever charged with any lesser offenses.
    The newspaper is one of two media outlets that went to court to force the release of any juvenile criminal records that might exist for the 18-year-old killed Aug. 9 by a police officer. The court has not decided whether to release the full record, but the official did give a few details during the hearing.

    NBC clarifies that the juvenile records of Michael Brown remain sealed:

    Police have said Brown, who was unarmed when he was shot, did not have an adult criminal record — but juvenile records in the state are sealed so it was unclear if he had any run-ins with the law when he was younger.
    The breaking news story covered the report from Johnson’s sources that Michael Brown was arrested as a juvenile in a case involving second-degree murder:

    The sources in Johnson’s investigation prompted the journalist to file a lawsuit for the release of Brown’s juvenile records:

    As was commented by Ryan Gorman of AOL News:

    “To find out if those police officers are correct requires seeing Brown’s juvenile arrest record, which ought to be freely available given that he is dead and therefore has no right to privacy remaining,” insists Johnson.

    “Knowing the truth about Brown’s past will help us gauge the credibility of his parents and family who have called him a ‘gentle giant.’”

    Attorney Johnathon Burns, who is arguing the case, told KMOX that since the teen is deceased, his records are no longer sealed.
    Obviously, investigation into the matter of how and why Michael Brown was killed is ongoing. A grand jury convened Wednesday to further ascertain the facts of the case.
    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 09-03-2014 at 03:21 PM.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    White Officer Accused of Targeting Black Man with Aggression;
    Body Cam Tells the True Story

    September 15, 2014 By Jennifer Burke

    In the wake of the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, there has been an increased effort to paint all white police officers as individuals with itchy trigger fingers to shoot black men. Activist Attorney General Eric Holder has even opened an investigation into the entire Ferguson Police Department, even though the full investigation into the shooting of Brown by Officer Darren Wilson has not yet been completed.

    Outrageous statements such as accusing white officers of willfully gunning down blacks without just cause have been made by some on the Left. A narrative has been pushed that black men are in danger when it comes to police for simply being black men.

    Out of Oakland, California comes a story of such a claim being made, that a white officer used inappropriate force and threatened to shoot a black man. The black man in question is named Keith Jones. He also happens to be a firefighter.

    Jones was returning to his vehicle at 10:45 pm following an Oakland Raiders game with his sons, ages 9 and 12, when he noticed the garage door of his fire station open. He figured the guys left quickly for a call and forgot to shut it. He walked through the station to make sure that everything was okay. As he emerged from shutting the door, a white police officer, who happened to be a rookie, was responding to a possibly burglary in progress and confronted him. According to Jones, the officer yelled, “Don’t move. Put your hands up.”

    Jones told KPIX5, “His hand was on his gun. He was crouched, he was low. He was basically in a shooting stance.” He continued saying how his 9 year old was crying, so he told the officer, “sir, my name is Keith Jones. I’m an Oakland firefighter. I work here. Those are my kids. Could you please allow them to put their hands down and let them know that it’s okay.” Jones then claimed the officer looked at him and said, “Keep your hands up and don’t move.”

    The news story goes on with Jones and his kids saying they thought the officer was going to shoot Jones. He added that, “I think they [white police officers] view black men as a threat.”

    There’s only one problem with Jones’s story.

    The officer in question was wearing a body cam. The rookie police officer was wearing a body cam that caught the entire thing on tape. It proves one thing. Jones was not telling the truth about his altercation with the police officer. In fact, some people might say he’s a liar.

    Is this what things have come to – blatant lies that could end a man’s career and livelihood told just to push a race-baiting narrative?
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    thanks to obama-holder.........

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    Feds tell Ferguson chief to ban 'I am Darren Wilson' bracelets
    Published September 26, 2014
    ·Associated Press

    FERGUSON, Mo – Federal civil rights investigators want the Ferguson police chief to ban his officers from wearing bracelets supporting a white colleague who shot and killed an unarmed, black 18-year-old.

    In a letter released Friday, the U.S. Justice Department asks Police Chief Tom Jackson to "confirm our understanding" that officers in the suburban St. Louis County department won't wear "I am Darren Wilson" bracelets while on duty.

    Ferguson residents complained about the black bracelets with white lettering this week at a meeting with federal officials. Commanders with the Missouri Highway Patrol and St. Louis County Police Department have also agreed to ban the bracelets while the investigation into Michael Brown's Aug. 9 death continues.

    In a separate letter released Friday, the federal agency told Jackson that his officers must wear name plates.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    I see no problem with that as long as the Federal civil rights investigators ban people from shooting at the police, throwing objects at the police, protesting against the police. in addition they should investigate the burning of the memorial and should they find out that the police did not do it (people going house to house saying the police did the burning), then those people should be arrested and charged for inciting to riot and also charged for assault for any injury to any police officer or innocent citizen. If these investigators want to play fair, they should also ban people like al sharpton from coming there to create an atmosphere that encourages people to break the laws. As reported in the early days of unrest, the people that were causing problems were not even from that town and some were not even from that state.

    I am sure that most people in Ferguson are good law abiding people but their goodness has been overshadowed by just a few. Those few are burning and looting businesses. that hurts the business owners and when they decide not to rebuild will eventually hurt the good citizens of ferguson.

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    City Of Ferguson Making Evacuation Plans If Officer Wilson Is Not Indicted
    NTEB News Desk | October 5, 2014

    Ferguson protestors have said they will “burn the city to the ground” in Wilson not indicted

    Local business owner Tasha B from Belle Butters tweeted this out Thursday morning. The business is located in the vicinity of West Florissant, just minutes away from QuikTrip gas station that was torched in Ferguson.

    Ferguson city officials are working on evacuation plans if Officer Darren Wilson is not indicted in the shooting death of 18 year-old robber Michael Brown.

    St. Louis Public Radio reported:

    Ferguson officials are working on plans to alert residents in case of future unrest, according to public relations strategist Devin James, who said he still represents the city on a pro-bono basis. “Say for example, if there is an outbreak of something that goes on tonight and a protest goes from peaceful to violent, what are we supposed to tell residents to do? Are we supposed to tell them to evacuate, the National Guard is coming in? So a lot of those type of conversations are what they’re working on now,” James said.

    City officials are preparing for all possible outcomes of the grand jury’s investigation into the shooting death of Michael Brown, James said. “I’m just being real. If there’s no indictment and there’s an evacuation situation, then we need to be prepared for that,” he said. “If there is an indictment and there’s celebratory unrest, we need to be prepared for that. The city and the law enforcement agencies are looking at all scenarios.”
    In a follow-up statement emailed to reporters, James said residents had not been told to evacuate at this time.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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