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    Was the ‘Innocent Man’ Shot By Ferguson Police the Same Man Who Robbed This Store Minutes Earlier?
    By Brian Hayes on August 15, 2014

    Authorities in Ferguson, Missouri, on Friday identified the officer who fatally shot unarmed black teenager Michael Brown as Darren Wilson, nearly a week after the deadly encounter took place.

    Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson said Wilson was dispatched to investigate a “strong-arm” robbery at a convenience store shortly before his encounter with Brown, 18, on Saturday.

    An incident report said Brown and another man, Dorian Johnson, were suspected of taking a box of cigars from the store. Police say surveillance camera footage shows Brown towering over the clerk in a confrontation.

    Police said Wilson encountered Brown minutes after the 911 call reporting the robbery. Police had previously said Brown was shot multiple times after an officer encountered him and another man.

    Conflicting stories have emerged about whether Brown and the other man physically assaulted the officer, pushing him into his squad car and struggling for his weapon, or whether Brown was trying to run when he was shot, as Johnson has said. While Johnson has been vocal in media interviews over the past week talking about what happened to Brown, he has not mentioned a robbery.

    It is incumbent on the Ferguson police to release key details regarding the alleged assault on officer Wilson, including:
    •Injury report of Officer Darren Wilson
    •Forensic evidence of a shot fired inside Wilson’s patrol car as he and Brown allegedly struggled for the gun
    •A detailed report of the incident, including Wilson’s statements

    The department has taken far too long to release information on the robbery and details above, and if the police account is true, begs the question of why they failed to reveal this data in order to quell the violent rioters before the inflicted millions of dollars in damage on the town’s businesses.
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    Circuit advertisement Looting After Vigil for Missouri Man
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    This is long, but definitely worth the read.

    The Police Wife Life

    My perspective on the Ferguson riots.

    I’ve sat in silence, watching, listening; taking it all in. I’ve contemplated whether to speak on it or not. A news conference today sealed the deal.

    Let’s start with the most pertinent fact of all….. Not one of us have all the facts at this point. Not the police. Not the family of the deceased. Not a single citizen - and certainly not anyone in Washington DC. There is absolutely no disputing that only two people are knowledgeable enough to form a concrete conclusion at this point regarding the circumstances which led up to the discharge of the officer’s weapon. One is the officer. One is the deceased.

    The community is crying out for justice based solely on the “facts” that a white officer (whose identity has not been released) shot and killed an “unarmed black teen”. My first thought was - I sure hope he’s actually a white cop because if he turns out to be a light skinned Latino or Jewish or a mixed blend of Asian and Irish, this white vs. black rhetoric will sure need some tweaking. But I’m sure Al is all over the variables at this point. Secondly…. this was no “teen”. How many have EVER referred to our “teen soldiers”? They are very often times actually in their teenage years when sent abroad and we are sure to address them as “Young men”, “Brave men and women of the armed forces”, however…. put a black man of the same young age in a predicament which turns bad and he is suddenly a “teen”, “another young black youth gunned down”. He would never be addressed in that manner should he have been returning from Afghanistan in a flag draped coffin. Sadly, he most likely would have never made the news at all coming home as a young black man who gave his life to his country, as it’s more newsworthy in America to sensationalize a story about an “unarmed black teen” just as it is more newsworthy to sensationalize the actions of officers in a manner which convicts them before the facts are known.

    I’m not going to address whether or not I believe the officer was justified or not, nor am I going to address whether or not I believe the actions of the deceased led to his death. I won’t because I can’t. I do not have all the facts and without them, I’m simply a hypocrite playing into idiocy and resulting mayhem. What I will address are my thoughts on what has resulted after the fact.

    A police officer fired his weapon which resulted in loss of life. Much of those who are painting this officer as a murderer have clearly not considered some very basic and simple facts:

    NO officer wishes to take a life. If you choose to dismiss that fact based on your belief that officers are blood thirsty ego maniacs on a trigger trip, slow your roll a moment and remember that an officer who discharges his weapon automatically puts him/herself in the worst position possible for their career. Every officer is accountable for every bullet of their career. Every bullet has the potential to end their career, devastate their livelihood, destroy their marriage, haunt their dreams and strip them of the only thing they can identify with in terms of making a living, which is being an officer. There are very few officers who can see themselves installing cable or working on cars or building furniture after the badge, much less see themselves in prison.

    Officers are accustomed to being scrutinized on a micromanaged, microscopic level at all times. An officer’s life is played out on a live reel. Anywhere they go they are being watched. Everything they do is recorded. Everyone has a camera phone, most officers have body mic’s and dash cams. If you think that’s what officers deserve and need to help keep them in check, you might want to consider that the majority of officers hope and pray their actions are caught on some kind of recording, because if not, they are at the mercy of a public who in large part would take joy in their demise. How quickly the public assumes officers act annoyed at cameras in their faces as it must be a revelation of the truth! When in reality most officers are annoyed for the same reason the public is….. how would any of us react if a stranger approached us shoving cameras in our face as we go about our jobs? And if you are in a position in which every 53 hours one of your co-workers DIES doing their job, would you be a little more suspicious of a stranger approaching you? Think it through.

    We don’t know yet what was caught on tape or film or body mic or dash cam due to the position of those involved at the time, however, we have witnesses! They happen to be friends with the deceased and according to much of those in support of the deceased, we should automatically take their account as valid and without distortion. A white cop murdered an unarmed black teen who had his hands in the air, surrendering. However, we shouldn’t even consider that the officer might have not chosen to take a life lightly. We are to assume a life meant nothing to him. We are to assume he had no second thoughts as to murdering another human. We are to assume he had no thoughts whatsoever about his career, his family, his livelihood, his future, his retirement, his potential of spending the rest of his life in prison, his morals, his religion, his own humanity….nor are we to think he might have thought twice as he was standing in front of witnesses. Not having all the facts prevent us from making concrete conclusions on any of it at this point. One thing we know for sure…. 99.9% of us know nothing more about the deceased than we do about the officer, yet in 99.9% of cases, we have all formed an opinion, and none of us are fully informed.

    One fact that cannot be disputed is the pure idiocy of those behaving in a way which is destructive to innocents. Looting, destruction and acts of mayhem against a community and local businesses as a way to make a statement does nothing more than solidify the opinions of those looking in.

    I’ve heard over and over directly from mouths being interviewed “It’s a black thing”…. No. no it’s not. It’s an ignorant thing amongst those who choose to label their own race as victims while they themselves commit illegal acts. There is no making it right. It’s a black thing? Where’s Bill Cosby? Where’s the black officers from that community? There’s three black officers on the payroll…. Where’s their new stolen tv? Oh, but wait… how do you address the black officers? How do you handle them in the black community? Are they exempt? Or are they just as corrupt as the white cops? Are we just going to sweep them under the rug because it doesn’t fit an agenda of a black community vs. white police force? I suppose we’ll call them sellouts since it works against this particular agenda? Are those rioting (not protesting, rioting) hurling Molotov cocktails at the police AFTER asking the black cops to get out of the way? Or is it ALL cops that deserve to be firebombed? That’s not racist in itself is it? Grouping an entire profession into one negative worthless category based on the actions of a few? But isn’t that what the black community is so upset about? Being grouped into one category based on the actions of a few? Or should we not even consider the actions of the few because after all, aren’t they acting as a result of being oppressed and prejudiced against for so long?? That excuses the actions of all, right? We’re tired of being profiled and prejudged and maligned so we’re going to act a straight up fool and ruin the businesses of hard working individuals who have nothing to do with our plight. THAT will give us the credit for our character that we are OWED. That, my friends, is not a black thing…. that’s a stupid thing.

    There once was a boy who was born into a family he didn’t choose. He lived in a neighborhood he didn’t choose. He grew up in poverty he had no control over. He was surrounded by drugs and thieves and those who did what they felt they had to do to get by in a world which seemed to judge them all for absolutely no valid reason. His friends said they had no choice in making a living the way they did. His family struggled to find decent pay in a world which preferred another type of candidate. The police were often around his world, because his world was infested with the crime of those who professed to be forced into illegal activity because the white man was keeping them down. He grew up seeing racism, bias behavior, and anger, frustration and the wearing down of good people because of what they faced. He made a choice. He chose to live by the rules, even those that didn’t seem fair. He stayed in school despite the lure of easy money and the promise of a “family” that would never turn on him. He never assumed he was OWED a thing in this life other than the same opportunity that is given to others. He became a police officer. He has been an officer for almost 18 years. He’s a cop for the right reasons, and he happens to be black. He’s also my husband. And I happen to be white. My children happen to be black and they are being raised and taught by their black father that nothing in life is free, there are no handouts, your work ethic and morals dictate your future and you and you alone are accountable for your own actions. Accountability…..where oh where art thou?
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    There are despicable humans in this world. They come in all colors. There are corrupt, despicable police officers out there as well. There are officers who have profiled and wronged and abused and yes, murdered innocents. There is no excuse for justifying harm to any other officer based on the actions of the corrupt. If you claim you are sick of racism but you also blame “ALL” cops, you are a racist hypocrite. If you claim a black man was murdered by a white cop but you support harming officers not related to the incident in any way, you are a hypocrite. If you support police and believe that it is impossible that they make horrible decisions or bad mistakes or tragic misjudgments, or even callus, calculated injustices, you are naive. When rational common sense is replaced with collective bandwagons, all is lost.

    People are sick of a militarized police nation but no one wants to accept what is bringing it on. How many gang bangers are fighting back with 22’s since the weapon of choice on the street became an assault rifle? But the police should use tasers and less lethal options and “aim at a leg” when they have absolutely no idea what is aimed at them 90% of the time. You want an officer to aim at a leg in a struggle when someone is trying to take possession of his weapon? Role reverse, then speak. Center Mass allows an officer and a soldier to see tomorrow. When a weapon is finally discharged, it is because other options are moot. Enough said.

    Officers are aggressive and paranoid. YA THINK?! They are DYING while WORKING every FIFTY THREE HOURS. They are being ambushed simply sitting in their cars. They are being sought out, targeted and slaughtered by those they have never had a single dealing with. They are being shot at INSIDE their own precincts. Their home addresses and wives and babies are being exposed by criminals. They are being killed in their own driveways while off duty. “People are sick of corrupt police and taking action” Guess what….. GOOD COPS ARE SICK OF SEEING THEIR BROTHERS AND SISTERS SLAUGHTERED and are on high alert. It’s perfectly alright for the black community to start a hashtag campaign about what pic would be chosen “If they gunned me down” but it’s not acceptable to think an officer who sees one of his own die every other day might be a little on edge?? Oh, that’s right….they signed up for that, that eliminates their right to have intent to make it home alive. No one being profiled wants to take accountability for doing the very thing they are speaking against. Profiling all police based on the actions of some is prejudice.

    A white plastic surgeon who was corrupt as shit killed a black woman. He killed many, actually. He was greedy. He was performing cheap surgery on innocent victims with no regard for their lives. Many died or were disfigured and left permanently injured. Where’s Al? Where’s the riots? Where’s the demand for justice against white plastic surgeons!?!? How absurd.

    Where’s the outrage for the black officers who were ambushed and murdered by white felons?? Where’s Al? Better yet… where’s the outrage for the white officers ambushed and murdered by black felons, or white felons for that matter? Why aren’t the police wives and police unions of America marching and protesting and rioting in the ghetto and the white meth head trailer parks where the felons lived?! How absurd.

    I’ve done over 100 tributes to fallen officers, many of them black, many of them murdered by white men, AND I’m married to a black cop…….where’s my free tv? Where’s Al? How absurd.

    If we as a people TRULY want change the first thing we have to get back is accountability. Accountability for our own actions, without blame of others. OWNERSHIP of self-actions. Regardless of our race, regardless of our profession.

    The media and every single person feeding off the absurd, half fact, ill informed, premature lack of factual basis to form any conclusion at this point are contributing to racism, violence and sweeping ignorance in this country. Racism is alive and real and I can promise you as a white woman married to a black man with a mixed special needs child I have seen racism on so many level it’s not even funny. I have experienced racism from black and white females. I have experienced racism because I am married to a police officer. I have experienced racism because my children are mixed. I have experienced racist ignorance as a mother of a special needs child……. And there is not ONE SINGLE PERSON ON EARTH that is responsible for ANYTHING in my life or how I live or what choices I make other than MYSELF.

    I wholeheartedly feel compassion for the family of the deceased. No parent should ever have to bury their child. My prayers are with them. If the officer was in the wrong, I pray justice is served. If he was justified, I pray for humbleness and acceptance and peace. More than anything, I pray we all take a good hard look in the mirror and honestly ask ourselves how each and every contribution we make to this life lends worth. What we are fighting for loses all meaning when we do so without character.

    As police families we should all hold ourselves accountable to an even higher standard. Each and every action as a police officer and as families of officers directly contributes to the positive or negative perception of law enforcement as a whole. We owe it to our own to live by the highest standards of integrity. We also owe it to the communities we are sworn to protect and serve. We can ALL DO BETTER. Regardless of the color of our skin or the occupation we hold – we should strive to make a positive contribution to humanity each and every day. We can all do better.

    Prayers for peace and safety to all our officers who have been hurled into this mess, and to all the families who are praying them home.
    Melissa Littles, Founder
    The Police Wife LifeĀ©
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    UNREAL. The Ferguson Street tries to wish the Mike Brown robbery video out of existence
    ‘Very Clearly Blurry’: Shocked Mike Brown Supporters Tell CNN His Robbery Video Was 'Photoshopped'

    And OJ is innocent

    Sadly, this is not from The Onion. And it demonstrates the challenge faced by the officials of Ferguson and Missouri as they continue to release more evidence regarding the Michael Brown shooting.

    As TRN reported this morning, police released a video showing Michael Brown allegedly robbing a convenience store prior to his shooting at the hands of Ferguson officer Darren Wilson.

    We demonstrated how key details of the store’s surveillance video and Brown’s death photo show clearly it is the same person.

    Brown’s accomplice Dorian Johnson admitted Brown did it. Even the Brown family’s attorney agreed it was Mike Brown on the video, as he told FoxNews:

    Daryl Parks, an attorney for the Brown family, confirmed that the security footage “appears to look like” the teenager, but accused the police chief of “strategically” releasing the video to “assassinate the character of Michael Brown.”
    But for the stunned street crowd who insisted that the “child” Brown (he was 18 years old and 6′ 2″) was blameless and was simply “executed” out of nowhere by a maniac cop, the released video simply did not ft in with their reality.

    So they simply disbelieved it out of existence…and tried to convince CNN’s Don Lemon to do the same.

    “Very clearly blurry”. Huh?

    And please Don Lemon, tell her you can’t “Photoshop” streaming video, and that even Robert Zemeckis would have had a hard time concocting a phony Michael Brown robbery video given a Hollywood FX studio.

    But what is remarkable is the woman who insisted that had they released this video on Sunday they wouldn’t have rioted. This ignores the fact that a video posted on YouTube Sunday morning showed a “witness” who admitted that Brown had strong-arm robbed the cigars from the store.

    He said everyone in the neighborhood knew he did it. So would a police video proving what “everyone” already knew really have stopped the riot? Or were they determined to have their riot, come hell or high water?

    We await the police report and forensics evidence of the alleged struggle between Brown and Officer Wilson, as alleged.

    Not that this street crowd will believe a word of any of it.
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    people all over have been questioning why nothing is being said by al sharpton, rev jesse jackson and pres obama regarding what happens everyday in chicago yet they speak up about ferguson (I heard one person say because there are no cameras in chicago). should people who are inciting these riots be arrested no matter who they are? should those people sending those hate tweets be held accountable? I congrat those who have their heads on straight and are crying for peaceful demonstrations.

    CBS/APAugust 16, 2014, 7:17 AM
    Anger boils over again in Ferguson

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    Weak police response in Ferguson confirms necessity of self-defense, gun ownership
    Posted at 9:38 am on August 16, 2014

    The lack of an effective law enforcement response in Ferguson, Mo., this morning proves once again that sometimes citizens must defend themselves. And that is exactly what some store owners have started to do:

    We know, we know: Amanda Marcotte and her fellow liberal bloggers don’t approve.
    Guess what, Amanda, these Ferguson businessmen don’t care what you think.

    Store owners guard Ferguson businesses with their own guns

    Posted 6:42 am, August 16, 2014,

    FERGUSON, MO (KTVI) – FOX 2 reporter George Sells interviews store owners that brought their own weapons to guard their store from looters. They talked to police who the owners say were in the parking lot at Dominos and would not help. The owners are not sure that they’re going to stay in business.

    Police will be holding a press conference at 2pm to address the looting that occurred overnight.
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    What the Obama Administration Wanted Police to Do with the Ferguson Robbery Video is Revealing

    In a shocking revelation today, it was revealed that the Department of Justice had the videotape footage of Michael Brown robbing a liquor store in Ferguson, but actually told the police department NOT to release it to the public.

    From CNN:

    …Friday’s release of the store-theft video by Ferguson police occurred over the objections of federal authorities, a law enforcement official told CNN on Saturday.

    Ferguson police had wanted to release the video Thursday but held off when the U.S. Justice Department asked them not to, arguing that doing so would increase tensions in the community, the source said.

    But Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson released it Friday, announcing for the first time that Brown was suspected of stealing cigars from Ferguson Market and Liquor shortly before noon August 9, minutes before Wilson encountered and shot him.

    MSNBC Contributor Goldie Taylor commented:

    And why would the Obama administration not want the video to come into the public view?

    It’s notable that the community was demanding more and more transparency from the police department, but this video was kept under wraps until nearly a week of rioting and confrontation had gone by.

    The Obama administration wanted to put a lid on that transparency, and ironically, this only suits a political agenda of further stoking racial tension. So much for the “most transparent administration ever.”
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    A Witness Conversation Unknowingly Captured at the Scene of the Ferguson Shooting is a Game-Changer

    A previously unnoticed detail in a background conversion of a video taken minutes after the Ferguson shooting could change the course of the investigation into Mike Brown’s death.

    The original video poster appears sympathetic to the narrative that Mike Brown was shot unarmed with his hands in the air. But he unknowingly picks up conversation between a man who saw the altercation and another neighbor.

    An approximate transcription of the background conversation, as related by the “Conservative Treehouse” blog:

    @6:28/6:29 of video

    #1 How’d he get from there to there?

    #2 Because he ran, the police was still in the truck – cause he was like over the truck


    #2 But him and the police was both in the truck, then he ran – the police got out and ran after him


    #2 Then the next thing I know he doubled back toward him cus - the police had his gun drawn already on him –

    #1. Oh, the police got his gun

    #2 The police kept dumpin on him, and I’m thinking the police kept missing – he like – be like – but he kept coming toward him


    #2 Police fired shots – the next thing I know – the police was missing

    #1 The Police?

    #2 The Police shot him

    #1 Police?

    #2 The next thing I know … I’m thinking … the dude started running … (garbled something about “he took it from him”)

    This is terribly important because if Mike Brown had been shot, and he advanced towards the cop instead of surrendering, it would substantiate the narrative that the policeman shot in self-defense due to the fact that he was being threatened with severe bodily harm.

    This corroborates an account of the event given by a friend of Officer Darren Wilson:

    Well, then Michael takes off and gets to be about 35 feet away. And, Darren’s first protocol is to pursue. So, he stands up and yells, “Freeze!” Michael and his friend turn around. And Michael taunts him… And then all the sudden he just started bumrushing him. He just started coming at him full speed. And, so he just started shooting. And, he just kept coming. And, so he really thinks he was on something.”

    It’s far too unlikely that these two accounts are similar accidentally, having been from such disparate sources. The seeming witness in the background conversation is speaking with detail about the tragic shooting, and in a manner that runs contrary to the widespread version. Those who watch the video need to judge for themselves if the witness sounds reliable (but he would seemingly have nothing to gain by telling such a story.)

    A third piece of the puzzle would be the toxicology report. If there happens to be anything found that might explain how Mike Brown might have been shot and kept advancing toward the officer, then the defense becomes even more believable. Unless someone is emotionally invested in an alternative narrative to the extent that one might ignore plain facts.

    We shall see.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    The narratives, they are a changin’.

    The New York Times published a story tonight detailing the autopsy of Ferguson, Missouri, teen Michael Brown. Things are not as they had appeared in the immediate aftermath of his death last week.
    As news spread, the narrative-jolting autopsy results trended on Twitter.

    Analysts and news observers drew out the implications and minced no words:

    Pathologist says Brown was shot from the front. Head wound suggests he was leaning forward (charging?) #Ferguson

    Dr. Baden's autopsy Seems to contradict Dorian Johnson's initial version of events. A private, family-requested autopsy shows that Michael Brown was shot at least six times — twice in the head — with all of the bullets striking him in the front.

    whoah. @nytimes article on Dr. Baden 2nd #MikeBrown autopsy says Eric Holder is going to have a THIRD autopsy done.

    BREAKING: Attorney General Holder orders federal autopsy on Michael Brown at family's request

    3rd autopsy. has this ever happened?RT @ShannonPoe DOJ is conducting “their own” autopsy. Due to “extraordinary nature” of the case #eyeroll



    Here’s the version of the shooting as told by Michael Brown’s friend Dorian Johnson, who was with Brown at the time (as well as during the strong-arm robbery of a grocery store earlier that day):

    Brown and Johnson then ran towards a line of three cars on the side of the street. Johnson went behind the first, but Brown ran past. Brown yelled “Keep running, bro!” But by the time he got to the third car, the officer shot Brown in the back, according to Johnson.

    Johnson says Brown stopped, put his hands up, turned around, and yelled he didn’t have a gun.

    The officer allegedly shot several more times, Brown fell to the ground, and Johnson ran to his apartment.
    And here’s the account of a woman who called into Dana Loesch’s radio show late last week.

    Transcript of the caller via Gateway Pundit:

    He pulled up ahead of them. And then he got a call-in that there was a strong-arm robbery. And, they gave a description. And, he’s looking at them and they got something in their hands and it looks like it could be what, you know those cigars or whatever. So he goes in reverse back to them. Tries to get out of his car. They slam his door shut violently. I think he said Michael did. And, then he opened the car again. He tried to get out. He stands up.

    And then Michael just bum-rushes him and shoves him back into his car. Punches him in the face and them Darren grabs for his gun. Michael grabbed for the gun. At one point he got the gun entirely turned against his hip. And he shoves it away. And the gun goes off.

    Well, then Michael takes off and gets to be about 35 feet away. And, Darren’s first protocol is to pursue. So, he stands up and yells, “Freeze!” Michael and his friend turn around. And Michael taunts him… And then all the sudden he just started bumrushing him. He just started coming at him full speed. And, so he just started shooting. And, he just kept coming. And, so he really thinks he was on something.
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    Missouri State Highway Patrol Capt. Ron Johnson's comments below remind me of what AG Eric Holder said regarding the trayvon martin/zimmerman incident when talking to his son and imho can be interpreted as siding with the victim and thus condemning the non-black. any incident like this is heartbreaking for all involved, but no person of authority should take sides before all the facts are in. these 2 men imho are feeding the fires of hate.

    National Guard called out as Ferguson unrest continues

    look at this part in the article "Earlier on Sunday, Johnson said he had met with members of Brown's family and the experience "brought tears to my eyes and shame to my heart."

    "When this is over," he told the crowd at a rally held at a local church, "I'm going to go in my son's room. My black son, who wears his pants sagging, who wears his hat cocked to the side, got tattoos on his arms, but that's my baby."

    Johnson added: "We all need to thank the Browns for Michael. Because Michael's going to make it better for our sons to be better black men."

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    Wait Till You See the List of Demands in Ferguson, MO from these Radical Marxist New Black Panthers
    August 12, 2014 By Jennifer Burke

    What has happened in Ferguson, Missouri is tragic. Not only is the death of Michael Brown tragic, but the way the community is responding is just as tragic. We do not know all of the facts surrounding how Brown was shot. Although unarmed, the situation is being framed as if the officer in question simply drew his gun and shot Brown. But, that may not be the case.

    It’s possible that Brown was shot during a struggle with the officer as there have been reports that he was trying to take the officer’s gun. But, facts don’t matter to race hustlers and people seeking an excuse to rob, steal, and race bait. They are jumping to conclusions and reacting in ways that are both inappropriate and dangerous.

    The community has gone so wild that one would think they are in a war-torn area. People are rioting, looting, stealing, burning down business, destroying personal property, shooting at police and news helicopters, and threatening the lives and property of others. The shakedown artist himself, Al Sharpton, is on his way to do his shakedown artist act before the camera with a list of demands. Mind you, he is not demanding that the community calm down, act rationale, and stop the violence. No, he is demanding vigilante justice before all the facts are in.

    And Sharpton isn’t the only one with a list of demands. The New Black Panthers have arrived on the scene with their own demands in which they play judge, jury, and executioner prior to any investigation being conducted.

    The New Black Panthers and Al Sharpton do not want answers. They do not want to know the truth for the truth they hear may just impact their race baiting antics. No, they want vigilante justice at any and all costs.

    Take a close look at the groups partnering with the New Black Panthers in their list of demands and street justice.

    Will Eric Holder, who self-identifies as an activist attorney general, intervene to ensure an outcome that will help him and Barack Obama with their continued attempts to divide the country on racial lines?

    Protester justifies the looting in Ferguson

    Posted 12:55 pm, August 11, 2014

    ST. LOUIS, MO – DeAndre Smith, 30, of Ferguson, justifies the looting that happened in Ferguson. He spoke with Kim Bell of the Post-Dispatch on Monday morning as the burned-out QuikTrip still smoldered in the background.
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