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    Democrat Senator Pulls Resolution To Honor Cesar Chavez After GOP Adds Border Security Language
    Senator Bob Menendez introduced a resolution to honor “Cesar Chavez’ legacy.” But hilarity ensued when Republicans tried to tell the truth about Chavez’ real position against illegal immigration.

    By Brian Hayes - Top Right News on April 1, 2014

    With the late-labor icon Cesar Chavez in the news because of the release of the film bearing his name, plus his March 31 birthday, many advocates for illegal alien amnesty are using Chavez’ memory to promote their cause.

    One such advocate, New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez, introduced a resolution calling for the Senate to honor and promote his legacy.

    But the resolution was objected to by Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions on behalf of Louisiana Senator David Vitter, who wanted to add an amendment pointing out that Chavez opposed illegal immigration, demanded a secure border, and believed in enforcing immigration law.

    Menendez, who has introduced the resolution eight years running, requested live unanimous consent for the commemorative resolution because in the past it has been blocked without a way of knowing who did so.

    “Cesar Chavez was a man before his time, and he deserves proper recognition,” Menendez continued. “He dedicated his life to fighting for equality, justice, and dignity – not only for Hispanic Farm Workers, but for ALL workers in the United States.”

    “If Republicans are going to object yet again – for an eighth year in a row – to honoring this great American hero, I want it to be on the record,” Menendez said on the floor.
    Menendez — a member of the Senate’s infamous “Gang of 8″ which passed an amnesty bill for illegals in 2013 — got way more than he bargained for.

    Not only did Republicans speak out, but they spelled out exactly what Chavez actually believed about immigration and the border.

    Vitter wanted to add that Chavez believed in enforcing immigration laws because of “the deleterious effects of inexpensive labor” on the wages of farm workers in the U.S.

    The two-part amendment concluded that Chavez recognized the importance of a secure southern border with Mexico and encouraged members of the United Farm Workers of America to contact immigration authorities to report instances of illegal labor.

    In fact Chavez was so virulently opposed to illegal immigrants, that he routinely reported them to the then-INS to get them deported, and even led a large protest along the Mexican border with Civil Rights icon Rev. Ralph Abernathy, to protest the insecure border and Mexican illegal alien invasion which he denounced for stealing his union workers’ jobs and hurting their wages.

    Even pro-amnesty columnist Ruben Navarrette has ridiculed the cynical use of Chavez’ legacy, insisting that “Cesar Chavez Would Not Have Supported Amnesty for Illegals.”

    In fact, Chavez himself used language that would earn him a “hater” label by the SPLC were he alive today, routinely using the term “illegals” and “wetbacks”to describe Mexican border crossers…

    Back in the Senate, an angry Robert Menendez said the language clarifying Chavez’ real positions on the border and illegals was “irrelevant” to the commemorative resolution before pulling the resolution altogether.

    Which just goes to show, Democrats are all about distorting history to use as propaganda. When faced with actual history that counters their agenda, they run for the hills.
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    April 2, 2014 / Kent Clark

    The images included below shed light on the dangers U.S. Border Patrol agents are facing from rock throwers along the U.S./Mexico border. The Border Patrol has come under an unprecedented level of fire from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and their allies in both government and media for the use of deadly force in response to some rock attacks from individuals and groups illegally entering the U.S. from Mexico.

    Breitbart Texas has reported extensively on the left-of-center campaign to restrict the ability of Border Patrol agents to defend themselves and on the false narratives such open-borders advocates use in their political and media attacks against the men and women of the Border Patrol.

    The reality being far from the false narrative of “kids throwing pebbles,” the life-threatening rock attacks against Border Patrol agents often occur in remote areas when a solitary Border Patrol agent may be up to a 90-minute drive from their nearest backup. The solitary Border Patrol agent’s radio often does not work due to insufficient communications infrastructure along the U.S./Mexico border–leaving the agent alone and unable to call for help. The attacks often come from illegal immigrants trafficking drugs or human beings, or from illegal immigrants trying to divert the attention and resources of the Border Patrol in an effort to assist drug and human traffickers.

    The below images were provided to Breitbart Texas from Homeland Security Today. The images show injuries to Border Patrol agents, damage to Border Patrol vehicles, and some of the large rocks used in such attacks. They graphically reveal the reality of such rock attacks and the risks such attacks pose to the very lives of U.S. Border Patrol agents.

    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Stand With Arizona (and Against Illegal Immigration) WATCH: Last week we reported how ICE was releasing hundreds of illegal alien women and children from detention in TX, allowing them free travel within the U.S. Well word gets out fast. Now illegals are crossing the border and SEEKING OUT Border Agents, with the full expectation of quick release. This is Emperor Obama's virtual amnesty in full effect...

    Illegal Aliens Cross Border, Immediately Surrender to Border Patrol (Expecting Release) – Video

    By Top Right News on April 3, 2014

    Earlier this week we reported on how ICE was releasing hundreds of women and children in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, with no reason given except the claim of “overcrowded detention facilities”.

    We heard from agents that these women were not tested either for diseases nor pregnancy, and were permitted to travel anywhere in the U.S.

    ICE said they were not permitted to work, and had to show up for “hearings” before an immigration judge months from now. But we heard how all the women said they would be working anyway, and how almost NO illegals given hearing dates ever show up.

    This is Obama’s virtual amnesty in action. And word gets out fast. Yesterday, dozens of illegal alien women and children crossed the border as always. But they aren’t running, or even trying to evade “La Migra”. Why bother? They are actually seeking out the Border Patrol agents and surrendering to them — with the full expectation of being released.

    This is complete lawlessness. Obama’s apparent new decree is that any women or children who manage to cross our Southern border are free to stay in the U.S. Neither the citizens of Texas nor America have any say in the matter. Congress is silent despite the violation of numerous Federal laws implicit in these actions.

    The whim of Emperor Obama becomes “law”. This is tyranny, plain and simple.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    do the border guards hand out voter registration cards with an x next to democrat? At this point nothing surprises me

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    RUH, ROH! Looks like one of Obama's favorite amnesty advocates was caught trafficking illegal aliens for cash, as well as perjury and witness tampering.

    Amnesty Advocate Indicted for Immigration Fraud

    By Top Right News on April 5, 2014

    An amnesty advocate that President Barack Obama’s White House publicly promoted as part of its “Champion of Change” series has been indicted in federal court on charges of fraud.

    Apparently Bonnie M. Youn just couldn’t wait for “comprehensive immigration reform,” and she allegedly decided to bring in illegal immigrants on her own. Well, she was just following the lawless example of her own mentor, Barack.

    Unfortunately, that’s still illegal in America:

    Bonnie M. Youn, who Obama’s White House touts on its website as “a recognized Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) community leader in Georgia,” was indicted on three criminal charge counts in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia Atlanta Division on April 1, according to publicly filed court documents.

    The first indictment count alleges Youn committed perjury with regard to an alien illegally in the United States. The second indictment count alleges that Youn violated a federal immigration law that prohibits bringing illegal aliens into the United States and harboring them, alleging she did so “for the purpose of commercial advantage and private financial gain.” The third indictment count alleges Youn illegally tampered with witness testimony, specifically alleging she influenced the illegal alien—whose identity is kept anonymous in the indictment—to provide false information about employment in the United States to federal agents.
    Youn’s bio on her page says she “has worked tirelessly to provide a voice for immigrants and AAPI communities.”

    Ironically, Youn was awarded the “Cesar Chavez Champions of Change Award” for her work in immigration. Chavez, as we have noted, and as amnesty-advocating Democrats would like us to forget, opposed illegal immigration and amnesty, and demanded a secure Mexican border to protect his legal farm workers.

    We applaud the U.S. Attorney’s office for rightfully putting the screws to the criminal Youn.

    But we wonder — since her boss Obama is doing exactly what she has done, but under color of “law” and on a much larger scale — why isn’t he being indicted too?

    Link to Youn’s full indictment here.
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    "Illegally crossing America's border is an act of love."

    - Jeb Bush -(R)ino disgrace.
    Crossing the Border Illegally an 'Act of Love'

    6 Apr 2014, 11:07 AM PDT 2781 post a comment

    Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush discussing immigration reform on Fox News this Sunday:

    "I'm going to say this and it will be on tape, and so be it. The way I look at this is someone who comes to our country because they couldn't come legally, they come to our country because their family's dad who loves their children was worried that their children didn't have food on the table, and they wanted to make sure their family was intact. And they crossed the border because they had no other means to work to be able to provide for their family. Yes, they broke the law, but it's not a felony. it's kind of -- it's a -- it's an act of love. It's an act of commitment to your family. I honestly think that's a different kind of crime that should be, there should be a price paid, but it shouldn't be -- it shouldn't rile people up that people are actually coming to this country to provide for their families. And the idea that we're not going to fix this but with with comprehensive reform ends up trapping these people, when they could make a great contribution for their own their families but also for us.

    So I think we need to get beyond the harsh political rhetoric to a better place. The great number of people who come to this country come because they have no opportunities in other places. They may love their country, but they come here because they want to provide for their families. And they can make a contribution to our country if we actually organized ourselves in a better way."
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    is he naive?
    Does he really believe that it is their love that they get drunk, drive and maim and kill americans?
    Is it love that makes some of them sodomize and rape women and children?
    Is it love that makes them steal from the american people by getting free benefits that americans pay for and cannot get?
    Is it love they steal Americans identity, use fake ssn (collect ss too)

    perhaps he hasn't heard or read the interviews I have:
    why did you come to the US?
    To make money, send it home and when I have enough, I will return home and live like a king.

    I want my kids to have a free college education.

    I want the benefits that i can get for free like housing, food, education, health care where i do not have to pay. I can still work but they do not know it

    do you want to be a citizen of the US? NO! I do not want to pay taxes

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    5000 legal students in Florida may lose their tuition benefits to illegals.
    Shouldn't we be thinking about fulfilling the American dream for Americans first?

    Written by Allen West on April 7, 2014

    Everyone talks about the American Dream but are we purposefully ruining it for American kids? I always find it interesting how liberal progressives use oxymoronic labels for their legislative proposals. Take for example the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” or how about the “Consumer Finance and Protection Bureau?” This particular story refers to the “Dream Act” which seeks to provide opportunities to illegal immigrant children that the liberal progressives so warmly renamed as “dreamers” — heck, I’m a dreamer, and I’m dreaming that President Obama would just walk out of the White House.

    My friend and fellow retired Army officer, Dr. Rich Swier, has posted some interesting factoids about enabling the dreams of illegals over the aspirations and dreams of Americans.

    Swier writes,

    “In a report released by Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) the impact of providing College Tuition Subsidy for Illegal Aliens (HB851/SB1400, a.k.a. in-state tuition) will be that approximately 5,000 legal students will be displaced in Florida higher level institutions by illegal alien students. These legislators are unwilling to raise taxes for the additional illegal alien students by expanding capacity so legal students will consequently be displaced.”
    This means a lot to me because I have one daughter in college in Florida and another who will graduate high school in 2015. What of their dreams?

    While the number of displaced legal students and fiscal cost vary slightly between HB851 and SB1400 the estimates are similar:

    - HB851 will displace of 5,026 legal students.

    - SB1400 will displace 5,175 legal students.

    - The fiscal cost of HB851 is estimated at $21.7 million.

    - The fiscal cost of SB1400 is estimated at $22.7 million.
    The full report is available here.

    You see, politicians are quite manipulative in the use of poll-tested verbiage to drive the electorate — we, the people — to their desired outcome. No one wants to feel as though they are taking away someone’s “dream.” However, are our priorities so misaligned that we will sacrifice our own American children for the political gain of these charlatans and usurpers?

    I will not, and this is truly a bipartisan issue. As Dr. Swier points out, “While Democrats have consistently supported college tuition subsidy for illegal aliens, only recently has Republican leadership supported the measure. The impetus for Republicans to support the benefit seems to be a distorted belief that Governor Rick Scott’s sagging poll numbers will be bolstered.”

    American college students are being saddled with tremendous student loan debt and decreasing viable job opportunities upon graduation. And instead of focusing on them, we’re going to use American taxpayer dollars to get votes? There is no logic in this unless you are a politician focused on winning at any cost, and your highly paid consultant is driving you to believe this is the best means to garner support of certain demographics. Are the days long gone when leaders actually addressed the interests of American citizens? Are we in the era when only collective special interests are considered, and regular schmoes be damned?

    Let’s send a message not just across Florida, but all across America. We have open doors, we don’t want open borders and we certainly want to fulfill the dreams of OUR children first.
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    americans will continue to pay for college but their owns will not be able to go. colleges only have x number of openings and if they give those openings to students who do not pay, then american families and their children will get a double whammy

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    The Cost of Illegal Immigration...
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    Rand Paul: US 'Can't Invite the Whole World' to Immigrate
    Sen. Rand Paul says potential White House rival Jeb Bush was inarticulate when he described immigrants who come to the United States illegally as committing an "act of love."

    Sunday, 13 Apr 2014 12:22 PM By Sandy Fitzgerald

    Paul, the Kentucky Republican exploring a 2016 campaign, says Bush should have kept his focus on controlling the U.S. borders.

    "I think he might have been more artful, maybe, in the way he presented this," said Paul. "But I don't want to say, oh, he's terrible for saying this. If it were me, what I would have said is, people who seek the American dream are not bad people. "However, we can't invite the whole world. When you say they're doing an act of love and you don't follow it up with, but we have to control the border, people think well because they're doing this for kind reasons that the whole world can come to our country."

    Bush, a former Florida governor, says the GOP cannot demonize immigrants and should show compassion. He described illegal immigration as an "act of love" by people trying to provide for their families.

    On other topics, Paul said that national defense spending is the "the most important thing" the government does, but it shouldn't be given a "bank check" like many conservatives believe. "Some conservatives think, oh, give them whatever they want, and that everything is for our soldiers, and they play up this patriotism that, oh, we don't have to control defense spending," Paul said.

    Paul, like many other Republicans considered as potential candidates for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination, was in Manchester, N.H. this weekend for the state's "Freedom Summit."

    Karl pointed out that Paul was one of the only two senators, along with Nevada Republican Sen. Dean Heller, to vote against aid for Ukraine. He also was one of two who voted against the resolution with Iran over nuclear weapons. Karl told Paul he is "more closely associated with the left" on such items. "I think that's an incorrect conclusion, you know," Paul interrupted. "I would say my foreign policy is right there with what came out of Ronald Reagan."

    Paul said that defense spending has to be controlled, because the nation "can't be a trillion dollars in the hole" on the issue.

    Paul said he voted against a resolution to do "anything possible" to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons, because he fears such absolute measures could lead to war. "I've repeatedly voted for sanctions against Iran," said Paul "And I think all options should be on the table to prevent them from having nuclear weapons. The way they wrote the resolution, and I'm a stickler on what the wording is, because I don't want to have voted for something that declared war without people actually thinking through this."

    If such policies had been in place, this country would be at war over nuclear weapons in other countries, he said. "We woke up one day and Pakistan had nuclear weapons. If that would have been our policy towards Pakistan, we would be at war with Pakistan," said Paul. "We woke up one day and China had nuclear weapons. We woke up one day and Russia had them. The people who say, 'by golly, we will never stand for that,' they are voting for war."

    In other matters, Paul was cagy over his presidential aspirations. A New Hampshire poll, and several other polls have placed him in an early lead, but Paul said he's not made a decision. "I guess it's better than not being noticed," said Paul. "No matter what happens, I think the Republican Party needs to evolve, change, grow if we're going to win again. And so I do want to be part of that."

    Paul noted that there has been a "hardened resistance" when it comes to his party's attracting young voters and minorities that has been going on for "decade after decade after decade."

    But meanwhile, he contended, there's "not one Democrat" that's offered to help the people of Detroit, which only gave Republicans 3 percent of the presidential vote. "I went to the people of Detroit and I offered them a billion dollars of their own money to try to help them recover," said Paul. The money was in tax cuts, which Karl said "aren't going to help," but Paul said the money "would be left in the hands of businesses... let's grow those businesses and they will employ more people."

    Paul also denied Sunday that he was questioning the motives of Vice-President Dick Cheney in 2009 when he made a speech claiming that Cheney wanted to invade Iraq because of his ties with Halliburton. "I'm not questioning his motives," said Paul. "I don't think Dick Cheney did it out of malevolence, I think he loves his country as much as I love the country."
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