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    Mexico official: Stolen cobalt-60 found
    AP 4 hr ago | By Rodrigo Soberanes of Associated Press

    The truck was taking cobalt-60 from a hospital in Tijuana to a radioactive waste storage center and was stolen in Tepojaco near Mexico City.

    VERACRUZ, Mexico — Mexico's nuclear safety director says that missing radioactive cobalt-60 has been found near where the stolen truck transporting the material was abandoned in central Mexico state.

    Juan Eibenschutz says the area is a kilometer from the nearest town and so far poses no threat or need for evacuation.

    A stolen container of radioactive material was found empty Wednesday and radioactivity was detected nearby, Mexico's nuclear safety director said.

    Authorities cordoned off an area about a half mile from where the stolen truck and empty container were found in the state of Mexico, said Juan Eibenschutz, director general of the National Commission of Nuclear Safety and Safeguards.

    "Fortunately there are no people where the source of radioactivity is," Eibenschutz said.

    Eibenschutz said the truck was found in Hueypoxtla, an agricultural town of about 4,000 people.

    The cargo truck hauling the extremely dangerous radioactive cobalt-60 from used medical equipment was stolen from a gas station early Tuesday, and authorities had put out an alert in six central states and the capital looking for it.

    The truck was carrying a metal container of cobalt-60 to a nuclear waste facility in the state of Mexico, which is adjacent to Mexico City.

    Eibenschutz said direct exposure to the cobalt would result in death within a few minutes.

    "This is a radioactive source that is very strong," Eibenschutz told The Associated Press, adding that it can be almost immediately fatal, depending on proximity.

    Eibenschutz didn't know the exact weight, but said it was the largest amount stolen in recent memory, and the intensity of the material caused the alert. Local, state and federal authorities, including the military, joined the search for the truck.

    The material was used in obsolete radiation therapy equipment that is being replaced throughout Mexico's public health system. It was coming from the general hospital in the northern border city of Tijuana, Eibenshutz said.

    Before the container was found, he said the thieves most likely wanted the white 2007 Volkswagen cargo vehicle with a moveable platform and crane.

    Eibenschutz said there was nothing so far to indicate the theft of the cobalt was intentional or in any way intended for an act of terrorism.

    The truck marked "Transportes Ortiz" left Tijuana on Nov. 28 and was headed to the storage facility when the driver stopped to rest at a gas station in Tepojaco, in Hidalgo state north of Mexico City.

    The driver, Valentin Escamilla Ortiz, told authorities he was sleeping in the truck when two men with a gun approached about 1:30 a.m. Tuesday. They made him get out, tied his hands and feet and left him in a vacant lot nearby. When he was able to free himself, he ran back to the gas station to get help.

    On average, a half dozen thefts of radioactive materials are reported in Mexico each year and none have proven to be aimed at the cargo, Eibenschutz said. He said that in all the cases the thieves were after shipping containers or the vehicles.

    Unintentional thefts of radioactive materials are not uncommon, said an official familiar with cases reported by International Atomic Energy Agency member states, who was not authorized to comment on the case. In some cases, radioactive sources have ended up being sold as scrap, causing serious harm to people who unknowingly come into contact with it.

    In a Mexican case in the 1970s, one thief died and the other was injured when they opened a container holding radioactive material, he said.

    The container was junked and sold to a foundry, where it contaminated some steel reinforcement bars made there. Eibenschutz said all foundries in Mexico now have equipment to detect radioactive material.

    Associated Press writers Emilio Lopez in Pachuca, Mexico; Katherine Corcoran in Mexico City; Alicia A. Caldwell in Washington and George Jahn in Vienna contributed to this report.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jolie Rouge View Post
    How secure is that border ???

    Truck carrying radioactive material stolen in Mexico
    Dec 04, 2013 9:17 AM CST By RNN Staff

    (RNN) - A truck carrying dangerous radioactive material was stolen near Mexico City.

    Jennifer Cole, head of emergency management at the Royal United Services Institute think tank, said the materials could be used to make a "dirty bomb," according to NBC News.

    Mexican officials notified the International Atomic Energy Agency's Incident and Emergency Center that a truck carrying a radiotherapy machine used in cancer treatment was taken Monday morning.

    The truck was taking a cobalt-60 teletherapy source from a hospital in Tijuana to a radioactive waste storage center in Tepojaco.

    "At the time the truck was stolen, the source was properly shielded," the IAEA stated. "However, the source could be extremely dangerous to a person if removed from the shielding, or if it was damaged."

    Mexican authorities are searching for the device, the IAEA stated.

    Besides its use in medicine, cobalt-60 is used industrially in leveling gauges, detecting structural flaws and for food irradiation, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    Cobalt-60 decays by giving off beta particles and gamma radiation. The CDC stated exposure to large sources of the radioactive material can cause skin burns, acute radiation sickness or death.
    Stolen Container Of Radioactive Material Found, Mexican Official Says (UPDATE)
    By OLGA R. RODRIGUEZ 12/04/13 09:24 PM

    MEXICO CITY (AP) — A missing shipment of radioactive cobalt-60 was found Wednesday near where the stolen truck transporting the material was abandoned in central Mexico, the country's nuclear safety director said.

    The highly radioactive material had been removed from its container, officials said, and one predicted that anyone involved in opening the box could be in grave danger of dying within days.

    The cobalt-60 was left in a rural area about a kilometer (a half a mile) from Hueypoxtla, an agricultural town of about 4,000 people, but it posed no threat or a need for an evacuation, said Juan Eibenschutz, director general of the National Commission of Nuclear Safety and Safeguards.

    "Fortunately there are no people where the source of radioactivity is," Eibenschutz said.

    Commission physicist Mardonio Jimenez said it was the first time cobalt-60 had been stolen and extracted from its container. The only threat was to whoever opened the box and later discarded the pellets of high-intensity radioactive material that was being transported to a waste site. It had been used in medical equipment for radiation therapy.

    "The person or people who this took out are in very great risk of dying," Jimenez said, adding that the normal survival rate would be between one and three days.

    He said there was no word so far of anyone reporting to area hospitals with radiation exposure. He said those who exposed themselves to the pellets could not contaminate others.

    Federal police and military units on the scene put up a cordon of 500 meters (yards) around the site.

    The cargo truck hauling the cobalt-60 was stolen from a gas station early Tuesday in the neighboring state of Hidalgo, about 40 kilometers (24 miles) from where the material was recovered, Jimenez said. Authorities had put out an alert in six central states and the capital looking for it.

    The truck was taking the cobalt to a nuclear waste facility in the state of Mexico, which is adjacent to Mexico City

    The material was used in obsolete radiation therapy equipment that is being replaced throughout Mexico's public health system. It was coming from the general hospital in the northern border city of Tijuana, Eibenshutz said.

    Before the container was found, he said the thieves most likely wanted the white 2007 Volkswagen cargo vehicle with a moveable platform and crane.

    Eibenschutz said there was nothing to indicate the theft of the cobalt was intentional or in any way intended for an act of terrorism.

    On average, a half dozen thefts of radioactive materials are reported in Mexico each year and none have proven to be aimed at the cargo itself, he said.

    According to the complaint of this theft, a truck marked "Transportes Ortiz" left Tijuana on Nov. 28 and was headed to the storage facility when the driver stopped to rest at a gas station in Tepojaco, in Hidalgo state north of Mexico City.

    The driver, Valentin Escamilla Ortiz, told authorities he was sleeping in the truck when two men with a gun approached about 1:30 a.m. Tuesday. They made him get out, tied his hands and feet and left him in a vacant lot nearby.

    When he was able to free himself, he ran back to the gas station to get help.

    Eibenschutz said the transport company did not follow proper procedures and should have had GPS and security with the truck. "The driver also lacked common sense because he decided to park along a highway so he could sleep," Eibenschutz said.

    The company couldn't immediately be located for comment. One Mexico City company called "Transportes Ortiz" said the truck was not theirs and they had nothing to do with the incident.

    Eibenschutz had said early in the day that direct exposure to cobalt-60 could result in death within a few minutes, but Jimenez said the pellets involved were sealed.

    The health risk depends on time of exposure and distance to the pellets, said Dr. Fred Mettler, a University of New Mexico's radiology professor and a U.S. representative to the U.N. on radiation safety. "If you hold the source in your hand for five or six or eight minutes you are probably going to get enough radiation to your whole body that may well kill you," he said. "But if somebody is across the street, they are not going to enough to really make them sick."
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jolie Rouge View Post

    Gutierrez wasn't the least bit interested in questioning the witnesses in today's House Judiciary Committee Hearing, instead, he lobbied for AMNESTY during his allotted time. Also, he admitted to having ILLEGALS working in his CONGRESSIONAL OFFICE.

    Mr. Gutierrez also thinks that Obama doesn't use ENOUGH powers, he wants him to use EVEN MORE.

    See video where he admits it & read article here:
    Can Obama Suspend Election Laws?

    Trey GowdyAt a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) on Tuesday asked if President Barack Obama has the “prosecutorial discretion” not to enforce immigration and marijuana laws, what’s to stop him from deciding not to enforce election laws.

    “If the president can fail to enforce immigration laws, can the president likewise fail to enforce election laws?” Gowdy asked Simon Lazarus, senior counsel to the Constitutional Accountability Center, one of several legal experts who testified at the hearing titled, “The President’s Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws.”

    GOWDY: “If you can dispense with immigration laws or marijuana laws or mandatory minimums, can you also dispense with election laws?”

    LAZARUS: “No.”

    GOWDY: “Why not? If he can suspend mandatory minimum and immigration laws, why not election laws?”

    LAZARUS: “Because we live in a government of laws, and the president is bound to obey them and apply them.”

    GOWDY: “Well he’s not applying the ACA, and he’s not applying immigration laws, and he’s not applying marijuana laws, and he’s not applying mandatory minimums. What’s the difference with election laws?”

    LAZARUS: “We have a disagreement as to whether in fact he is applying those laws. My view is that he is applying those laws.”

    Gowdy then turned to Jonathan Turley, professor at George Washington University Law School.

    GOWDY: “Professor Turley, what are the limits of prosecutorial discretion, and if the president can suspend immigration laws, marijuana laws, why not election laws?”

    TURLEY: “I think that some of these areas I can’t imagine to be justified through prosecutorial discretion. It’s not prosecutorial discretion to go into a law and say, an entire category of people will no longer be subject to the law. That’s a legislative decision. Prosecutorial discretion is a case-by-case decision that is made by the Department of Justice. When the Department of Justice starts to say we’re going to extend that to whole sections of laws, then they are engaging in a legislative act, not an act of prosecutorial discretion. Wherever the line is drawn has got to be drawn somewhere from here. It can’t include categorical rejections of the application of the law to millions of people.” Sources Hotair CNS News

    Gutierrez admitted to having ILLEGALS working in his CONGRESSIONAL OFFICE.... during a Judiciary Committee Hearing. Should he not be brought up on charges and all those illegals charged with Identity Theft and deported ??

    BO "amended" Obamacare NINE times AFTER it was passed ... that is not part of the job of the Executive Branch
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    6 detained in Mexico theft of radioactive material
    Six people have been arrested and are being tested for radiation exposure. The six are suspects in the theft of a cargo truck carrying radioactive cobalt-60.

    4 hr ago | By Adriana Gomez Licon of Associated Press

    MEXICO CITY — Six people being tested for possible radiation exposure in a hospital in central Mexico are suspects in the theft of highly radioactive cobalt-60, a government official said Friday.

    The official said the six were arrested Thursday and taken to the general hospital in Pachuca for observation and testing for radiation exposure. Once they are cleared, they will be turned over to federal authorities in connection with the case of a cargo truck stolen Monday at gunpoint that was carrying the extremely dangerous material.

    The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press. He did not specify how the six were allegedly involved in the theft.

    Hidalgo state Health Minister Pedro Luis Noble said Friday that the six suffered from skin irritations and dizziness, but that none are in grave condition and may be released soon. Only one was vomiting, a sign of radiation poisoning.

    But based on the tests, "none are showing immediate signs of radiation poisoning," Noble told Foro TV.

    The cobalt-60 theft triggered alerts in six Mexican states and Mexico City, as well as international notifications to the U.S. and the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna. It raised concerns that the material could have been stolen to make a dirty bomb, a conventional explosive that disseminates radioactive material.

    The atomic energy agency said the cobalt has an activity of 3,000 curies, or Category 1, meaning "it would probably be fatal to be close to this amount of unshielded radioactive material for a period in the range of a few minutes to an hour."

    Related: Mexico official: Stolen cobalt-60 found

    But Mexican officials said that the thieves seemed to have targeted the cargo truck with moveable platform and crane, and likely didn't know about the dangerous cargo. The government official would not give details or location of Thursday's arrest nor names or ages of the suspects.

    The six were arrested by Hidalgo state police, said state attorney general's spokesman Fernando Hidalgo.

    The driver of the truck, who had stopped to rest at a gas station early Monday when the theft occurred, said two armed men made him get out, tied his hands and feet and left him in a vacant lot.

    Hidalgo said he didn't know how or if the others were involved.

    The truck was found abandoned Wednesday about 40 kilometers (24 miles) from where it was stolen, and the container for the radioactive material was found opened. The cobalt-60 pellets were left about a kilometer (half mile) from the truck in an empty rural field, where authorities said they were a risk only to anyone who had handled them and not to anyone in Hueypoxtla, the closest town of about 4,000 people. There was no evacuation.

    The material was from obsolete radiation therapy equipment at a hospital in the northern city of Tijuana and was being transported to nuclear waste facility in the state of Mexico, which borders Mexico City.

    Authorities maintained a 500-meter (yard) cordon around the site where the cobalt-60 still remains in the state of Mexico and continued to work Friday to extract it safely, said Juan Eibenschutz, director general of Mexico's National Commission of Nuclear Safety and Safeguards.

    "It's quite an operation and it is in the process of being planned," he said. "It's highly radioactive, so you cannot just go over and pick it up. It's going to take a while to pick it up."

    Federal police blocked access Friday to hospital where the six were held.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    *Shocking video - the Feds have completely lost control of our border...

    After a reporter found documents showing terrorists crossed the border, the DHS DENIED it. So the reporter looked deeper — and found evidence that is even worse -- 300 Somali Al Queda fighters - from the group that attacked the Kenyan mall last year - came across and are STILL UNACCOUNTED FOR inside the U.S.!

    300 Somali Terrorists Who Crossed the Border Still At Large Inside the U.S.
    By Top Right News on February 23, 2014 by Brian Hayes

    As we reported last week, a local news station found Border Patrol documents that indicated that thousands of OTMs — “Other Than Mexicans” — have been caught crossing the Mexican border into the U.S., including some known terrorists.

    But since that report, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has DENIED that there is any “credible evidence” that any terrorists have crossed over.

    So the reporter took another look — and the evidence he found is even worse than originally revealed.

    He found that 300 terrorists from the Somali Al Queda group Al-Shabaab — the group behind the terror attack at the Kenyan shopping mall last September – have entered the U.S. and are unaccounted for.


    See also

    Quote Originally Posted by Jolie Rouge View Post
    The Nairobi Terrorists Are Home-Grown…In America
    Posted by: Christopher Holton on Monday, September 23, 2013, 9:43

    The significance of at least 3 of the Al Shabaab terrorists in Nairobi, Kenya, who slaughtered scores of innocent civilians in the name of Islam, being from Minneapolis and Kansas City cannot be overemphasized. There have been warnings for years that there is substantial support for Jihad among the Somali community in the US, yet, predictably, our elected and appointed officials from both sides of the aisle have looked the other way while the State Department, with the assistance of organizations like Catholic Charities, conduct the Refugee Resettlement Program with no legitimate, effective means of conducting security checks on the people they embed in our communities…

    If these monsters can target a shopping mall in Kenya, what’s stopping them from targeting shopping malls in the US? Meanwhile, 40 Christians were also killed in a bomb attack on a church in Pakistan. The timing of this attack coming at the same time as the attack in Nairobi, which of course also targeted non-Muslims, is highly suspicious to say the least. Assuming that the two attacks were not coincidental, this suggests a degree of cooperation and coordination that extends beyond race, language, nationality, even continents. In fact, even before Nairobi and Pakistan the death toll from jihadist attacks was over 500 JUST LAST WEEK. This is an ominous sign, not unlike the coordination in the East Africa embassy bombings in August of 1998 and the horrific attacks of September 11th, 2001. Jihad is on the march. We are NOT winning. We are not even FIGHTING. Our elected and appointed officials insist that there is no connection between terrorism and Islam. The FACTS indicate otherwise. Violent jihad is a key tenet of Shariah, the enemy threat doctrine.
    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 02-24-2014 at 05:54 PM.
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    DHS Orders Border Patrol to Run Away from Rock-Throwing Illegal Aliens
    By Top Right News on March 9, 2014

    .S Border Patrol agents are routinely attacked by rocks by Mexican illegal aliens at the border, with hundreds of serious injuries resulting. But when an agent recently shot and killed a Mexican career criminal who struck him with a brick, Mexico and the United Nations complained. Obama’s response: leave the attackers alone.

    You heard that right — and he order them to leave cartel drug smugglers alone too.

    Top Obama Administration officials have ordered 21,000 border patrol officers to “retreat” whenever illegal aliens throw rocks at them.

    Incredibly, agents were also ordered to “avoid getting in front” of foreign drug-smugglers’ vehicles as they head north with their drug shipments. In other words — let them go.

    “Agents shall not discharge firearms in response to thrown or hurled projectiles… agents should obtain a tactical advantage in these situations, such as seeking cover or distancing themselves,” said the instructions, issued Mar. 7, under the signature of Michael Fisher, chief of U.S. Border Patrol.

    Agents were also directed to keep their weapons holstered when drug smugglers drive by, or drive directly at agent positions.
    The new orders do allow agents to use guns to defend themselves from vehicles that drive at them — sort of. “Agents shall not discharge their firearms at a moving vehicle unless the agent has a reasonable belief that… deadly force is being used against an agent,” the new instructions say.

    But since the instructions also suggest that officers be penalized if they don’t step back, there will no doubt hbe agents who fail to respond to attacks for fear of reprisals from their superiors at DHS.

    Three Border Patrol agents have been killed in more than 6,000 assaults on agents since 2007. One can only imagine how these new “rules of engagement” against the enemy will embolden them, increase the number and severity of such attacks, and increase the number of injuries among over-cautious agents.

    WATCH how agents are under attack at our borders:

    The new rules were of course praised by open-borders activists and lawless Democrat politicians, such as New Jersey Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez, and Democratic Rep. Zoe Lofgren, according to the Los Angeles Times. Menendez is one of the drafters of the Senate’s ‘Gang of 8′ amnesty bill which passed that chamber last year.

    The new rules were issued at the direction of Jeh Johnston, the new controversial head of the Department of Homeland Security, who recently said illegal aliens have “earned the right to be citizens.”

    The Daily Caller reported that the new rules were taken nearly word for word from a left-wing open-borders “advocacy group” that wants to reduce policing of illegal immigration:

    The report by the Police Executive Research Forum was commissioned by DHS, and it said border agents should be barred from standing in front of smugglers’ vehicles or from shooting at people who are attacking them with rocks.

    The commissioned report was challenged by mid-level DHS officials, who argued that the rules barring self-defense from rock-throwers “could create a more dangerous environment [especially for agents operating] in rural or desolate areas, often alone, where concealment, cover and egress is not an option,” according to a report in the Los Angeles Times.

    But Johnston overrode the internal response, and forced the implementation of the advocacy groups’ recommendations.

    The PERF report was commissioned by top DHS leaders after advocates said law-enforcement agents had killed roughly seven people a year along the 1,933-mile border in 2010, 2011 and 2012. The shootings came during 67 clashes with a huge stream of armed drug-smugglers and illegal immigrants.

    Three U.S. border guards have been killed in recent years.

    In a Friday news conference, Fisher told reporters that agents would be equipped with short-range tasers and pepper spray, plus medium-range pellet guns, to deter attacks.

    But he also admitted that agents have been attacked 6,000 times since 2007. They’ve been “assaulted by rocks” 1,713 times since 2010, and have responded with deadly force only 43 times, he said.

    The agents killed only 10 drug-smugglers and other attackers during the same three-year period, Fisher said.

    Sounds like Border Patrol is already acting with tremendous restraint — remember that Brian Terry himself was using bean bags the night he was gunned down with a Fast and Furious-provided AK-47.

    Why would we want to put our agents in greater risk by tying their hands in response to violent attacks?
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Judge Rules that U.S. Border Fence is Racist

    March 22, 2014 By Matthew Burke

    It now looks like protecting the U.S. border has become a victim of political correctness, regardless that it is one of the very few constitutionally mandated functions of the federal government.

    Using the race card to justify not finishing the fence along the porous U.S.-Mexican border shouldn’t come as a big surprise. After all, the race card has infiltrated and politicized every other excuse for tyranny. This story, from the “You Just Can’t Make This Stuff Up” file, comes via Judicial Watch:

    Homeland Security initiative to put fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border could discriminate against minorities, according to an Obama-appointed federal judge who’s ruled that the congressionally-approved project may have a “disparate impact on lower-income minority communities.”

    This of course means that protecting the porous—and increasingly violent—southern border is politically incorrect. At least that’s what the public college professor at the center of the case is working to prove and this month she got help from a sympathetic federal judge. Denise Gilman, a clinical professor at the taxpayer-funded University of Texas-Austin, is researching the “human rights impact” of erecting a barrier to protect the U.S. from terrorists, illegal immigrants, drug traffickers and other serious threats.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Caught on Film: GOP Rep. Renee Ellmers Curses Out and Berates Constituent
    March 22, 2014 By Jennifer Burke

    Rep. Renee Ellmers was one of many GOP candidates who was ushered into office due to the backing of the Tea Party movement in 2010. Yet, to listen to the utter disdain with which she speaks to her constituents about immigration, one would think that she was actually a progressive on the left side of the aisle. When she found herself conversing at a recent town hall with a constituent regarding illegal immigration, Ellmers resorted to the use of profanity and name-calling to belittle her constituent as she attempted to shut down his voice against her stance in support of amnesty.

    Breitbart reports on this exchange, describing Ellmers’ voice as “dripping with disdain,” as she berates and ridicules her constituent because he opposes her pro-amnesty stance.

    “You’re telling me what people have told you? You don’t have any damn facts!” Ellmers exploded at one of the activists when he said that employers – who often claim a labor shortage to argue for amnesty – frequently don’t post job openings in that region.

    “Facts – numbers. Facts – documents,” Ellmers lectured, her voice dripping with disdain. She went on to attribute the activist’s views to “resentment…because of a personal issue that you experienced,” later referring to a local company that had laid off workers. “I know where your hatred and vitriol is coming from,” she added.

    Wow ! With Republicans like that, who needs Liberals ? North Carolina...send her to the unemployment line. Give her a first hand experience with trying to find work when 20 million illegals will do it for less than minimum wage.


    Ideally, ones nation is an extension of ones family. "Protectionist" ? You bet ! I don't see what unionism has to do with it.
    If you desire open borders than renounce citizenship and oppose nationhood. Go ahead and become a "citizen to all mankind". Anarchy in other words. Sounds warm and squishy but it won't work. What it really means is everyone against everyone.


    If the government quit allowing American companies to hire ILLEGALS at less than minimum wage & then stopped STEALING TAXPAYER $$ to SUBSIDIZE the ILLEGALS so they can afford to live on less than minimum wage, more U.S. citizens would be working.


    Profanity and name calling~~~~~the mark of someone who has no way to support her claims and proceeds to attack the accusers! Typical liberal fare. Is ANYONE sure this person is, in fact, a Republican? Doesn't sound as though she is one, not even a poor RINO! I'd look much more closely at her actions, and vote accordingly. If I were a voter in her district, SHE wouldn't be MY candidate!


    I think we should treat illegals the same way they are treated in Mexico.
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    The other side is hitting our page today angry that we denounced welfare for illegal aliens, and insisting that "ILLEGAL ALIENS CAN'T GET WELFARE!!!" Well I guess they haven't heard of this lady. Just one among millions...

    Illegal Alien With 7 Kids Got Food Stamps, Housing & Social Security – for 20 Years (Video)
    By Brian Hayes Top Right News on January 18, 2014

    Here’s another reminder of how illegal immigration is literally bankrupting this nation – and which will no doubt be totally ignored by the mainstream media in their coordinated effort — with the leaders of both parties — to shove amnesty down our throats.

    Illegal alien and mother of seven, Florida resident Marita Nelson, receives $240 in food stamps, monthly medications, $700 in Social Security and a housing allowance. And she has been receiving government assistance for over 20 YEARS – ever since she illegally entered the U.S. by swimming the Rio Grande.

    She celebrates it … and is on a crusade to get other illegals to sign up for as many programs as possible – which as you can see in the disgraceful video clip below, the Obama Administration is paying “recruiters” to sign up as many people as possible!

    When you watch this clip, keep in mind what Senate “Gang of 8″ amnesty leader Dick Durbin told us last year, that “undocumented immigrants are not eligible for welfare programs”.

    Remember that when you start to hear the same claims from House amnesty pushers like Paul Ryan (R-WI) and his BFF Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) in the months ahead, as they try to force amnesty on an American people that doesn’t want it…


    Illegals ALSO get welfare in many different states,....since they are illegal, there is no way to trace them and they use different names in other states...I know a illegal who travels from NY to Florida and collects food stamps in every state along the way..she is allowed to get away with it..the same illegal allows a family member who is here legally to claim her 8 kids who live in Mexico, but where born here....she lives better than I do and I work.


    Have you considered turning her in for fraud?


    I have and so have several others.......they have done NOTHING to her.......she was caught using her sisters ID who is legal and still nothing was done to her, explain to me why the US allows her to get away with it.....she was even caught driving with no drivers license...she was driving her sisters car....the cop just called her sister to come pick up the car and her.......she is always bragging about the fact she can get away with anything....she is my dads neighbor and he cant stand their whole family....they are a bunch of freeloaders on american citizens..the legals one bring their illegal family members to the US..


    She's been claiming benefits for 20 years.... Sooooo, it started when?


    1994, President Clinton, you do the math.

    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Heroin Kingpin Busted in Florida is an Illegal Alien…on FOOD STAMPS
    By Top Right News on January 26, 2014

    Yet another welfare and illegal alien insanity story – while amnesty pimps like Sen. Dick Durbin keep telling us “undocumented immigrants can’t collect welfare”.

    The head of the largest heroin operation in Polk County, FL history, along with numerous others who work for him, are illegal aliens who collect foodstamps. Four of the operation’s women also collect WIC payments.

    In addition to raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars in drug money, the ringleader collected $900 every month from the government.

    “You, the hard working taxpayer of this state, were paying him for this,” the Polk County Sheriff said.

    So once again cash-strapped taxpayers foot the bill for illegal invader criminals. And every time Conservative lawmakers like Rep. Steve King (R-IA) try to mandate citizenship checks for welfare…they are called racists who want to starve little children.

    Remember this story when the push for amnesty begins.

    The loophole is that any kids born in this country to illegal parents are ENTITLED to all government welfare and thats how illegal parents get all kind of welfare...since the kids are minors the benefits go to the ADULTS..why do you think they breed like rabbits when they get here.. every illegal that comes to the US is very much aware of every loophole in our system and they take FULL advantage of them...


    That's sad. I mean, I don't believe that children should have to suffer but I have to wonder if situations like that are why people have no work ethics. Having 3 illegitimate children by the time you are 25 and making up a disability is becoming a better investment than college for young women. Sad, but true. I see women who are on welfare and collecting SSDI and they live better be with free rent, free utilities, cash aid and the schools feed their children for them so their food stamps go pretty far.


    What really stinks, is chances are these people are lying on their applications (grossly underestimating what they make OR working under the table so their money can't be traced.) Then an honest person who just needs a small boost (maybe they had to have surgery and missed work or they got laid off, or a variety of other reasons) cannot get any help at all. We were consistently told that we either made too much money (under $50,000 for a family of 5) or they kept "losing" stuff that we had sent in. I finally gave up which is what they want people to do


    just goes to prove that 99% of these illegal-aliens don't come here to be Americans. They only come here to receive all the freebies and to take advantage of our generosity.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    5 charged in Houston stash house bust where 115 were held hostage
    Wednesday, March 26, 2014 - 11:35am

    Houston (KPRC) — Five men will face federal charges after police say they held 115 people for ransom inside a south Houston, Texas home.

    Jose Aviles-Villa, Jonathan Solorazano-Tavila, Antonio Barruquet-Hildiberta, Jose Cesmas-Borja and Eugenio Sesmas-Borja were charged with hostage taking, unlawful possession of a firearm and conspiracy to harbor illegal immigrants.

    "Houston and Harris County has always been a hub for human smuggling and human trafficking for many years," said Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia. "Thanks to recent efforts to increase awareness to this issue, we have worked to inform and educate the public about human trafficking that has effected the labor industry. There are now dedicated resources to confront the issues."

    Investigators began to run surveillance on the home after officers received a frantic call from a woman claiming her daughter and two grandchildren were kidnapped. According to court documents, that woman paid human smugglers $15,000 to get her family into the United States and take them Chicago.

    That woman told officers, once her daughter was in Houston, a man called her and demanded an extra $13,000 and if he did not receive it he would "make her family disappear, and make them pay."

    Officers raided the home off Almeda School Road and found men, women and children packed inside of the small home. The people inside had to live in squalor with no running water, and no working toilet. Each room was littered with trash and each door was dead bolted from the outside and the inside of the home.

    Five men, who served as "security guards," were arrested.

    According to federal prosecutors, they carried loaded handguns and shotguns, and used them as intimidation so the people inside of the home couldn't escape.

    Court documents reveal the men and women were "kicked and beaten with wooden paddles," and "forced to take off their shoes and clothes so they would not escape."

    The five suspects faced a judge for the first time today. All of them will be assigned court appointed Spanish speaking attorneys. Meanwhile, investigators are still interviewing the people that were found inside of the home. Some of them are still receiving medical treatment.

    They can transition very quickly from being involved in human smuggling to becoming a victim," said Garcia. "The line gets blurred very quickly."

    Some may be returned to their home countries, but decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis. All of the them will have the opportunity to go before an immigration judge.

    And all will have an opportunity to apply for a “U-Visa,” which allows illegals who are also victims of crime to live and work legally in the U.S. for four years.


    It's like someone getting caught by the police for stealing a car and when they go to court the judge gives them a car for their inconvenience.


    So give them a U-Visa for 4 years and once that expires they will hide out here so they don't have to go back. Just what we need.


    If you have $15,000 to illegally smuggle your family across the bad can it really be in their home countries? Don't pay smugglers to illegally cross the border and you won't end up in a stash house.


    The tragedy of this event is that there are hundreds if not thousands of operations like this all over the place. The money these people paid to come to the US illegally was more than enough to pay to legally immigrate. I don't agree with the following though.

    "And all will have an opportunity to apply for a “U-Visa,” which allows illegals who are also victims of crime to live and work legally in the U.S. for four years."

    I wonder if ICE got involved with this as scene investigators or they allowed HPD to do the dirty work, and they did the charges...feds are like that...

    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 03-26-2014 at 10:48 AM.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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