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    the summer of 2014 the world must have heard that if you were illegal all you had to do was set 1 foot on US soil, walk to a member of the border patrol, confess you were here illegally and you could be welcomed by the minions of O. amazing that there now seems to be a repeat of this but instead of hispanics, they are now allegedly syrian. since O in his bullying speech denigrating americans for being afraid of widows and orphans, how many of these 'refugees' have now been welcomed onto US soil and how many more will follow? will they be vetted the same way the hispanics were when the influx of hispanics crossed over where they were asked 'are you over 18?' and they were previously told to say no so they then were released into the US, given bus.train or plane tickets......even though gangs and men older than 18 were among them.....and we have no idea where these thousands are in the US. another point i would like to make is how they can cross mexico and not be detected? remember sgt tamorissi, the military man suffering from ptsd who accidentally crossed into mexico, who ended up in a mexican prison, ignored by the US government? mexico sure didn't let him come into the US - he would have been better off being an illegal

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    Illegal aliens now officially enjoy more rights and protections than ordinary Americas, thanks to President Obama.
    DOJ Wants to Hide the Names of Illegal Aliens Granted Amnesty

    By Alicia Powe — June 4/2016

    The Obama administration and its advocacy groups allies are trying to create new privacy rights in order to protect illegal aliens, and to prevent anyone from detecting their illegal presence.

    However, a federal judge has caught on to this, and is forcing the administration to adhere with his information request that will put a stop to this absurd ‘privacy’ movement. District Judge Andrew Hanen of the Southern District of Texas ruled in February 2015 that President Barack Obama’s executive actions on immigration were outside the bounds of the president’s authority and issued an injunction halting the program.

    Despite Hanen’s orders, the administration approved three-year work permits and other government benefits for approximately 100,000 illegal aliens between November 20, 2014 and March 3, 2015.

    The Department of Justice deliberately withheld this information from Hanen, and DOJ attorneys reassured the judge that no part of the amnesty was in operation. Upon discovering the lies, Judge Hanen issued an order in May imposing sanctions on the Justice Department and its lawyers for deliberately deceiving him in court.

    The White House is refusing to comply to these sanctions, and issued a blistering statement criticizing the judge for evoking “fear and confusion” among illegals.

    From Daily Signal:

    “On May 19, Judge Andrew Hanen of the of the Southern District of Texas issued an order imposing sanctions on the Justice Department and its lawyers for unethical conduct, which included repeatedly lying to him in court.

    U.S. v. Texas is the immigration lawsuit filed by 26 states against the Obama administration over its plan to provide deferrals, work permits, and other government benefits to almost 5 million illegal aliens. Hanen issued a preliminary injunction in February 2015 preventing implementation of the plan.

    His decision was upheld by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals and the case is currently before the U.S. Supreme Court.

    But Hanen issued his sanction order because of the misbehavior of Justice Department lawyers when the case was before him. He severely rebuked the DOJ for claiming that the president’s plan was not being implemented prior to his issuing his injunction order when the government knew that it was being implemented—to the tune of over 100,000 aliens. When he found out, he ordered the government to reverse its behavior and void these deferrals.

    Amongst the sanctions Hanen ordered on May 19 was yearly ethics training for five years for every DOJ lawyer stationed in Washington who appear in any of the courts of the states who filed the lawsuit. He also ordered the Department of Homeland Security to provide him (under seal) with a list of all of the aliens who had been given benefits under the amnesty plan in violation of his injunction.

    However, on May 31, the Justice Department filed a motion with Hanen asking him to stay (or suspend) his sanctions order while DOJ appeals his decision to the 5th Circuit.

    The strangest claim made by the Justice Department is that Hanen’s order to produce a state-by-state list of all of the illegal aliens unlawfully granted deferrals would “breach the confidence of these individuals (and of others who submit information to USCIS) in the privacy of such records.”

    An affidavit filed by León Rodriguez, the director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services at the Department of Homeland Security, claims this would violate the internal privacy policy of DHS even though he admits the federal Privacy Act “does not apply to non-U.S. persons.”
    People who are here illegally have no right or expectation of privacy to shield that fact from any branch of government, and they should be scared. States are statutorily entitled to this information and the DOJ’s claim that it is confidential has no basis in the law whatsoever.

    No other nation promotes welfare for illegal invaders.

    The DOJ attorneys lied, both deliberately to the Court and to opposing counsel. They should be disbarred. When law is abused to this extent, it is no longer law, but arbitrary tyranny. Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty will make it easier for illegal immigrants to improperly register and vote in elections, state elections officials testified to Congress in February.

    Driver’s licenses and Social Security numbers will be granted to illegals, thus creating a major voting loophole.

    Funny how the liberals all scoff at gun owners who do not want a national registry, but they sure understand the fear of national registry when it comes to protecting their precious illegal immigrant future-voters.

    Too bad the Obama administration doesn’t have the same empathy for the veterans that were injured fighting wars to keep American safe that they do for illegals.

    The next hearing for the Justice Department to make its case before Judge Hanen is scheduled for June 7.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Obama claims to run the most transparent and honest administration in U.S. history, but the facts tell an entirely different story, particularly when it comes to criminal aliens living inside the United States. Time and time again aliens are released from custody and commit more crimes, yet Obama refuses to deport them.

    This theme was just proven to be true by a report that was just released, exposing Obama’s lie with the numbers to prove it.

    Here is what was reported…

    From Breitbart:

    The Obama Administration “grossly misrepresented” the number of crimes the criminal aliens it released from custody in FY 2014 subsequently committed by nearly tenfold, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) charges.

    According to FAIR, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) records the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FIOA) request on FAIR’s behalf reveal that the 30,558 criminal aliens ICE released in FY 2014 committed 13,288 additional crimes.

    The number of subsequent convictions contained in FIOA documents is far higher than the 1,423 additional offenses ICE reported to the House Judiciary Committee last July.

    The criminal aliens released in FY 2014 who went on to commit those additional crimes had convictions for offenses like homicide, kidnapping, assault, sexual assault, and drunk driving. The new crimes, according to ICE’s report to Congress, included vehicular homicide, domestic violence, sexual assault, DUI, burglary and assault.

    “Rather than end dangerous politically-driven policies that have put a total of 85,000 deportable criminal aliens back onto the streets in the last three years, ICE tried to hide them by providing grossly inaccurate information to Congress and the American people,” Dan Stein, the president of FAIR, said in statement.

    Rep. Bob Goodlatte said in a statement,
    “The American public has been misled by the enforcement priorities, deferred action, and executive action policies of this Administration, which categorize only certain so-called ‘serious’ criminal aliens as worthy of detention and then removal.” Goodlatte continued, “Despite its rhetoric, the fact remains that the Obama Administration continues to willingly free dangerous criminal aliens, allowing them to continue to prey upon communities across the United States.”
    Criminal aliens are a massive problem and the Obama administration refuses to do anything about it.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    California is working overtime to turn itself into MexiFornia. The state government, run by Democrats with no interference from Republicans, is doing everything possible to welcome illegal aliens into their welfare haven.

    The Obama administration is doing their part by refusing to deport illegals.

    There was another incident last week where an illegal alien murdered five people in Los Angeles. This one made the national news simply because of the numbers. There’s nothing unusual about this case.

    Johnny Sanchez is a 21-year-old illegal alien from Honduras. He was arrested in 2012 for illegally entering California but since he had no criminal history or previous immigration violations Barack Obama’s Immigration and Customs “Enforcement” cut him loose on the streets of LA. He was ordered to report regularly to immigration authorities but for reasons unknown to the federal bureaucracy he never showed up and deportation proceedings never began.

    Fast-forward to January of this year.

    Sanchez was arrested for domestic abuse and released.

    He was arrested for drug possession in May and released.

    He was arrested again on June 8 for drug possession and released.

    Two weeks later he set a fire in in an abandoned building and five people ended up dead.

    The dead were part of Los Angeles’ homeless community who lived in the abandoned building. Los Angeles, like most major cities, doesn’t bother with abandoned buildings. They’re too busy making sure the transgender community has bathrooms.

    Sanchez is being held on five counts of murder, prosecutors haven’t decided whether to seek the death penalty. It is California, and since Sanchez is 21 he probably won’t live long enough to be executed.

    This is more blood on the hands of the “no borders” Obama administration and their enablers on the Republican side of the aisle like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Paul Ryan, oh heck, the whole Republican Establishment. I really wish Los Angeles prosecutors would charge them in these murders. They deserve the charges every bit as much as Johnny Sanchez, if they had just done their job, Sanchez wouldn’t have been here to set that fire in those five victims would still be alive.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Supreme Court Deadlocks On Immigration, Leaving Obama's Deportation Relief Plan In Limbo
    Cristian Farias - 11 hrs ago

    WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court couldn't reach a majority for or against President Barack Obama's plan to defer deportation for millions Thursday, effectively leaving his executive actions on hold and undocumented immigrants in limbo.

    The split decision means a lower court ruling that effectively blocked the program will stand, and no national precedent will be set as to whether the president acted within the law when he announced them in November 2014.

    The case, United States v. Texas, stood to test the limits of executive power in the face of congressional inaction on immigration -- a chance for Obama to prove that he, like his predecessors, had the authority to help millions of undocumented immigrants who want to live here without fear of deportation.

    On that issue, the justices had sent an ominous sign to the president when they first agreed to hear the case, asking the Obama administration and the 26 states challenging it to explain whether the deportation relief plan violated the Constitution.

    No lower court had previously addressed that question, leading to the speculation that a conservative majority on the Supreme Court had every intention of turning the dispute into a constitutional showdown -- perhaps to send a message to Obama about the separation of powers in his last year in office.

    But the unexpected death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February changed the landscape, and a diminished court had to hear the case just as the political branches were facing off over the confirmation of who would replace him on the bench.

    That may explain why the justices largely skirted the constitutional issue at oral arguments, focusing instead on more technical legal matters, such as the meaning of "lawful presence" in immigration law and the doctrine of standing -- or Texas' ability to claim injury and sue over a policy area where Congress has given the executive branch broad latitude.

    Obama relied on that latitude when he announced the centerpiece of his ambitious immigration plan, Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents -- or DAPA -- which promised to grant a reprieve of deportation and work authorization to parents of U.S. citizens and others who are lawfully in the country.

    But before the program could get off the ground, a coalition of states, led by Texas, sued the federal government in a small courthouse near the U.S.-Mexico border -- a move that legal observers viewed as an attempt to land the lawsuit before a sympathetic judge who might rule against the administration.

    U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen, the George W. Bush appointee who was assigned the case, turned out to be precisely that and then some: He not only issued a nationwide injunction that put the brakes on Obama's plan, but has also ruled sweepingly against the administration on issues of ethics that have left the Department of Justice and thousands of undocumented immigrants on edge.

    The 4-4 decision that maintains the status quo will likely increase tension during an election season in which people are already energized on both sides of the debate over whether to use executive authority to act on immigration.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    will he shun the supreme court and use executive order? he has already handed out paperwork without permission to illegals so they can remain here. the court wants to know the names and whereabout of these they never get them

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    ICE Director to Congress: We Follow Obama’s Policies, Not Law

    If your employer gave you a directive to do something that was against the law, particularly federal law, would you do it? If you are the director of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and your name is Sarah Saldana, you would follow your employer’s directive and commit a crime. In a testimony before a House Budget Committee subcommittee, Rep. David Young (R-Iowa) voiced concern about reports that ICE officials were not sure whether to follow the law and enforce it as it is written, or follow a unilateral directive issued by the White House via Barack Hussein Obama that basically relaxes “deportation efforts against what they call low-priority illegal immigrants.” These days, that is code for “everyone who crosses the border” – especially when in groups of 20 or more.

    Young stated in the hearing with Saldana, “If I had policies that were contrary to the law, I would understand if they didn’t want to follow them. I would expect them to follow the law first.”

    In response to this, Saldana replied, “And that’s where you and I probably have a fundamental disagreement.”
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    perhaps mr khan should lend his copy of the constitution to barack obama

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