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    US imam calls on Muslims in US to wage jihad

    7:03 PM 02/26/2013

    The controversial imam of a prominent mosque in Arlington, Va., has urged immigrant Muslims in the United States to wage war for Islam.

    “The enemies of Allah are lining up. The question for us is, are we lining [up] or are we afraid because they may call us terrorists?” Shaker Elsayed told a crowd of Ethiopian Muslims during a lecture at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Va. “Let me give you the good news: they are already calling us terrorists anyway. Whether you sitting at home, watching TV, drinking coffee, sleeping or playing with your kids, you are a terrorist because you are a Muslim.”

    “Well, give them a run for their money. Make it worth it. Make this title worth it, and be a good Muslim,” said the Cairo-born Muslim. “Muslim men when it is a price to pay, they are first in line. … They are the first in the community-service line. They are the first in jihad line,” he declared to applause.

    At the end of the imam’s incendiary speech, a representative of the Ethiopian group walked to the podium and declared the speech was not calling for jihad.

    “Just a disclaimer,” the emcee said. “Imam Shakir, he’s not advocating for armed struggle in Ethiopia. He’s just simply giving us a lesson. We’ll just continue with our non-violent struggle until these guys who are in prison [in Ethiopia] who did not bow down for this repressive government … are free.”

    Imam Johari Abdul-Malik, the press secretary for the imam’s Dar al-Hijrah mosque, did not respond to messages from The Daily Caller “If Dar al-Hijrah were like most American religious institutions it would fire Elsayed, but it’s not like most religious institutions,” John Rossomando, a researcher at the Investigative Project on Terrorism.

    “The mosque operates as a front for Hamas … [and] has the distinction of being connected with more terror plots than just about any other mosque in America,” he said in a statement to TheDC.

    Ethiopia is a majority-Christian country and has defended itself from encroaching Muslims armies for more than 1,000 years. Currently, Muslims in Ethiopia’s Ogaden region complain that the central government has not given them autonomy. “Ethiopian muslims are protesting against perceived government interference in their activities … [and] observers fear the latest move by the government would spark protests by muslims in the Horn of Africa country,” said a website run by Badr Ethiopia, an Ethiopian Muslim group.

    The group cites the controversial Council on American Islamic Relations as an affiliate. Elsayed’s comments add to his history of controversial statements that match orthodox Islam, but which clash with American culture.

    In 1990, for example, The New York Times quoted him saying that the murder of a radical Jewish nationalist in New York was legal under Muslim law. The murder of rabbi Meir Kahane “was not a violation, in the sense that Kahane adopted a position against all Arabs and Muslims,” said Elsayed, according to the Times.

    According to numerous Islamic leaders, Islamic law endorses the use of war to expand the rule of Islam. The law, dubbed Shariah, also endorses the killing of Islam’s critics, including poets, artists, Christian preachers, and it allows only grudging recognition of non-Islamic governments.

    For orthodox Muslims, civilian law is subordinate to Islamic requirements. That provision has been implemented, at least in part, in Egypt’s new 2012 constitution. The constitution was mostly written by legislators in the political party created by the international Muslim Brotherhood organization.


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    Cairo-born Elsayed is a citizen of the United States. The mosque’s name, al-Hijrah, refers to the Islamic strategy of using migrants to gradually expand Islam into new territories.

    Before and after the Sept. 11 atrocity, the mosque employed Anwar al-Awlaki as an imam.

    Awlaki was a U.S. citizen, born to immigrant parents in New Mexico. He fled the country in 2004 but was successfully killed in a 2011 drone-attack. While overseas, he was tied to several jihadi attacks, including the November 2009 murder of 13 Americans at Fort Hood by a Muslim soldier in the United States Army.

    The Arlington mosque is also closely linked to Brotherhood-founded organizations in the United States, including the Muslim American Society.

    The federal government has investigated numerous Muslim groups in the United States, and has jailed or deported many Muslims who aided jihadis.

    But Rossomando and other critics say the government has done too little to stop the Brotherhood from building a network of mosques, schools and advocacy groups in the United States.

    The government has also done too little to shield immigrant Muslims from the brotherhood, and to integrate into U.S. society and culture, critics say.

    “The Obama administration has willingly turned a blind eye to the extremist statements by the leadership of the nation’s top Islamist groups,” he said.

    Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...&v=_MRhCvDcRzs
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    Where Is Islamic And Media Condemnation For Saudi Arabia And Qatar?
    posted 16 hours ago byJohn DeMayo

    According to the leading experts on “True Islam,” all Muslims should condemn attacks and the killing of American innocents. I suppose that explains the flood of newspaper and internet articles quoting American Imams. Once again, Islamic leaders are busy renouncing another terror attack and offering to help America rid itself of the threat of “radicalized fanatics” who misunderstand accurate interpretations of their Islamic Holy book.

    US based Imams like Suhaib Webb from the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center are fervently distancing themselves from the recent Boston terror attack. Appearing contrite, Islamic leaders lined up to help left wing journalists like Mohamed Ghilan of “Aljazeera” and Glen Greenwald of “The Guardian” denounce on one hand, then rationalize on the other, the murders, traumatic amputations and lock down of a US city that followed the Boston Marathon bombings.

    As for Mr. Ghilan’s (The Irony of Muslim Terror) and Mr. Greenwald’s (The same motive for anti-US ’terrorism’ is cited over and over), I have to admit I have never read two more brilliantly worded anti-American Islamic propaganda pieces. Both writers claim that Islam—hijacked by fanatics motivated by political agendas, not true Islamic ideology—is a religion of peace. To Ghilan and Greenwald, Islamic terror is an explainable political agenda motivated by revenge for historical atrocities committed during twelfth century European Christian crusades and irresponsible collateral casualties from current US military operations in Muslim nations.

    According to Mr. Ghilan, the “True” Islamic faith does not tolerate and condemns murder of innocents. Murder carries the sentence of death in the Muslim world however, Ghilan conveniently forgets to mention so does homosexuality, blasphemy and apostasy. In his Aljazeera Op-Ed, Ghilan condemns the anti- Muslim rhetoric that is flooding our information superhighway fueling the “Islamaphobia” and “bigotry” that unfairly stigmatizes peaceful Muslims. Mr. Greenwald is even more stinging in his criticism of what he characterizes as Christianities anti-Muslim history and irresponsible US aggression in the Muslim world.

    However, I do not hear any of them speaking out and condemning the terrorist financing that flows from Saudi Arabia and Qatar the homelands of the very fanaticism they claim to condemn. Nowhere in any of their articles, or the explanations coming from American Muslim leaders, do I hear calls for holding terrors financiers accountable for the spread of Islamic violence plaguing our world.

    Of course not.

    Why would any “true Muslim” bite the hand that feeds them? “Allah forbid” Imam Webb never gets to see Mecca or Medina again. Moreover, that he doesn’t receive his annual infusion of Saudi money laundered through US based Islamic charities to continue his peaceful work at the mosque (with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood) that masquerades as a “Cultural Center.”

    The media here and abroad do not like to talk about this and neither does the US government, but the greatest cause of terrorism is petrodollars from Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Salafism, a puritanical branch of Islam is exploding all over our world and the Saudi’s are funding it. Obama and Hillary’s “Arab Spring” has provided the Saudis with many opportunities to feed the operations of violent Salafist groups Saudi Arabia needs to export Saudi Wahhabism, a conservative branch of Sunni Islam practiced by Saudi Arabia’s ruling family. A ruling family that can be very grateful at election time.

    President Obama openly supported this “Arab Spring” which destabilized many Gulf states—that had previously contained or eliminated radical Islamist groups—and are now being conquered by the Muslim Brotherhood and it‘s affiliates. Obama’s deliberate actions allow Saudi donations—that now circumvent troubled or defunct Gulf regimes—to flow to Salafists through Muslim charities and shell humanitarian aid organizations. This money eventually finds it way to every corner of the Saudi financed terrorism offensive and jihad perpetrated around the world and in America.

    In addition, the US government is busy sending munitions as part of humanitarian aid to the very same conflicts financed by the Saudi’s.

    Pro-Islamic anti-American, anti-Christian writers selling appeasement and mandatory contrition to America are nothing more than cowards who fear the very ideology they protect. I cannot say I blame them. After all, their religion of peace is shy on tolerance when criticized and exacts a heavy price from those that oppose its sinister messaging. Ironically, Mr. Greenwald’s article reveals the harsh realities that await Muslims who defend America’s necessary and yes brutal war with so-called peaceful Islam. Perhaps Mr. Greenwald remembers peaceful Islam’s global calls for the assassination of Muslim turned Christian Salman Rushdie after his critique of “True Islam.”

    As a side note, recently, MSNBC pundit Chris Matthews said, and I paraphrase, that he was a Vietnam era American that believes the best policy is for America to leave countries to solve their own internal conflicts. Matthews blames American intervention for much of the violence washing up on our shores. Mr. Matthews like all of his liberal friends is missing the main point. His President, Barrack Hussein Obama and his former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, are in bed with the jihadists and the people that finance acts of terror directed at our citizens.

    For anyone who cares, Islam has no intention of going quietly into the night. If American Imams and their congregations wish to co-exist with American Christians and Jews it is going to take a little bit more than penitent promises and a post attack mea culpa printed in the New York Times. It is time the real masterminds of global Islamic terror experience justice. I say we start with Barrack and Hillary.



    What makes this episode so interesting is not that people like these two cretins (Ghilan and Greenwald), cannot come to the same conclusion that rational people around the world came to: These two Muslims have been so filled with hate by their religion, that they cannot accept a world dominated by peaceful behavior. To them, if one is not a Muslim, he is a piece of garbage. No Muslim living in any nation , especially the United States, will ever fully accept American law. They must obey their Koran if they consider themselves a "good" Muslim. Proving once again, that if one is a religious (read: good) Muslim, he cannot be a true American.


    Brooklyn Boy, I agree with you. I would like to expand on your thought. Actually, I would like to speak to the reverse of your opinion. I am a true American. A true American patriot. I say there is no room in America for the hate-filled Muslims. Now, before anyone jumps down my throat, think of this. In their holy book, it instructs them to commit many despicable acts, especially towards those not in agreement with their beliefs. I say, they need to become familiar with OUR beliefs if they want to stay here. I don't care if their religion is diametrically opposed to ours. We did not invite them here, nor did we insist they assimilate into our system. I believe they see that as a weakness in us. That is where they are mistaken, because their "religion" (more like a cult) does not allow one to NOT assimilate. Because of this one belief it is clear we will NEVER get along. Neither of us can or wants to be appeased. The thought of "mufti-culturism" will NEVER exist between us. Therefore, the logical conclusion is - they cannot live here, unless they denounce the radical part of their religion. They and their beliefs, way of life, and lack self-control are truly offensive in our society. Perhaps they should move on to a country that needs a make-over. They completely offend me and my fellow Americans. They need to leave.


    "Pro-Islamic anti-American, anti-Christian writers selling appeasement and mandatory contrition to America are nothing more than cowards who fear the very ideology they protect.


    I have some Muslim friends - they speak out against the "Terrorists" but very quietly - because they fear their own extremists.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Not all Muslims are terrorists
    that is true...

    But 30 of the 31 on the "FBI's Most Wanted Terrorist" List
    .... Are ISLAMIC

    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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