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    he wants wage equality? he wants people to have their own homes? does that mean people who do not work and are capable will not continue to get medicaid? does it mean people who are here illegally will have to pay taxes too along with them getting free medical etc? He wants equality but his definition and mine are not the same. I want equality too....will he give me $1.4 million to go on vacation this year?

    he sounds like he only wants the people he wants around him (who say yes sir, whatever you say sir all the time) in this country. i have read about another person who only wanted certain people around him like that and the rest were in line for extermination.......
    Last edited by boopster; 07-24-2013 at 03:35 PM. Reason: i meant 1.4 BILLION

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    Circuit advertisement President Obama’s Accomplishments : Discuss
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    Jolie Rouge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boopster View Post
    he wants wage equality? he wants people to have their own homes? does that mean people who do not work and are capable will not continue to get medicaid? does it mean people who are here illegally will have to pay taxes too along with them getting free medical etc? He wants equality but his definition and mine are not the same. I want equality too....will he give me $1.4 million to go on vacation this year?

    They want someone ELSE to give up a piece of THEIR pie ... so that THEY can have a bigger slice...

    "All pigs are created equal ... but some are more equal then others"

    - George Orwell Animal Farm
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jolie Rouge View Post

    President Obama set out on a mission to revive the U.S. economy today. And, he made it clear that he won't let his Republican rivals stand in his way.

    The president pressed GOP leaders to stop their "meaningless" assaults on the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) and help him shrink income inequality and help America's middle class.

    “With an endless parade of distractions, political posturing and phony scandals, Washington has taken its eye off the ball. And I am here to say this needs to stop,” the president said in the first major economic address of his second term.

    And, he said, he's going to act with or without them: “Where I can’t act on my own, and Congress isn’t cooperating, I’ll pick up the phone and call CEOs, I’ll call philanthropists, I’ll call college presidents, I’ll call labor leaders — I’ll call anybody who can help — and enlist them in our efforts."

    Meantime, Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell mocked the address as merely reheated presidential rhetoric.

    “With all the buildup, you’d think the president was unveiling the next Bond film or something,” the Kentucky lawmaker said. “But in all likelihood it will be more like a midday rerun of some '70s B movie. Because we’ve heard it all before. It’s old.”

    Obama targets Republicans, income gap in economic policy speech
    Olivier Knox, Yahoo! News 1 hour ago

    Fighting to retake the initiative on Americans' No. 1 concern, President Barack Obama pushed Republicans to stop their "meaningless" assaults on Obamacare and help him shrink income inequality and help America's middle class. GOP leaders preemptively scoffed at what they described as stale rhetoric reheated for political purposes.

    “With an endless parade of distractions, political posturing and phony scandals, Washington has taken its eye off the ball. And I am here to say this needs to stop,” the president said Wednesday in the first major economic address of his second term.

    “Job security, with good wages and durable industries, a good education, a home to call your own, affordable health care when you get sick. A secure retirement even if you’re not rich. Reducing poverty, reducing inequality. Growing opportunity. That’s what we need," he said in a campaign-style speech.

    Obama was speaking at Knox College in Galesburg, Ill., where he made his first speech on the economy as a national political figure back in 2005. Much of his remarks amounted to a defense of his first-term economic record, a potential vulnerability for Democrats in the 2014 midterm elections.

    “Today, five years after the start of that Great Recession, America has fought its way back. We’ve fought our way back,” he said. “Over the past 40 months, our businesses have created 7.2 million new jobs. This year, we are off to our strongest private-sector job growth since 1999.”

    But he also threw down the gauntlet to Republicans, saying he would look to act with or without them.

    “I will welcome ideas from anybody, across the political spectrum, but I will not allow gridlock, or inaction, or willful indifference to get in our way,” he promised. “That means whatever executive authority I have to help the middle class, I’ll use it."

    And “where I can’t act on my own, and Congress isn’t cooperating, I’ll pick up the phone and call CEOs, I’ll call philanthropists, I’ll call college presidents, I’ll call labor leaders — I’ll call anybody who can help — and enlist them in our efforts,” he declared, to applause from the friendly crowd.

    But, he told GOP lawmakers looking to undo Obamacare, "stop taking meaningless repeal votes and share your concrete ideas with the country."

    Obama’s speech wasn’t packed with new policy ideas or fresh hopes that Republicans in Congress will approve some of his stalled economic agenda. At times, it seemed modeled on the tried-and-true (and bipartisan) presidential message that "now is the time for Americans to set aside their partisan differences — and do what I say."
    But the president worked to enlist his de facto political arm, Organizing for America, into an effort to pressure GOP lawmakers during the upcoming monthlong August break.
    On his official Facebook page (nearly 36.5 million “likes”) and in a special video aimed squarely at OFA’s grass roots army, Obama pushed for what OFA’s official website dubbed “Action August.”

    “During the August congressional recess, make sure your members of Congress know where you stand on the issues that matter most,” implored a message on his Facebook page.
    And Obama planned to deliver a series of speeches over the coming weeks to highlight individual components of his economic agenda. (Yahoo news got an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of the speechwriting process with Obama's top wordsmith.)

    Ahead of the speech, Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell mocked the address as merely reheated presidential rhetoric.

    “With all the buildup, you’d think the president was unveiling the next Bond film or something,” the Kentucky lawmaker said. “But in all likelihood it will be more like a midday rerun of some '70s B movie. Because we’ve heard it all before. It’s old.”

    McConnell pressed Obama to approve the controversial Keystone pipeline and accused the president of unfairly lampooning Republicans.

    “Instead of taking responsibility for his failure to lead, he’ll probably try and cast this as some titanic struggle between those who believe in quote-unquote ‘investing’ in the country, and those who supposedly want to eliminate paved roads, or stop signs, or whatever ridiculous straw man he invents this time,” the senator said.

    The Republican reception wasn’t any better in the House of Representatives, where Speaker John Boehner acidly noted, “Americans aren’t asking the question ‘where are the speeches?’ – they’re asking ‘where are the jobs?’”

    “There are no new proposals in this speech. The president himself said it isn’t ‘going to change any minds,’” Boehner said. "All right, so exactly what will change? What’s the point? What’s it going to accomplish? You’ve probably got the answer: Nothing.”
    Take it easy, all. Being the President is distracting.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Obama Blames Five Years of a Bad Economy on "Phony Scandals" and "Distractions"
    Katie Pavlich | Jul 24, 2013

    President Obama did his best to shift his administration's focus to the economy today during a speech at Illinois' Knox College by blaming the anemic economy on Republicans and "phony scandals."

    As predicted, Obama gave America the same speech he's been giving for five years, saying the country needs more infrastructure spending due to crumbling roads and bridges, that we must fight poverty, that CEOs are making too much money while the poor suffer etc. He even went so far as to tout "saving the auto industry" one week after Detroit filed for bankruptcy.
    "Today, five years after the start of that Great Recession, America has fought its way back. Together, we saved the auto industry, took on a broken health care system, and invested in new American technologies to reverse our addiction to foreign oil and double wind and solar power," Obama said. "Together, we put in place tough new rules on big banks, and protections that cracked down on the worst practices of mortgage lenders and credit card companies. We changed a tax code too skewed in favor of the wealthiest at the expense of working families, locking in tax cuts for 98% of Americans, and asking those at the top to pay a little more."

    While Obama claims America is "back," 50 million people are on food stamps and 23 million people are unemployed. The healthcare system is starting to collapse as doctors leave their practices and gas is on average $3.68 per gallon. It isn't just the rich Obama has asked to "pay a little more." In January, he raised taxes on everyone. And finally, big banks are getting bigger.

    After claiming the country was on the right track economically, Obama proceeded to blame Republicans for "distractions" and "phony" scandals coming out of Washington.

    "With an endless parade of distractions, political posturing and phony scandals, Washington has taken its eye off the ball. And I am here to say this needs to stop. Short-term thinking and stale debates are not what this moment requires. Our focus must be on the basic economic issues that the matter most to you – the people we represent," Obama said.

    Funny, I'm not sure the IRS targeting American citizens (with the help of one of Obama's political appointees) for political purposes or four dead Americans killed in Benghazi count as "phony" but hey, "what difference, at this point, does it make?" And speaking of distractions, apparently taking the time to personally call pro-abortion Wendy Davis, Sandra Fluke and the first openly gay NBA player Jason Collins while opining on local crime cases, playing golf and going on numerous vacations doesn't count when it comes to deflecting attention away from anything but the disastrous and stagnant economy.

    I'll leave you with this from liberal Washigton Post blogger Ezra Klein:

    Ezra Klein ✔ @ezraklein

    That was a lot of hype for very little policy

    That was a lot of hype for very little policy

    Don't look to this speech for the details of the policy. Look to it for the signal of the
    Washington Post @washingtonpost
    1:27 PM - 24 Jul 2013


    Obama is also "not what this moment requires." Apparently we have 2 more years of suffering this man's mess and then, hopefully, we can get down to undoing his wasted presidency. In all my years I've never seen a more hardheaded pursuit of the wrong answers to America's problems. His foreign policy has been an explosive failure that guarantees threats to America for the foreseeable future. His domestic policy has favored the few and harmed the masses. Thank you uninformed voters for putting a man like you into a position of power. You've skrewed us all.


    OF COURSE!!! THE SAME OLD after five years of empty pockets, debt rising, a divide nation from the major flip flop of all presidents along with broken promises especially in that botched costly mess effecting everyones purse of course except washington!! BUT IT AINT ME BABE, NO, NO ,NO, IT AINT BABE!!!!! Or better yet WHO ME??? COULDN'T BE!!! NOW DID WE EXPECT ANYTHING after all we have been hearing this political garbage for FIVE YRS NOW!!!


    Phony scandals and distractions? You mean like the Zimmerman case?


    There is no wizard in OZ. Only the most foolish of liberals still believe this buffoon.

    Notice who the messiah targets.....nineteen yr old skulls full of mush who have spent years in the public school reeducation camps..


    how about the scandal of $1.80 a gallon gas when you took office ? Now it is just about $4.00---some scandal. How about the 23+ million Americans out of work ? This has got to be phony.. How about the 4 dead loyal Americans in Benghazi ? What a distraction..


    One hour and six minutes of marxist bs where he said absolutely NOTHING pro-American or uplifting.
    Well, at least he's not blaming Bush anymore....


    The day ain't over yet..... :


    Can anyone name a federal agency that does not have a recent scandal? Secret Service, GSA, EPA, DoJ, IRS, DoS, DoD, ATF, FBI, Fed Marshals, HS, HHS, DHS, NSA... ?


    Here is a synopsis of Obama's speech on Osama bin Laden:

    "Tonight, I can report . . . And so shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta . . . I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden . . . I met repeatedly with my national security team . . . I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action. . . . Today, at my direction . . . I've made clear . . . Over the years, I've repeatedly made clear . . . Tonight, I called President Zardari . . . and my team has also spoken. . .These efforts weigh on me every time I, as Commander-in-Chief . . . Finally, let me say to the families . .. I know that it has, at times, frayed. . . .."
    Compare that with the speech given by George W. Bush on December 14, 2003:

    President Bush's Speech Upon the Capture of Saddam Hussein

    "Good afternoon. Yesterday, December the 13th, at around 8:30 p.m. Baghdad time, United States military forces captured Saddam Hussein alive.

    He was found near a farmhouse outside the city of Tikrit, in a swift raid conducted without casualties. And now the former dictator of Iraq will face the justice he denied to millions. The capture of this man was crucial to the rise of a free Iraq.

    It marks the end of the road for him, and for all who bullied and killed in his name. For the Baathist holdouts largely responsible for the current violence, there will be no return to the corrupt power and privilege they once held.

    The operation was carried out with skill and precision by a brave fighting force.
    Our servicemen and women and our coalition allies have faced many dangers in the hunt for members of the fallen regime, and in their effort to bring hope and freedom to the Iraqi people.

    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    As predicted, Obama gave America the same speech he's been giving for five years, saying the country needs more infrastructure spending due to crumbling roads and bridges, that we must fight poverty, that CEOs are making too much money while the poor suffer etc. He even went so far as to tout "saving the auto industry" one week after Detroit filed for bankruptcy.

    "Today, five years after the start of that Great Recession, America has fought its way back. Together, we saved the auto industry, took on a broken health care system, and invested in new American technologies to reverse our addiction to foreign oil and double wind and solar power," Obama said. "Together, we put in place tough new rules on big banks, and protections that cracked down on the worst practices of mortgage lenders and credit card companies. We changed a tax code too skewed in favor of the wealthiest at the expense of working families, locking in tax cuts for 98% of Americans, and asking those at the top to pay a little more."

    While Obama claims America is "back," 50 million people are on food stamps and 23 million people are unemployed. The healthcare system is starting to collapse as doctors leave their practices and gas is on average $3.68 per gallon. It isn't just the rich Obama has asked to "pay a little more." In January, he raised taxes on everyone. And finally, big banks are getting bigger.

    After claiming the country was on the right track economically, Obama proceeded to blame Republicans for "distractions" and "phony" scandals coming out of Washington.

    Rep. Issa has done it again:

    Darrell Issa ✔ @DarrellIssa

    RT if you agree. ZERO #jobs have been created from Obama's speeches. #PJNet

    2:07 PM - 24 Jul 2013
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Royally upstaged: Prince George steals the spotlight during Obama’s econ speech
    Posted at 1:35 pm on July 24, 2013 by Twitchy Staff

    Cuffé @CuffyMeh

    Who knew a royal baby could heft one of those big Vaudeville hooks?

    12:13 PM - 24 Jul 2013
    The new royal baby has been dubbed Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge.

    And the news was announced during President Obama’s economy speech.

    CBS This Morning ✔ @CBSThisMorning

    JUST IN: Prince William & Duchess Kate have named their son George Alexander Louis

    12:22 PM - 24 Jul 2013
    CBS This Morning ✔ @CBSThisMorning

    The #royalbaby will be known as His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge, says @ClarenceHouse

    12:23 PM - 24 Jul 2013
    Thunder? Stolen. At least on Twitter:

    Dana Loesch ✔ @DLoesch

    Obama wasn't "punished with a baby" just now, but he was punished with having the baby name dropped on his presser.

    12:26 PM - 24 Jul 2013
    S.M @redsteeze

    Obama's speech is so important that he has to share the screen with a baby..

    12:23 PM - 24 Jul 2013
    Dylan Jambrek @djambrek

    Sorry, President Obama, I'm a let you finish, but this baby's name is GEORGE! #thatsnovel #RoyalBaby

    12:27 PM - 24 Jul 2013
    James Kust @JamesKust

    Obama is giving a major economic address and he just got scooped by little Prince George.

    12:29 PM - 24 Jul 2013
    John Hayward @Doc_0

    Oh my God, they're going to announce the name of the Royal Baby
    right in the middle of Obama's economy temper tantrum. Priceless.

    12:11 PM - 24 Jul 2013
    S D Winkler @sdwinkler

    @Doc_0 Payback for the ipod and the Churchill bust. ??

    12:13 PM - 24 Jul 2013
    Miké @ThePantau

    Westminster is trolling @BarackObama?
    RT @nypost RT @PageSixEmily:
    #royalbaby name to be revealed in the next 15 minutes

    12:12 PM - 24 Jul 2013
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    They probably figured that since wasn't saying anything of importance, then an interruption would not interfere with O's rhetorical empty speech......and personally I think the baby is cuter. I do love the idea that George upstaged O.......

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    ANOTHER RECORD! Obama Creates Two New Food Stamp Recipients for Every Job Created

    Barack Obama has created two new food stamp recipients for every job created....
    CNS News

    White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said yesterday that the Obama administration has pulled the nation from the depths of the “Great Recession” with the creation of 7.2 million private sector jobs.

    “And what is absolutely true is that we have come a long way since the depths of the Great Recession. We’ve created over 7.2 million private sector jobs,” Carney told reporters at a press briefing.

    Here’s what Mr. Carney didn’t say:

    Since February of 2009, the first full month of Obama’s presidency, 9.5 million Americans have dropped out of the labor force. Nearly 90 million Americans are not working today!

    That means that 1.3 Americans have dropped out of the labor force for every one job the administration claims to have created.

    There are 15 million more Americans on food stamps today than when Obama assumed office.

    At the end of January 2009, 32,204,859 Americans received aid from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. As of April 2013, there were 47,548,694 Americans on food stamps.

    That means that more than two Americans have been added to the food stamp rolls for every one job the administration says it has created. More
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    At least Al Capone paid for milk for school children and soup kitchens.


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    Obama repeats Carney’s ‘phony scandals’ line in economy speech

    The dead SEAL Team VI Extortion 17 families don't feel fake grief. The families of those who died in Benghazi don't have fake pain of not knowing why their loved ones weren't rescued. Those who endured the loss of their sons or brothers in Border Patrol incidents because of the actions of Holder and Obama don't have fake empty spaces at the family table for holidays.

    Those who had audits at the hands of the IRS for going against the (p)resident's agenda didn't have to file "fake" papers, or pay "fake" money, and those Tea Party and other patriot groups didn't have to fill out with fake ink fake forms from the IRS. Now. Who is FAKE? What is FAKE? ~jg

    President Barack Obama said Wednesday that Republicans are trying to distract America from its economic problems by pushing “phony scandals,” echoing a line repeatedly used this week by White House press secretary Jay Carney.

    “With an endless parade of distractions, political posturing and phony scandals, Washington has taken its eye off the ball,” Obama said, according to prepared remarks released by the White House prior to his economic speech Wednesday at Knox College in Illinois. ”And I am here to say this needs to stop. Short-term thinking and stale debates are not what this moment requires.”

    Obama’s statement echoes a line repeatedly used by Carney to describe the IRS targeting scandal and other Obama administration headaches, including the National Security Agency surveillance and the Benghazi terrorist attack.

    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 07-24-2013 at 09:25 PM.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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