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    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Circuit advertisement President Obama’s Accomplishments : Discuss
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    Obama now blames children for his ineptness and stupidity

    President Barack Obama is trying to blame migrant Central American “children” for the public’s lopsided rejection of his wage-cutting immigration policies.

    “This problem with unaccompanied children that we saw a couple weeks ago, where you had, from Central America, a surge of kids who were showing up at the border, got a lot of attention,” he told NBC’s Chuck Todd.

    “And a lot of Americans started thinking, ‘We’ve got this immigration crisis on our hands,’” he said, so “the politics did shift midsummer because of that problem.”

    “No one believes that,” said a tweet from Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies, who has long argued that Obama’s plans are unpopular because they’re so disadvantageous to Americans.

    Obama Blames ‘Children’ For Hostility To His Amnesty Plans

    President Barack Obama is trying to blame migrant Central American “children” for the public’s lopsided rejection of his wage-cutting immigration policies.

    “This problem with unaccompanied children that we saw a couple weeks ago, where you had, from Central America, a surge of kids who were showing up at the border, got a lot of attention,” he told NBC’s Chuck Todd.

    “And a lot of Americans started thinking, ‘We’ve got this immigration crisis on our hands,’” he said, so “the politics did shift midsummer because of that problem.”

    “No one believes that,” said a tweet from Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies, who has long argued that Obama’s plans are unpopular because they’re so disadvantageous to Americans.

    On Sept. 6, White House officials said Obama had cancelled his very unpopular plans for a pre-election amnesty edict, and would instead announce his expected rollback of immigration policy before the end of the year.

    Obama said the draft plan is on his desk. “Jeh Johnson, the head of the Department of Homeland Security, has presented the preliminary, you know, ideas in terms of how we can take executive action,” he said in the White House interview.

    The plan, he said, is to allow many new foreign professionals and plus many existing illegals — “the millions of people who are here, in many cases, for a decade or more” — to stay in the United States.

    But Obama said he wants more public debate on the issue. “When I take executive action, I want to make sure that it’s sustainable,” he said.

    “I want to spend some time, even as we’re getting all our ducks in a row for the executive action… to make sure that the public understands why we’re doing this, why it’s the right thing for the American people, why it’s the right thing for the American economy,” Obama added.

    Since early 2013, Obama’s polling numbers on immigration have dropped steadily as he pushed for passage of an unpopular Senate-drafted bill that would grant amnesty for at least 12 million illegals and sharply increase the annual inflow of guest-workers to more than 1 million.

    His numbers fell as GOP politicians and numerous media outlets showed that his plan would dramatically increase the labor supply and allow millions of foreigners to compete against Americans for scarce jobs.

    A June 2013 report by the Congressional Budget Office said the Senate’s immigration bill would trim wages, nudge up unemployment and shift more of the nation’s annual income from workers to wealthy for 20 years.

    His immigration policies are now strongly opposed among voters by roughly three to one. They are lopsidedly opposed by swing-voters, many Hispanics, working Americans, GOP supporters, plus much of the Democratic Party’s base.

    Public support for Obama’s immigration policies dropped sharply this July as the public recognized the Central American migration.

    Since last October, at least 130,000 Central American migrants — adults, youths and children — have crossed the southern border and still remain in America because Obama is allowing them to ask judges for residency, instead of immediately repatriating them as economic migrants.

    To mute growing public opposition, Obama and his deputies have chosen to spin the mass migration as a surge of so-called “unaccompanied alien children” from Central America.

    The spin has helped focus progressives, ethnic lobbies and the media on the small number of young border-crossers, and has successfully obscured the faster-growing and larger inflow of Central American “family units,” which consist of adults and children seeking jobs.

    But roughly 80 percent of the “UACs” are 15 and older, and nearly all are accompanied by coyotes working under contract to Central American parents or relatives who are living illegally in the United States.

    In the NBC interview, Obama claimed the inflow of “children” has dropped. “In terms of these unaccompanied children, we’ve actually systematically worked through the problem, so that the surge in June dropped in July, dropped further in August,” he said. “It’s now below what it was last year,” he said.

    However, Obama spun MSNBC’s Chuck Todd, because he ignored the larger flow of “family units,” which has dropped only slightly in August.

    The number of “UAC” fell from 4,332 in July to 2,037 in August, according to monthly records that are released by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency. But the number of Central Americans crossing in “family units” dropped only slightly, from 5,517 in July to 5,205 in August. (RELATED: Obama Hides Steady Inflow Of Central American Migrants)

    Roughly 65,000 people arrived in “family units” this year, five times higher than the “family unit” inflow during the year up to October 2013. As of Sept. 1, the number of “family unit” arrivals exceeds the arrivals of children and youths.

    The Central American inflow is expected to rise in the cooler months of September and October.
    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 09-15-2014 at 05:35 AM. Reason: double post
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Obama’s ship is sinking
    By Michael Goodwin
    September 14, 2014

    The rising clamor over the beheading of two Americans, and rapidly sinking polls, forced President Obama to reassure the nation last week he had a plan to deal with the Islamic State. He did some of what he had to do, but only some, and so most military analysts believe the expanded airstrikes will not be a sufficient match for the size and weaponry of the terrorist army.

    They miss the point. The disjointed speech wasn’t really about terrorism and launching a new war. It was about saving Obama’s presidency.

    He is sinking fast and could soon pass the point of no return. In fact, it may already be too late to save the SS Obama.

    The whole second term has been a string of disasters, with the toxic brew of his Obamacare lies, middling economic growth and violent global breakdown casting doubt on the president’s stewardship. Six years into his tenure, nothing is going as promised.

    Earlier on, he could have trotted out his teleprompters and turned public opinion his way, or at least stopped the damage. But the magic of his rhetoric is long gone, and not just because the public has tuned him out.

    They’ve tuned him out because they’ve made up their minds about him. They no longer trust him and don’t think he’s a good leader.

    Most ominously, they feel less safe now than they did when he took office. Americans know the war on terror isn’t over, no matter what their president claims.

    Those findings turned up in a tsunami of recent polls that amount to a public vote of no confidence. They shook up the White House so much that the plan to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants was put on hold to try to protect Democratic candidates from voter wrath in November.

    That was a necessary tactical retreat, but it doesn’t change the *basic calculation. The president’s problem is that he has been wrong about virtually every major issue.

    His worldview, his politics, his prejudices, his habits — they’ve been a mismatch for the country and its needs. He has been a dud even in the one area where he seemed a lock to make things better, racial relations. Only 10 percent believe race relations have improved under him, while 35 percent said they are worse, according to a New York Times survey. The remainder said there wasn’t much change either way.

    That’s shocking — but not surprising. Barack Obama was not ready to be president, and still isn’t. It is a fantasy to believe he’ll master the art in his final two years.

    The lasting image will be his yukking it up on the golf course minutes after giving a perfunctory speech on the beheading of James Foley. It revealed him as hollow, both to America and the world, and there is no way to un-see the emptiness.

    That means, I fear, we are on the cusp of tragedy. It is reasonable to assume the worst-case scenarios about national security are growing increasingly likely to occur.

    Obama’s fecklessness is so unique that our adversaries and enemies surely realize they will never face a weaker president. They must assume the next commander in chief will take a more muscular approach to America’s interests and be more determined to forge alliances than the estranged man who occupies the Oval Office now.

    So Vladimir Putin, Iran, China, Islamic State, al Qaeda and any other number of despots and terrorists know they have two years to make their moves and advance their interests, and that resistance will be token, if there is any at all.

    Throw in the fact that Europe largely has scrapped its military might to pay for its welfare states, and the entire West is a diminished, confused opponent, ripe for the taking. Redrawn maps and expanded spheres of influence could last for generations.

    Of course, there is a possibility that America could rally around the president in a crisis, and there would be many voices demanding just that. But a national consensus requires a president who is able to tap into a reservoir of good will and have his leadership trusted.

    That’s not the president we have.

    Cuomo forced to turn & fight

    Take Andrew Cuomo. His promise to join general-election debates marks a change of behavior. Pain made him do it.

    Cuomo avoided talking to primary rival Zephyr Teachout, and voters punished him. The turnout was under 10 percent, of which he got 62 percent, meaning he won the nomination with the backing of just 6 percent of those eligible to vote.

    Landslide? No! He won but emerged weaker, which explains why the governor says he will debate Republican Rob Astorino. He even promises “debates” — plural.

    The promise comes with an asterisk. Unclear is whether Cuomo will agree to one-on-one showdowns with Astorino, or insist on a Noah’s Ark of minor-party candidates.

    He’ll do the minimum he thinks he can get away with. That’s where pain comes in, again.

    If you want real, substantive debates about the critical issues facing the Empire State, tell him. Until it hurts.

    Democrats’ praise for ‘the enemy’

    Shhhh, don’t tell Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid, but New York Democrats are saying nice things about David Koch.

    Reps. Carolyn Maloney and Jerry Nadler and a sprinkling of city and state lawmakers joined Koch to praise him for funding the renovation of the plaza in front of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

    As Maloney made clear, she was endorsing Koch’s philanthropy, not his conservative politics. “This beautiful addition to the Met Museum exists because of one man’s generosity,” she said.

    The gift brings to about $1.3 billion Koch has given to charities, including Lincoln Center, the American Museum of Natural History and medical institutions New York-Presbyterian, Memorial Sloan Kettering and the Hospital for Special Surgery.

    Yet Senate Democrats, led by Reid and Schumer, have called Koch and his brother Charles un-American and accused them of trying to buy elections. The Kochs’ great sin is to spend some of their money opposing the Democratic agenda.

    Reid, supported by Schumer, even tried to silence them and curb their First Amendment rights by giving government more power to limit political speech. Fortunately, the effort failed.

    As for the Dems who showed up to praise Koch, it shouldn’t be noteworthy when pols put New York ahead of their party. But it is, and that’s the real disgrace.

    Islamophobic? Try anti-Semitic

    Liberals love to seize on any perceived anti-Muslim bias to claim New York suffers from severe Islamophobia, but official statistics show that Jews suffer far more attacks.

    The Post reports that anti-Semitic incidents jumped 35 percent so far this year, with 85 incidents compared to 63 last year. The number of anti-Muslim hate crimes was 15, compared to seven last year.

    Some things never change.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    obama blaming illegal children - how immature. the blame should be on him and the inept way he has handled illegals by allowing them to stay here, to support them, to keep those who should be deported in this country to freely abuse our country...........and let us not forget how he has secretly sent these illegal children into our neighborhoods and schools without health screening which could endanger the lives of our citizens especially those most vunerable. should any of these illegals give birth they will now have a way to stay here with their anchor babies collecting free benefits. they get free health care while americans get to pay the bill for it and cannot get those same benefits for themselves.

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    the nypost article is spot on! foxnews will be talking about it today. i would love to see other media report what it is obvious for others to see

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    September 15, 2014
    Does Obama face a 'mutiny' in his administration?
    By Thomas Lifson

    Ed Rogers of the Washington Post, which is read by everyone in the Obama administration, raises an important question, and one that we will be hearing a lot more about as the collapse of the Obama presidency accelerates:

    Is a mutiny happening around President Obama? It appears possible that the president may not have made two of his most recent decisions with complete free will. The announcement that he would delay his immigration initiative until after the election and his formal announcement that the United States would take military action against the Islamic State could have been coerced.

    Maybe Democratic leaders in Congress and a few members of the Obama team have had it. Could it be that, after President Obama briefed Democrats in Congress on the immigration plan, they balked? Maybe the president was told that, if he waved in millions of new illegal immigrants before November, there would be an open revolt against him within the party.

    Similarly, a few members of this administration who have independence, stature and an adult disposition may have told the president he must act on the Islamic State or else they were out. I’m thinking of at least Secretary of State John Kerry and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. Is it possible they could not stomach doing nothing any longer and told the president that they would quit in protest if he did not take action?

    Once the November election is done, I expect to see a number of prominent resignations, motivated primarily by self-protection, a desire to avoid going down with the sinking ship, SS Obama. But some may be a product of adult-in-the-room conscience, as the damage to our national security becomes more and more self-evident.

    I would have preferred that the revolt against Obama’s incompetence come in reaction to domestic policy disasters, because our lives rarely are at stake in that sphere. But the fact is that with control of the dominant media still in the hands of Democrat allies, it has been possible to keep dissatisfaction with such disasters as Obamacare at a sub-acute level, while covering up the gangster government actions of the IRS and Justice Department, so that few if any Democrats saw their futures imperiled by continuing to stay silent in the face of outrageous abuses and sheer incompetence (for example, the Obamacare website debacles).

    But the ability of Obama media claque to keep the internet-televised beheadings of Americans secret is quite limited, and no amount of propaganda spin can make the prospect of executive fiat granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens palatable, particularly in a time of chronic high unemployment and underemployment.

    So the Obama presidency is bleeding support from its own party. An electoral disaster in November for the Democrats would heighten the flow into a torrent. To be sure, there will those who, despising and fearing Republicans, will double down on Obama, but there will be others whose survival instincts will cause them to turn on the president, more and more openly,

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    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    they forgot his golf club

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    look to his right hand on the side of the podium ... close enough to grab as he leave the Press Conference...
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jolie Rouge View Post
    look to his right hand on the side of the podium ... close enough to grab as he leave the Press Conference...
    ty how could i have missed that! i guess i was expecting it in his hand since he is always prepared to tee off. someone should make it into a likeness of where's elmo highlighting his favorite objects.. they could hide his trusty phone, his pen and his red crayon. add to that his hollywood buddies, a map of marthas vineyard and hawaii, a selfie or 2, children starving from the lack of food at school, members of his puppet regime, his trainer, picture of air force one renamed with his name on it.................

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    France ?? Britain and Germany have pulled back ... but we have FRANCE on our side ??
    I am sure ISIS is quaking in their boots... sandals ... whatever

    French jets strike ISIS targets in Iraq
    Friday, September 19, 2014 - 3:59pm

    (NBC NEWS) — France has carried out airstrikes against ISIS targets in Iraq, becoming the first U.S. coalition ally to take a hands-on role in the fight against the militant army.

    Two jets took off from a French base near Dubai Friday, refueled in midair and bombed ISIS ammo and fuel depots in northern Iraq.

    Despite Secretary of State Kerry's efforts to get more nations to do more, two major U.S. allies in the region have so far refused to conduct airstrikes or send in troops. Both Turkey and Saudi Arabia are sitting out, for now.

    Meanwhile, U.S. airstrikes against ISIS targets in Syria, already approved by President Obama, could come at anytime....

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    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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