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    Psalm 109:8

    My wife and I were in slow-moving traffic the other day and ee were stopped behind a car with an unusual Obama sticker on its bumper. It read: "Pray for Obama Psalm 109:8"

    When we got home my wife got out the Bible and opened it up to the scripture. She started laughing and laughing.

    Then she read it to me. I couldn't believe what it said. I had a good laugh, too.

    Psalm 109:8 ~ "Let his days be few and brief;
    And let others step forward to replace him."
    At last -- I can honestly ~ freely ~ wholeheartedly ~ voice a biblical prayer for our President!

    Let us all bow our heads and pray.

    Brothers and Sisters... can I get a big AMEN!
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Circuit advertisement President Obama’s Accomplishments : Discuss
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    "Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...


    President Obama's frequent golf outings have drawn the ire of critics.

    Now we are learning of at least one round of golf that never happened because the president was turned away from several courses.

    The first golfer was in New York Labor Day weekend for some fundraisers.

    A local TV station first reported, three exclusive golf courses -- Trump National, Willow Ridge, and Winged Foot -- denied the president's request to play there.

    A source at Winged Foot tells the Grapevine its policy is that non-members can play as guests of members, but the White House request to shut down the course for the president was a deal breaker.

    Labor Day weekend is, of course, one of the busiest of the year for golf courses and a presidential tee time would mean telling members who pay huge sums per year for a membership that they have been shut out.

    A few minutes ago, Donald Trump tweeted -- quote -- "If Obama resigns from office now, thereby doing a great service to the country, I will give him free lifetime golf at any one of my courses!" "

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    ‘WTF?': THAT’S the name of the charity the Obamas ‘served’ on 9/11?

    Posted at 12:02 am on September 12, 2014

    Because they don’t want us to remember. They want us to “serve.”

    The First Lady ✔ @FLOTUS

    The President & FLOTUS joined millions to #Remember911
    with service by assembling backpacks with @KaBOOM volunteers.

    9:22 PM - 11 Sep 2014
    Some commie Care Bear contrived “day of service” is no way to remember the worst attack on U.S. soil in history. Service is great but it’s not how you commemorate an act of war—especially while the war is still being fought.

    Steven Warren D @StevenWarrenD

    @FLOTUS @WhiteHouse @kaboom Remember #911 by assembling backpacks... #lolwut

    10:04 PM - 11 Sep 2014
    Kathryn Rose @kthryn_

    @FLOTUS kaboom seems like an word that might be a bit off color to use when talking about 9/11.....

    9:32 PM - 11 Sep 2014

    Brian @tntruckerdad

    Kaboom? Really? On a day planes went kaboom into buildings.
    Brilliant! @FLOTUS @WhiteHouse @kaboom

    9:55 PM - 11 Sep 2014

    September 11th. It is a day that we will never forget. Thirteen years ago, America was attacked by Islamic terrorists and nearly 3,000 Americans died. Two years ago, we were attacked again and lost 4 more American lives.

    So to recap ... the President of the United States spent the day marking the greatest attack on our mainland by ... a tour of Washington DC Mosques, a luncheon with Islamic Clerics as a "gesture of Goodwill" and then a Service Project/Photo Op stuffing booksacks with a charity that is called @KaBOOM.

    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 09-13-2014 at 06:44 AM.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    look at the pic...O could not fill the backpack all by himself - he needed someone to help him LOL.
    last time i looked 911 was a solemn day, not a day of smiling from ear to ear! of course this was just a photo ops to try and get ppl's minds off the fact that our country has been threatened and will remain a target.............and at least 1 person has been murdered by a jihadist only because he was an american

  7. #225
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    So to recap ... the President of the United States spent the day marking the greatest attack on our mainland by ... a tour of Washington DC Mosques, a luncheon with Islamic Clerics as a "gesture of Goodwill" and then a Service Project/Photo Op stuffing booksacks with a charity that is called @KaBOOM.

    No Comment Yet on Why Obama Held Meeting on 9/11 With Terrorist-Supporting Cleric
    By Victoria Taft 2 hours ago

    President Obama held an Oval Office meeting with Middle Eastern-based Arab Christians on 9/11, one member of whom is a loud and proud supporter of the terrorist group Hezbollah.

    The day before, members of the same group, holding a conference under the name In Defense of Christians, booed and shouted down keynote speaker Senator Ted Cruz when he called for support of Israel. Cruz told the group, “[I]f you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will not stand with you. Thank you and God bless you.”

    It’s surprising White House staffers allowed Maronite Patriarch Bashara Rai to meet with the President in the first place. As the Washington Free Beacon reports, the Lebanon-based Hezbollah supporting cleric isn’t shy about his views.

    “Everyone says why is Hezbollah carrying arms?” said Rai in a 2011 interview with Al-Arabiya. “We responded that the international community did not exert pressure on Israel to withdraw from Lebanese territory. As long as there is an occupied Lebanese territory, Hezbollah will maintain that it wants to carry arms in defense of its land. What will we say to it then? Isn’t [Hezbollah] right?”
    And, surprisingly, Rai wasn’t the only terrorist-supporting cleric invited to the meeting. From the Washington Free Beacon:

    According to an IDC press release, another attendee at the meeting with Obama was Orthodox Church Patriarch Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, who posted photos on Facebook from his meeting with a “high level delegation from Hezbollah” last week. Antioch Church patriarch Gregory III Laham, who has called anti-Christian terrorism in Iraq a “Zionist conspiracy against Islam,” also attended, according to the press release.
    The United States has listed Hezbollah as a terrorist organization since 1997, but the terror group and its mirror organization Islamic Jihad have been responsible for terrorist attacks since the 1980s. The group is responsible for bombing the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983, killing 241 men.

    The White House still has not commented on the meeting.
    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 09-12-2014 at 01:09 PM.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    "WH Press Sec. Josh Earnest would not respond to allegations by ISIS victim James Foley's family that they were threatened with prosecution by State Dept."
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    The Result of Barack Obama’s Astonishing Talent for Picking the Wrong Side in the Middle East
    September 9, 2014 By Alan Caruba
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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  11. #228
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jolie Rouge View Post
    "WH Press Sec. Josh Earnest would not respond to allegations by ISIS victim James Foley's family that they were threatened with prosecution by State Dept."
    James Foley’s Grieving Mom: Her Son’s Life Wasn’t In ‘Strategic Interest’ of White House to Save
    By Justen Charters 1 day ago

    In an interview with CNN, Diane Foley, the mother of murdered American journalist James Foley, said that the White House didn’t feel her son’s life was in the “strategic interest” of the United States to save.

    Foley told Anderson Cooper: “I think our efforts to get Jim freed were an annoyance” to U.S. officials.

    Then, Diane Foley explained how she was briefed on her son’s situation. She was told by the Obama administration several times that her family could be prosecuted if they attempted to raise any ransom money for Foley.

    She was also told the unfortunate news that no major military operation would be mounted to save her son. Despite an exchange of five Taliban commanders for Bowe Bergdahl, Diane was told there would be no exchanging of prisoners for Foley.

    Considering what Foley’s family claims happened in his case, we have to hope that our government can learn from the mistakes that were made – and acknowledge that more effort needs to made to save Americans who find themselves in harm’s way.

    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    in the interview they were asked how they found out about their son's was from a reporter

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    Sotloff Family Backs Up Foley Family, Says They Too Were Threatened With Prosecution By State Department
    Statement from journalist's family follows comment by James Foley's mother about 'appalling' warning

    By Michael Isikoff - September 12, 2014 7:43 PM

    The parents of murdered journalist Steven Sotloff were told by a White House counterterrorism official at a meeting last May that they could face criminal prosecution if they paid ransom to try to free their son, a spokesman for the family told Yahoo News Friday night. "The family felt completely and utterly helpless when they heard this," said Barak Barfi, a friend of Sotloff who is serving as a spokesman for his family. "The Sotloffs felt there was nothing they could do to get Steve out."

    The journalist's father, Art, was "shaking" after the meeting with the official, who works for the National Security Council, Barfi said. The families of three other hostages being held by the militant group Islamic State were also at the White House meeting, sources told Yahoo News.

    The Sotloff family issued their statement after Diane Foley, the mother of murdered journalist James Foley, told ABC News that her family took statements by the White House counterterrorism official about legal bars to paying ransom as a "threat, and it was appalling. ... We were horrified he would say that. He just told us we would be prosecuted."

    The Sotloffs “heard the same thing the Foleys did,” Barfi said in his statement to Yahoo News.

    Addressing the issue at a White House press briefing today, press secretary Josh Earnest declined to discuss conversations that administration officials had with the families, but said: "We have found that terrorist organizations use hostage taking and ransoms as a critical source of financing for their organizations and that paying ransoms only puts other Americans in a position where they're at even greater risk."

    Earnest also said that "elements of the U.S. government were willing to take a significant risk and expend significant resources" to secure Foley's release. President Barack Obama was "so convinced that this was a priority" that he ordered a team of several dozen U.S. special operations forces into Syria earlier this summer in an attempt to rescue several American captives, including Foley. Once on the ground, the operators found that the hostages had been moved.

    The murders of Foley and Sotloff, both of whom were beheaded by ISIS, were called "acts of barbarism" by Obama in his speech Wednesday night announcing a military campaign to destroy the terrorist organization.

    Sources close to the families say that at the time of the White House meeting the Sotloffs and Foleys — after receiving direct threats from ISIS — were exploring lining up donors who would help pay multimillion-dollar ransoms to free their sons. But after the meeting those efforts collapsed, one source said, because of concerns that "donors could expose themselves to prosecution."

    Although European hostages have been freed through ransom payments that have run into the millions of dollars, the Obama administration has taken a hard line against any such payments, viewing the transfer of cash as a violation of federal laws that forbid providing "material support" to a terrorist organization.

    "They've been stricter than any administration on this," said a former law enforcement official who has been working with the families of IS hostages.

    Barfi said that within a few hours of the White House meeting, he was at a separate meeting with State Department officials. One of those officials repeatedly mentioned the "material support" law and made it "clear," said Barfi, that criminal prosecutions could result if ransoms to the IS terrorists were paid.

    ... the Obama administration has taken a hard line against any such payments, viewing the transfer of cash as a violation of federal laws that forbid providing "material support" to a terrorist organization.
    Only the Administration can pick and chose who gets a ransom and who gets "left behind" ??

    Quote Originally Posted by Jolie Rouge View Post
    Oliver North: A Ransom was Paid for Bergdahl?
    June 4, 2014 By TPNN

    Lt. Col. Oliver North (ret.) dropped a bombshell on Tuesday as the former Marine claimed that there was likely a ransom paid for the release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the American deserter who was released by the Haqqanis, a terrorist organization with close ties to Al Qaeda, after the Obama Administration released five high-level terrorists from Guantanamo Bay.

    Because Bergdahl was being held hostage and was not a prisoner of war, North claims a ransom was paid- a ransom that North said was around $1 million some time ago and that he now estimated was around “$5 or $6 million” today.

    Col. North did not know who paid the ransom, whether it was the U.S. or the Qataris who brokered the deal. Noting that Bergdahl was, in no way, a prisoner of war, Col. North pointed out that he had been involved in several instances where the U.S. had to negotiate the release of American hostages from hostile factions.
    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 09-13-2014 at 05:40 PM.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    ‘WTF?': THAT’S the name of the charity the Obamas ‘served’ on 9/11?

    Posted at 12:02 am on September 12, 2014

    Because they don’t want us to remember. They want us to “serve.”

    The First Lady ✔ @FLOTUS

    The President & FLOTUS joined millions to #Remember911
    with service by assembling backpacks with @KaBOOM volunteers.

    9:22 PM - 11 Sep 2014
    Some commie Care Bear contrived “day of service” is no way to remember the worst attack on U.S. soil in history. Service is great but it’s not how you commemorate an act of war—especially while the war is still being fought.

    Steven Warren D @StevenWarrenD

    @FLOTUS @WhiteHouse @kaboom Remember #911 by assembling backpacks... #lolwut

    10:04 PM - 11 Sep 2014
    Kathryn Rose @kthryn_

    @FLOTUS kaboom seems like an word that might be a bit off color to use when talking about 9/11.....

    9:32 PM - 11 Sep 2014

    Brian @tntruckerdad

    Kaboom? Really? On a day planes went kaboom into buildings.
    Brilliant! @FLOTUS @WhiteHouse @kaboom

    9:55 PM - 11 Sep 2014

    September 11th. It is a day that we will never forget. Thirteen years ago, America was attacked by Islamic terrorists and nearly 3,000 Americans died. Two years ago, we were attacked again and lost 4 more American lives.

    So to recap ... the President of the United States spent the day marking the greatest attack on our mainland by ... a tour of Washington DC Mosques, a luncheon with Islamic Clerics as a "gesture of Goodwill" and then a Service Project/Photo Op stuffing booksacks with a charity that is called @KaBOOM.

    University of Wyoming editorial: It's time to 'move on' from '9/11 rituals'
    September 12, 2014

    University of Wyoming student Jeremy Rowley wrote an editorial Thursday for the student newspaper, the Branding Iron, advising Americans that it is time to "move on" from the terror attack that claimed the lives of close to 3,000 innocent people, observing that "the way the country has viewed September 11th every year since the attacks has been anything but productive."

    Making the point that remembrance for the victims of 9/11 leads to patriotism being "shoved down our throats," Rowley reminds Americans that "[C]ontrary to popular belief, America is not the best country in the world." For evidence, the writer explains that in America, "unarmed people of color are shot to death without justification" and observes that the United States "still struggles with paying women a fair wage."

    Additionally, Rowley laments, "we neglect to give our children an internationally competitive education." With the "list of injustices" that "goes on and on," Rowley is offended that "we band together and celebrate our country at a time when pride is the least justifiable reaction." He continues,

    “Instead of celebrating our country and shunning all those who don't fit in or agree, we, the United States of America, need to get over it.”
    The best way to honor the fallen, Rowley suggests, is to "make moves towards bettering our country by promoting true equality and observing the issues we still face, all in honor of those that died for it. Otherwise, we only shame ourselves."

    Needless to say, some of the commenters on Rowley's editorial heartily disagreed with his sentiments. One writer makes the point that if Americans are to "get over" Sept. 11, perhaps they should also "get over" slavery. Another recommends that Rowley "sit down with some of the families of the victims..." Yet another opines that Rowley's perceived injustices have "little to nothing to do with remembering and observing the tragic events of 13 years ago."

    One man wrote in part,
    “Impressionable little children like you swallow the propaganda of academics and politicians who have never worked to produce anything that benefits society, yet see themselves as fit to direct how the rest of us live.”
    While at the time of this writing, the vast majority of commenters heartily disagreed, some seemed to appreciate Rowley's sentiments. One commenter gushed,
    “I'm proud that there is an open-minded and intelligent student to represent those of us who are progressive and believe in free speech. Everyone I know agrees with you and will back you up!”
    As Michael Dorstewitz of Liberty Unyielding observes in response to Rowley's editorial, "...we can both honor and strive for perfection. But first and foremost, we must never forget."


    "I'm proud that there is an open-minded and intelligent student to represent those of us who are progressive and believe in free speech. Everyone I know agrees with you and will back you up." ....... all 3 of us.

    And if you're so "progressive" and believe in free speech, why do you want to shut down those who wish to exercise their free speech? OOPS, sorry I forgot, you're progressive speech is only allowed by people who agree with you.


    The great thing about this country is you are FREE to say what you want. (for now) He is free to say what he wants and I respect that. My turn.... Kiss my flag carrying, gun loving, communist hating American @$$ you little know nothing b!tch @$$ brat. I may forgive, God willing. But I will NEVER forget.


    I'm trying to figure out how such a progressive young man feels it is appropriate to create content for a publication whose name draws to mind oppression and abuse - of cattle. Where are his priorities?


    It's still a free country. He's free to say what he wants to say. What happened in 9-11-01 has shaped our country to be what it is today. Move on? Well, he's also free to "move to another country" if he doesn't like our remembering those that lost their lives.


    People should move on only when they are ready. Since he didn't lose any loved ones ... he won't understand the pain.

    On a similar note, imagine asking Jewish people to move on with regards to the holocaust. Or the Chinese to forget about what the Japanese did in WWII. It's just not something you forget if it happened to your nation. These things takes generations to heal.


    This young man needs to take a stroll through some of the wonderful places in the world. Where they send him to prison for making a wrong turn into their country with weapons legal in his country. Prison for posting a you tube video showing him and his friends sing about happiness. Where questioning religion gets you killed. He will see quickly why everyone wants to come to this evil place.


    This young man is about the age of my son ... who was in kindergarten when 9/11/01 happened.... and is likely reflecting the reactions of the adults he was surrounded by in his formative years. My son was raised in a family with men and women in the Armed Forces, the police and fire departments ... we had a different view then some.


    She isnt at fault. Its the liberal education system at work. Im sure what they do teach about 9/11 in schools now is that we deserved it. We had it coming.


    Too often our colleges insulate the students so much they have no idea what goes on in the real world around them. This young man needs to remember a very important lesson one it seems he hasn't learned at school-

    “Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it." Santayana/Churchill
    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 09-13-2014 at 06:20 PM.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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