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    Muslim Professor: An Element of "Racism and Bigotry" In What Bill Maher Says About Radical Islam
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    WH Chief of Staff: We're In a War Against Al Qaeda and ISIL
    January 26, 2015 - 5:26 AM By Susan Jones

    White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough says the United States is not at war against terrorism: "Well, we say we're in a war against al Qaeda. We have just never said we have been in a war against terrorism, which is a tactic. It's an unusual thing to say that we're at war against a tactic," McDonough told CBS's "Face the Nation" with Bob Schieffer on Sunday.

    "We are, however, at war against al Qaeda, its manifestations in Yemen, its manifestations in South Asia, its manifestations in East Africa, North Africa. And we're at war, bound to ultimately destroy -- first defeat, then destroy -- ISIL in Iraq and Syria."

    McDonough said the Obama administration is "investing an enormous amount" of time, resources, and troops in the fight and will continue to do that: "We're not downplaying anything," he told Schieffer, who suggested that the Obama administration had been "blindsided" by events in the Yemen and other Middle East.

    Appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press" with Chuck Todd, McDonough said the U.S. continues to "conduct very important operations" in Yemen, even though the U.S.-backed government has fallen.

    "Well, obviously, we're worried about the political situation on the ground. And as the president said in his comments just this morning, we know that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, ISIS, al Qaeda Central is going to blossom in the areas where the political situation is not as robust as it needs to be, where security forces are not as trained, as well armed, or as effective as they need to be.

    "So that's why when they grow in these dark places, we have to make sure that we're developing the institutions, working with the Yemenis so that we have a security force that can take the fight to AQAP and to others associated with them. That's exactly what the strategy is designed to do without -- as the President said very importantly, Chuck -- without relying on occupying armies or huge numbers of U.S. troops."

    McDonough said the challenge for the U.S. is not to resolve the political problems of countries such as Yemen, but to make sure that al Qaeda doesn't threaten Americans.

    "So the point is, when we see threats to the United States' interest, and the United States people and to United States we're going to take them out."

    Asked why President Obama and his team refuse to use the term "radical Islam," McDonough said no one is denying that the terrorists are Muslim.

    "These are Muslims who claim that their warped view of their ideology is what informed their actions, their hateful ideology in this instance. What we simply do not believe, Chuck, is that they should somehow be seen as representatives of Islam. They are not.

    "It's one of the world's great religions. It's -- the overwhelming majority of Muslims do not abide by this hateful ideology so we just thought not give them any kind of belief that somehow they deserve that title."
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    1 American dead in Libyan hotel attack
    By ESAM MOHAMED, Associated Press - 1 hr ago

    Libyan officials said four foreigners and five guards were killed after gunmen stormed a hotel in Tripoli.

    This is a breaking news update. Check back later for more.

    EARLIER STORY: TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — Gunmen stormed a luxury hotel in Libya's capital Tuesday, killing at least five foreigners and three guards, authorities said.

    The attack, which included a car bombing, struck the Corinthia Hotel, which sits along the Mediterranean Sea.

    Mahmoud Hamza, commander of the so-called Special Deterrent Force, told private satellite television station al-Nabaa that the situation was "under control" Tuesday afternoon, though he couldn't confirm the whereabouts of the gunmen. He also said five foreigners were killed, without elaborating.

    Another security official earlier said the gunmen killed three guards and took hostages, but had no further information on the captives' identities. He also said that two commercial landmark towers behind the hotel were evacuated out of security concerns. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to reporters.

    A hotel staffer said the attack began when five masked gunmen wearing bulletproof vests stormed the hotel after security guards at the hotel's gate tried to stop them. He said they entered the hotel and fired randomly at the staff in the lobby.

    The staffer said the gunmen fired in his direction when he opened his door to look out. He said he joined the rest of the staff and foreign guests fleeing out the hotel's back doors into the parking lot.

    When they got there, he said a car bomb exploded in the parking lot, only a hundred meters (yards) away. He said this came after a protection force entered the lobby and opened fire on the attackers. He said two guards were immediately killed. The staffer spoke on condition of anonymity because he feared being targeted later by militants. He said the car bomb left at least five cars in the parking lot burned and damaged some windows in the hotel's facade.

    He said the hotel had Italian, British and Turkish guests, but the hotel was largely empty at the time of the attack. He said the militia-backed Prime Minister Omar al-Hassi usually resides at the hotel, but was not there Tuesday. Al-Hassi's security guards also weren't there, he said. The hotel previously came under attack in 2013 when a former prime minister was abducted there.

    Since the ouster and 2011 killing of Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi, the country has been torn among competing militias and tribes vying for power. Libya's post-Gadhafi transition has collapsed, with two rival governments and parliaments — each backed by different militias — ruling in the country's eastern and western regions. Tripoli has been hit with series of car bombs and shootings amid the turmoil.

    The Malta-owned hotel is also where the United Nations support mission in Libya holds its meetings. The mission is currently hosting political talks with rival Libyan groups in Geneva.
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    February 9, 2015

    Coexist graffiti artist badly beaten by Muslim 'youths'

    By Thomas Lifson

    Every time I see a “Coexist” bumper sticker (and I see a lot of them in Berkeley), I think of soft-headed liberals who don’t understand the first thing about jihad. One of those Coexist fans just got mugged by reality (in Irving Kristol’s famous words), not in Berkeley, but in Paris.

    Jihad Watch reports:

    “Street Artist Combo Brutally Attacked for Pacifist Tag Post Charlie Hebdo,”
    by Coline Milliard, artnet news, February 5, 2015 (thanks to BD):

    It seems like something one would be hard pressed to disagree with: the word “coexist,” written on a wall using a Muslim crescent as the letter “C,” a Star of David as the letter “X,” and a Christian cross as a “T.”

    But in Paris, this particular iteration of the popular inscription—here, created by the street artist Combo, who also pasted a life-size photo of himself next to it—didn’t go down well with everybody. Le Monde reports that four young people asked the artist to remove it last weekend, and beat him up severely when he refused to do so.

    Combo ended up with a dislocated shoulder and many bruises.

    The attack is characteristic of the inter-religious tensions that plague France and have been exacerbated by the Charlie Hebdo tragedy (see 12 Killed at Magazine Previously Attacked for Satirical Cartoons ). Combo declined to discuss the identity of his assailants. “It would only add fuel to the fire,” he told the French newspaper.

    A former adman, the artist has taken his politically-charged street art to Los Angeles and Hong Kong, where he pasted printouts of web pages forbidden by the Chinese government. “My pieces function in a disruptive manner, they surprise, and appear up where they shouldn’t be,” he said.

    During a residency in Bayreuth, he grew his beard and started wearing the traditional Muslim dress—not because he was increasingly attracted to a more fundamentalist version of Islam, but, again, to disrupt established codes. To his friends asking him whether he was “going to jihad” in Lebanon, he answered, “I’m going to ji-art.”

    Jihandists have no interest at all in coexistence. They want domination. That’s pretty simple, but beyond the understanding of people who pride themselves in their sophistication. Cobo is lucky to be alive. Let’s hope he wises up.
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    Muslim Imam in Tennessee PREACHES “Jews & Christians are Filthy, Their Lives & Property can be Taken in Jihad by Muslims” in America

    What this famous and revered Imam, Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi, preaches goes beyond hate speech… it’s a mission of purification through promoting a religious extermination order. This Imam openly preaches it and we’ve got it on tape.

    Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi, a Memphis Imam based in Tennessee, preaches openly about what Islam truly is. He makes no bones about thinking that anyone other than a Muslim doesn’t deserve anything and are less than Muslims. In fact, part of Yasir Qadhi’s preaching includes rhetoric that says non-Muslims lives are forfeit and their property is legal for Muslims to take in jihad, (and this would include women as sex slaves) Recently Yasir Qadhi said that “Jews and Christians filthy, their lives and property can be taken in jihad by the Muslims.”

    Yasir Qadhi is not only a Memphil Imam, but is is also the Dean of Academic Affairs at the Al-Maghrib Institute. He is a hafiz (has memorized the Qur’an) and he has an M.A. in the Islamic Creed and a B.A. in Islamic Sciences from Islamic University of Medina, as well as a master’s and a doctorate in Islamic Studies from Yale. During a lecture on Shirk, or polytheism, Yasir Qadhi said that Jews and Christians are mushrikoon, or polytheists, because they have made partners with Allah. From Yasir Qadhi’s perspective, only Muslims are monotheists.

    He also claims that it is the responsibility of every single human being to bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and him alone. Now pay attention here. Yasir Qadhi now will tell you what the result and command that stems from this twisted principle.

    “And it is because of this same principle of monotheism that the prophet has been commanded to do jihad.”

    OK, now we’re getting somewhere. Did all of you alleged “moderate” Muslims out there get that? Of course, you did. You know this. You know jihad is not just some internal struggle. It isn’t about losing weight or getting in shape or some personal goal to be obtained. It is a holy war to advance the caliphate, the Islamic State. While “jihad is not the goal”, Qadhi says, “it is the means. It is a means to establish monotheism on the land,”. Let me translate that for any who are still skeptical and buying into the lie that Islam is peaceful. Jihad is a means, a violent means, to an end, or goal, where Islam dominates the United States.

    I am amazed that something like this is allowed to be openly taught and the FBI or other Federal Agency hasn’t gotten involved with stopping this “hate speech”. If these people were white and Christian saying these things… they would be immediately detained and prosecuted. The only answer I can come up with “WHY” the Government isn’t concerned is that it’s already been infiltrated to the point of protecting this man’s message of the mission to kill ALL Jews & Christians so it can spread and be realized. Maybe I’m wrong and paranoid… except I heard the execution order come from a well-known Imam who walks the streets of America and isn’t behind bars. Warn your neighbor before it’s too late and send them this video.

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    'Killing Jews Is Worship'
    Ads Set To Go Up On NYC Buses, Subways

    The Huffington Post | By Hilary Hanson
    Posted: 04/23/2015 5:30 pm

    A Metro bus, featuring a controversial ad, drives on a street in Washington, DC on May 21, 2014. Bus-ads linking 'Islamic Jew-hatred' Islam with Adolf Hitler are out on the streets of Washington, and the US capital's mass transit authority said May 20 it is legally powerless to ban them.The elongated broadsides on 20 Metro buses feature a photo of the Nazi German dictator Adolf Hitler in conversation with 'his staunch ally' Haj Amin al-Husseini, grand mufti of Jerusalem during World War II. 'Is
    | KAREN BLEIER via Getty Images

    Posters with the message “Killing Jews is Worship that draws us close to Allah” next to a photo of a man with a keffiyeh wrapped around his face may soon be plastered on New York City subways and buses, after a federal ruling on Tuesday cleared the way for their placement.

    The posters are not sponsored by an anti-Semitic organization, however, but by a pro-Israel one. The American Freedom Defense Initiative, classified as an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, has been fighting to get the ads up since last year.

    The quote on the ads is attributed to "Hamas MTV," and is followed by a second line that states, “That’s his Jihad. What’s yours?”

    Per a 1998 federal ruling, city buses and subways are considered a “designated public forum,” meaning that in most cases, the MTA can’t restrict the content of ads displayed there. However, a legal regulation does forbid material that “incites or provokes” violence.

    Officials with New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority approved six of the AFDI’s other anti-Islamic ads in September, but rejected the “Killing Jews” poster because they feared the second line of the ad could be interpreted as a “call to violence,” according to The Washington Post.

    U.S. District Judge John Koeltl ruled Tuesday that the MTA cannot prevent the ad from running.

    “There is no evidence that seeing one of these advertisements on the back of a bus would be sufficient to trigger a violent reaction. Therefore, these ads -- offensive as they may be -- are still entitled to First Amendment protection,” Koetl said.

    AFDI President Pamela Gellar tweeted that the decision was a “victory.”

    The ads that were not initially rejected went up last year, and included posters with the message “Yesterday’s moderate is today’s headline,” and others demanding the U.S. stop providing aid to Islamic countries.

    Religious leaders and many elected officials condemned the ads’ Islamophobic messages. "These ads are vile, hateful, indecent and only serve to fan the flames of intolerance," Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) said in a September statement.

    New York's MTA has tried and failed to reject AFDI campaigns in the past. A nearly identical situation played out in 2012, when the MTA refused to run ads reading: “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad.”

    Officials argued that the ad was offensive to Palestinians, and to Muslims as a whole, but a federal judge ruled that prohibiting the ad was a free speech violation.

    New York is not the only city plagued by the AFDI advertisements -- the anti-Islamic messages have appeared on public transit nationwide, including Washington, D.C., and Chicago. In response to public outcry about a 2013 AFDI campaign on San Francisco buses, the city’s transit authority opted to donate all revenue from the ads to San Francisco’s Human Rights Commission.

    When a judge ruled in March that the Philadelphia transit authority could not reject a particular AFDI ad, the transit authority enacted a blanket ban on all political, public issue and noncommercial ads, according to the Christian Science Monitor.
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    This little girl and her family actually reported the crime of rape. She was stoned for going out without a male relative escort. The rapist were never caught although she identified them.
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    Al-Jazeera poll shows overwhelming support for ISIS
    Written by Allen West on May 28, 2015

    We continue to be told about “moderate Muslims” and that ISIS is not “Islamic” and not representative of the “religion of peace.”

    Ok cool, then someone should probably explain their global recruiting effort and this recent report from Truth Revolt saying “An online poll at the website of the Al-Jazeera news network shows overwhelming support for the terrorist group ISIS. With more than 40,000 votes, 81 percent of those that have taken part say they support the latest victories ISIS has had.”

    Here’s the translated web page.

    In case you’ve been watching too much reality TV and are unaware. Al-Jazeera is based in the Gulf Cooperation Council country of Qatar, whose leader was one of two who attended the recent Middle East summit at Camp David. Qatar’s government funds Al-Jazeera, yep, state owned media, and Al Gore’s failed liberal progressive socialist Current TV network was sold to Al-Jazeera. Those of us who’ve served in combat in the Middle East know Al Jazeera as the voice of the Islamic jihadists — famed for being a propaganda arm for Osama bin Laden.

    But even more disconcerting is that Qatar is the place where five senior Taliban leaders unconstitutionally released from Guantanamo Bay by President Obama reside — but within the week will be released to return back to Afghanistan.

    I believe we need to follow the money because ISIS and Islamic terrorism doesn’t exist in a vacuum, they find external support and financing from somewhere. And you’ll come to find that Qatar has been one of those countries providing that support. All the while this nation placates us by allowing Al Udeid Air Base there not far from the city of Doha where the leader of Hamas resides.

    Ain’t life just grand?

    So what do we make of the survey conducted on the Al-Jazeera news network website? That perhaps, just perhaps, there are actually quite a few people in the Islamic world who are cheering on ISIS and what they’re doing? Of course the “coexist” crowd will castigate me as an “Islamophobe” — nah. I’m just a realist who understands there are good guys and good leaders in the Islamic world who see militant Islam as not just a threat to us — but also to themselves.

    However, perhaps that’s not the prevailing sentiment in the Islamic world, that groups like Boko Haram, ISIS, Al-Qaida, Hamas, Hezbollah, Jabhat al Nusra, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Al Quds Martyrs, Ansar al Sharia, Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaida in the Maghreb, al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, Jemaat al Islamiya, Taliban, Haqqani Network, Abu Sayyaf…I think I’ve mentioned a majority of them — are welcomed, and somewhere behind the hidden curtains they’re spoken of with sincere admiration and affection.

    There is a global Islamic jihadist movement and eventually we in Western civilization are going to have to accept that reality. It doesn’t mean we target an entire group, but we can ill afford to dismiss the cancer. Coexist, yep, but coerce, nope.

    Just think about this: the state-run media of Qatar, Al-Jazeera, is broadcasting right here in America. Do I believe in freedom of the press? Certainly. But I also don’t believe in doing stupid stuff just to convince yourself you’re multicultural, benevolent, and accepting. We should not advance a theocratic-political totalitarian ideology that is the antithesis of the fundamental precepts of individual liberty and freedom, which we enjoy here in America.

    You just have to ponder, what if Al-Jazeera in America ran a similar survey?
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    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Why our troops need to be VERY concerned on June 29th
    Written by Ashley Edwardson on June 12, 2015

    While the commander in chief is worried about building tourism in Jordan and gender-neutral bathrooms in the White House, his non-Islamic Islamic State has managed to get its hands on enough radioactive material from former government facilities to suggest it has the capacity to build a large and devastating “dirty” bomb, according to reports issued by Australian intelligence agencies, according to The Independent.

    Feeling sick yet? ISIS has declared its ambition to develop weapons of mass destruction in the most recent edition of its propaganda magazine Dabiq, and Indian defense officials have previously warned of the possibility the militants could acquire a nuclear weapon from Pakistan.

    According to the Australian foreign minister, Julie Bishop, NATO has expressed deep concerns about the materials seized by ISIS from research centers and hospitals that would normally only be available to governments.”

    The threat of ISIS’ radioactive and biological weapons stockpile was so severe that the Australia Group, a 40-nation bloc dedicated to ending the use of chemical weapons, held a session on the subject at its summit in Perth last week.

    This is really worrying them,” Ms Bishop said in an interview with The Australian.

    When they swept across territory in Syria and Iraq, she said, “the insurgents did not just clear out the cash from local banks.”

    Last week Ms Bishop spoke at the Australia Group meeting about fears ISIS was weaponizing poisonous gases such as chlorine.

    And speaking to The Australian, she confirmed that the concerns she was raising stemmed from reports filed by the Australian department of defense as well the foreign office.

    Experts apparently fear that ISIS will use the upcoming “celebration” of the start of Ramadan and the first anniversary of its declaration of a caliphate (June 29th) to spread the joy with some chemical weapons, noting that the group usually reserves its major operations to coincide with the Islamic holy month.

    Because the Obama administration has benched itself for the last three quarters of the game, our troops may now face the worst sort of warfare. Had we left sufficient troop levels in Iraq to take out these thugs at the inception, we wouldn’t be facing the prospect of our military personnel — oops I mean trainers — being hit with a dirty bomb.
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    Sick and twisted: New tool ISIS using for recruitment is beyond depraved
    Written by Michele Hickford, Editor-in-Chief on August 14, 2015

    It is nearly impossible to describe the atrocities ISIS has committed and gleefully documented to date. The level of savagery, sadism and brutality, the unspeakable horrors meted out to innocents in the name of Allah.

    And now we must add another.

    ISIS has added rape as an acceptable part of its theology — in fact using the Koran to justify and condone it. Rape. Of girls.

    Perhaps I’ve missed it, but I haven’t heard any “moderate Muslim clerics” on the news decrying this as an abomination and a corruption of their faith. Have you? If you do see it, will you please send it to me? I’d really like to hear one, just one, Muslim leader here in the United States come forward to take a stand against just this one thing. Forget the beheadings. Forget burning alive and drowning alive.

    Just stand up and say using the Koran to justify the rape of non-Muslim girls is wrong. Hello CAIR? Can you please say that in public? Can you please issue a press release saying you think it’s HORRIBLE that ISIS is corrupting your beautiful religion of peace by condoning and encouraging violent sexual assault? I’m sorry, does the question offend your sensibilities?

    How about this then. Read this story, as reported by the New York Times:

    In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted.

    He bound her hands and gagged her. Then he knelt beside the bed and prostrated himself in prayer before getting on top of her.

    When it was over, he knelt to pray again, bookending the rape with acts of religious devotion.

    “I kept telling him it hurts — please stop,” said the girl, whose body is so small an adult could circle her waist with two hands. “He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God,” she said in an interview alongside her family in a refugee camp to which she escaped after 11 months of captivity.
    She’s 12, remember.

    I am very much looking forward to reading the statement of condemnation by CAIR. I’m sure it will be issued very soon.

    The Daily Mail says
    “rape of Yazidi women and girls has become a huge part of the culture of ISIS – with warehouses for holding victims, viewing rooms for inspections and a fleet of buses for moving them around.

    And this has helped ISIS recruit men from conservative Muslim societies, which ban casual sex and dating.”
    “Join ISIS and get lucky.” No wonder its ranks are swelling.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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