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    Nutritionist offers lunchbox-packing tips
    August 20, 2013 5:06 PM

    BATON ROUGE - Nutritionist Terri Johnson from Baton Rouge General joined Brittany Weiss on News 2 at 4 today to discuss how parents can plan and pack an easy, healthy, and tasty lunchbox for their kids.

    Johnson said parents often pack things that are too heavy in grains and carbs, like sandwiches, which can cause children's blood sugar to fluctuate and lead to attention problems later in the day. She says to remember to include other things to make meals balanced, including proteins, fiber, and fats.

    Johnson said kids also love to dip and dunk things, so planning fruits or veggies with something like ranch, hummus, or peanut butter can get them more interested than just the veggies alone.

    She said parents who don't have time to pack lunches should focus on educating their kids to make smart choices at school, including skipping sodas in favor of milk or water. Video at link ....
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    Circuit advertisement School Bans Lunches Brought From Home for Health & Profit — Mostly Profit
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    Feds Order School to Ban Packed Lunches Without Doctor’s Note...
    October 24, 2013/ RedFlag

    (PAUL JOSEPH WATSON) -- A school in Richmond, Virginia is following federal government instructions by telling parents that they need to have a doctor’s note in order for their children to be allowed to bring packed lunches to school, another example of how the nanny state is encroaching via the public education system

    A letter featured on the website instructs parents that packed lunches must be accompanied with a physician’s note.

    Dear Parents,

    I have received word from Federal Programs Preschool pertaining to lunches from home. Parents are to be informed that students can only bring lunches from home if there is a medical condition requiring a specific diet, along with a physicians note to that regard.

    I am sorry for any inconvenience. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Stephanie [redacted] the Health Coordinator for Federal Programs Preschool at [redacted].


    Ms. [redacted]
    The letter also includes a handwritten note from a teacher which reads, “Ms Brooks, Please do not send a lunch to school unless a doctor’s note is sent in connection with this letter.” The identity of the school remains unknown, but it is situated in Richmond, Virginia.

    The Federal Programs Preschool initiative is funded primarily by the Head Start Program, a Department of Health and Human Services scheme that provides education and nutritional support for children from low income families. Under Federal Programs Preschool, children are provided with breakfast, lunch and a snack.

    While informing parents that they cannot make a decision on their own child’s diet, the same school promotes the fact that they sell ice cream during P.E. lessons every week. In a separate post, another parent describes how their child was upset because she was the only student not able to buy nachos and lemonade, which were also being sold during P.E. lessons right before lunch.

    “So I suppose that sending a note that says “I choose to skip the GMO’s in the lunches you serve for a more balanced and safe diet as the parent of this child” doesn’t suffice?” writes Trisha Haas, adding that, “Homeschooling is looking better and better every day.”

    If parents want to pack a healthy, non-GMO lunch for their own children, and not have their kids snacking on preservative-laden nachos and ice cream, they’re out of luck, because the federal government says so, unless parents go through the ludicrous hassle of obtaining a doctor’s note beforehand.

    “So, now, at least one school wants children to have a doctor’s note to say no to the school lunch offerings of hormones, GMOs, preservatives, and grease. They must have the permission of a professional to avoid junk food. A parent’s good judgment is not sufficient, it seems, to make the healthy decision to provide a toxin-free lunch. Does anyone else see the irony here?” asks Daisy Luther.

    This is not the only example of school lunches being banned. Chicago’s Little Village Academy public school mandates students eat at the cafeteria or go hungry. Only children with allergies and a doctor’s note are allowed to bring a packed lunch.

    Many will see this as another form of creeping authoritarianism being introduced through the public education system, advancing the idea that the state and not parents have supreme authority over children.

    It’s a concept also being promoted by the mass media. Earlier this year, MSNBC ran a segment pushing the notion that kids belong to the “collective,” and that the “idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families” should be eliminated.
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    let's not for get the animals we eat are also laden with steroids and antibiotics which are harmful to all of us.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Jolie Rouge View Post
    Rep. Huelskamp: Snack programs not the solution to uproar over first lady’s lunch plan
    By Caroline May ~ 09/28/2012


    Huelskamp introduced legislation in mid-September with Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King to repeal the rule — implemented under the “Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010″ — which created the regulations. The snack idea, to Huelskamp, is not a solution. “This is just a perfect example of bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. — in this case, in the White House — actually trying to dictate what happens with our kids,” Huelskamp said. “You have 32 million kids on these lunches and it is a problem. And I’ll disagree with the first lady. I don’t think it’s our number one national security problem, it’s not obesity — obesity is 10, 15, 20 percent of the kids, depending where we’re at — but we’re going to put 100 percent of the kids on a diet. But not the kids of Mr. and Mrs. Obama.”

    The Obamas’ daughters attend the elite Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C., which does not participate in the school lunch program.

    The USDA did not respond to TheDC’s request for comment.
    So they do not follow the same rules that they impose on every one else ... hmmmm I am detecting a pattern here.
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    typical of bureaucrats headed by mr and mrs obama = do as i say not as i do. I propose we eliminate the word bureaucrat(s) and replace it permanently with hypocrite(s)........

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    There isn't a credible nutritionist anywhere who recommends the consumption of Ritz crackers.


    $5 each. Was each kid given a whole box of crackers? Even then...


    This is crazy! That sounds like a fab, healthy lunch - grain is misleading, because what they really need/mean is a carb/fibre, which will have been provided by the potato and carrot. Then to give the kids RITZ CRACKERS ?? As a science experiment is school we had to burn food to discover the fat/calorie etc content. My cracker burned like a firecracker and oozed more liquid fat than I could have ever imagined, also they're chock full of salt, CRAZY!


    $10 for Ritz crackers?! She could have bought four boxes of the darn things. Not to mention, those are buttery crud compared to what looked like a nice lunch. Those shouldn't qualify as a grain.


    Potatoes are a carbohydrate food. Grain is a carbohydrate food. Potatoes and grain are equivalent for the purposes of this regulation. Refund the money or get sued.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jolie Rouge View Post

    There isn't a credible nutritionist anywhere who recommends the consumption of Ritz crackers.


    $5 each. Was each kid given a whole box of crackers? Even then...


    This is crazy! That sounds like a fab, healthy lunch - grain is misleading, because what they really need/mean is a carb/fibre, which will have been provided by the potato and carrot. Then to give the kids RITZ CRACKERS ?? As a science experiment is school we had to burn food to discover the fat/calorie etc content. My cracker burned like a firecracker and oozed more liquid fat than I could have ever imagined, also they're chock full of salt, CRAZY!


    $10 for Ritz crackers?! She could have bought four boxes of the darn things. Not to mention, those are buttery crud compared to what looked like a nice lunch. Those shouldn't qualify as a grain.


    Potatoes are a carbohydrate food. Grain is a carbohydrate food. Potatoes and grain are equivalent for the purposes of this regulation. Refund the money or get sued.
    A mom who thought she was properly parenting by sending her two young kids to school with a homemade, whole-food lunch was shocked to find a penalty note from school officials informing her that the lunch of roast beef, potatoes, carrots, oranges and milk she provided was "unbalanced" and and therefore had to be supplemented with Ritz crackers.

    She was also fined $10.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    makes you wonder who exactly is UNBALANCED.....

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    Another Obama Failure: Michelle’s Let’s Move Program Fails
    January 10, 2014 By Jennifer Burke

    Michelle Obama has good intentions, but just like her husband, implementation of her plans resulted in a major flop. Barack Obama’s signature legislation of Obamacare has been wrought with controversy, disappointment, and failure from the start. It looks like Michelle’s second signature program as First Lady, the Let’s Move program, is meeting the same fate as her ‘healthy lunches’ program. Huge rejection and abysmal failure.

    The Daily Caller reported about this failure today.

    The Let’s Move! campaign was announced in 2010. Its ambitious goal: to solve the obesity problem in America within a generation.

    So far, things aren’t going well. The latest data on kid fitness suggests that 3 in 4 kids aged 12 to 15 fail to meet the federal government’s minimum recommendations of an at least an hour of vigorous activity each day, reports an Associated Press at WNYW.

    The data comes from a 2012 National Youth Fitness Survey of about 800 teens and preteens. The kids self-reported their own physical activity. They also submitted to physical exams.

    Federal researchers would not express disappointment in a statistic showing that fully 75 percent of American kids don’t do a bare minimum of exercise each day.

    “There’s always room for improvement,” said Tala Fakhouri, an optimistic scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who was the lead author of the study.
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    The latest data on kid fitness suggests that 3 in 4 kids aged 12 to 15 fail to meet the federal government’s minimum recommendations of an at least an hour of vigorous activity each day, reports an Associated Press at WNYW.
    statistic showing that fully 75 percent of American kids don’t do a bare minimum of exercise each day.
    That's because they're too damn busy sitting on their fat a$$es playing computer games, and texting their friends!! And parents don't want to do anything about it because their kids will ''whine'' and have temper tantrums.

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    Meanwiches and stinkburgers: Ticked-off kids blame Michelle Obama for pitiful school lunches [pics]
    Posted at 12:54 pm on April 5, 2014

    Anthony Gallimore @gallimore25

    I'll never forgive Michelle Obama for this school lunch.

    11:46 AM - 3 Apr 2014
    Many students fled the school lunch lines after Michelle Obama’s anti-obesity campaign brought misery (and miniature portions) to lunchrooms around the country. Others weren’t so lucky.

    Tanner @T_Wilss

    You call this a fcking "lunch"? @BarackObama @MichelleObama

    7:45 AM - 31 Mar 2014
    Tyler Clements @TylerClements6

    @MichelleObama so this is the "healthy school lunch"...

    10:48 AM - 3 Apr 2014
    ϲɑÃ*ԵӀÃ*ղ Եɑցղҽɾ @ctagner1

    Thank you Michelle Obama for being a health freak and making our school lunch even worse than it already was.
    All we get for lunch today. Thank you Michelle Obama.

    6:37 PM - 17 Mar 2014
    Megan Howell @Howelady

    @MichelleObama my school lunch while eating with my daughter. This is sad!

    11:07 AM - 14 Mar 2014
    Meanwhile .... this is how the Obama's dogs eat dinner ??
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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