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    another governmental saying of do as I say, not as i do...................

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    Circuit advertisement School Bans Lunches Brought From Home for Health & Profit — Mostly Profit
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    Um, First Lady? These Kids Are STARVING

    Have y'all noticed that there have been several stories in the past few days about Michelle Obama's new school lunch menus?

    Apparently, students are revolting against Queen Obama's lunch mandates.

    Leave it to a Democrat First Lady - who feels as though she's equipped to run our and our children's lives - to make school lunches MORE EXPENSIVE but contain LESS FOOD for kids to actually ingest. You see, the meals that Queen Obama wants your kids to eat are, on average 20 to 25 cents more a piece, yet they don't have as much to offer. And kids are HUNGRY. Go figure.

    Come to think of it, that sounds like an encapsulation of Democratic policies.

    "In Wisconsin, high school athletes are complaining about not getting enough to eat each day, due to the skimpy new lunch menu mandates by the United States Department of Agriculture and First Lady Michelle Obama."

    Kids are not only getting less food on these Queen-dictated menus, but they're subsequently EATING LESS than what they even have on their plate, because, well, their plates are filled with crap they don't want to eat. For example, in elementary schools, FLOTUS has implemented hummus and black bean salads. Which begs the question - has this woman ever RAISED an elementary-aged kid? I mean, I'm 41 years old, and Idon't want hummus for lunch, for crying out loud. So someone please pass me the cow and potatoes. Thanks.

    The only beacon of hope in this story is the fact that students are fighting back. And it appears that they're waaaaaaay smarter and more entrepreneurial than what our Dear First Lady would EVER give them credit for. In fact, in New Bedford, Massachusetts, students have created a BLACK MARKET, you guys - for chocolate syrup. I kid you not. "The kiddie capitalists are smuggling in bottles of it and selling it by the squeeze."

    And let me stop for a second and state that I want to hug every single one of those black-market-chocolate-syrup-wielding kiddie capitalists.

    Of course, the government blames the kids. Because OF COURSE THEY blame the kids:

    "One thing I think we need to keep in mind as kids say they're still hungry is that many children aren't used to eating fruits and vegetables at home, much less at school. So it's a change in what they are eating. If they are still hungry, it's that they are not eating all the food that's being offered," USDA Deputy Undersecretary Janey Thornton was quoted as saying.

    Riiiight, Miss Bureaucrat Undersecretary. It's the KIDS' fault. And it has nothing to do with the fact that our First Lady - who, last time I checked, had NO FREAKIN DEGREE IN NUTRITION TO SPEAK OF - is dictating what kids should eat in school, based on the fact that she feeds her own kids hummus and salads, so you should too - and also based on the fact that she has nothing better to do with her time.

    So, yeah. I'd just like to give a big COTR saaaaaaalute to all those kids out there that are revolting against the oppressive nutritional dictatorship of Dear First Lady. I'd also like to point out to those kids that they will be able to vote sometime in the very near future. And if you're reading this, kiddos, let me just remind you that Queen Obama is a Democrat. Democrats want to run your lives, because they feel as though you're too much of a moron to make decisions on your own. Keep that in your pocket, along with the cash you're making from your chocolate syrup venture.

    You can thank me later.

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    Quote Originally Posted by janelle View Post

    ... students have created a BLACK MARKET, you guys - for chocolate syrup. I kid you not. "The kiddie capitalists are smuggling in bottles of it and selling it by the squeeze."

    And let me stop for a second and state that I want to hug every single one of those black-market-chocolate-syrup-wielding kiddie capitalists.
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    Rep. Huelskamp: Snack programs not the solution to uproar over first lady’s lunch plan
    By Caroline May ~ 09/28/2012

    Side salads await the students of Eastside Elementary School in Clinton, Miss., Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2012. The leaner, greener school lunches served under new federal standards are getting mixed grades from students. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)

    Kansas Republican Rep. Tim Huelskamp was unimpressed by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack’s snack solution to the recent uproar from hungry students and concerned parents over the new Michelle Obama-backed, restricted-calorie school meal menus. “We have a problem with one government program so we have to create another,” Huelskamp told The Daily Caller disapprovingly in a Thursday afternoon interview. He noted that the Department of Agriculture has not offered details about what a snack program could look like.

    Wednesday Vilsack responded to recent criticism that the new menu standards do not provide enough food for active students and leave them hungry, saying that the key is a snack. ABC News reported the administration is working with school districts to implement snack programs and encouraging parents to pack snacks for active students. “We understand that change is difficult,” Vilsack told ABC News. “Some folks love it, some folks have had questions about it, but that’s to be expected when you’re dealing with 32 million children and you’re dealing with over a hundred thousand school districts.”

    Students and parents across the country have been voicing their displeasure at the new standards, which reduce the amount of protein and carbohydrates school children are allowed to have, increase their veggie and fruit intake and put strict calorie caps on the meals. Critics say the meals are leaving kids without sufficient energy for after-school activities.

    Huelskamp introduced legislation in mid-September with Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King to repeal the rule — implemented under the “Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010″ — which created the regulations. The snack idea, to Huelskamp, is not a solution. “This is just a perfect example of bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. — in this case, in the White House — actually trying to dictate what happens with our kids,” Huelskamp said. “You have 32 million kids on these lunches and it is a problem. And I’ll disagree with the first lady. I don’t think it’s our number one national security problem, it’s not obesity — obesity is 10, 15, 20 percent of the kids, depending where we’re at — but we’re going to put 100 percent of the kids on a diet. But not the kids of Mr. and Mrs. Obama.”

    The Obamas’ daughters attend the elite Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C., which does not participate in the school lunch program.

    The USDA did not respond to TheDC’s request for comment.
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    and I as I say and not as i do......can we make that the motto of washington dc?

    The amazing part about this is that government is profiling all kids (ew profile is a no no...lets have the AG sue them) and not differentiating between the 4' 10" small boned girl at 75 lbs and the 6' 5" large boned male at 185 lbs. I don't think michelle O would be happy eating what that petite girl eats. Another thing is that eating nuts and greens can cause kidney stones.......and beans can cause uncomfortable and embarrassing flatulence.........

    I just thought of something funny...put O on a bean diet and watch him on national tv clear out a room!

  7. #39
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    Chicago students sickened after eating school lunches with rodent droppings
    POSTED: Friday, October 12, 2012 - 5:00am

    CHICAGO, IL (WGNTV) — Students at a Chicago high school fell ill Wednesday after eating contaminated school lunches, a CPS spokesperson confirmed.

    Two students reportedly became sick at Hirsch High School on the city's south side after eating hot school lunches that were contaminated with rat or mouse droppings. The food appeared to have been chewed by either a rat or a mouse.

    The students were hospitalized after becoming sick and are expected to be okay.

    The kitchen has been shut down for inspection. Students at the school were served cold lunches Thursday that came from an outside source.
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    They should've taken that time with the Annual Teachers Strike, to clean the school kitchens.

    Going Off the Grid!

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    Those ‘exciting changes’ to school lunches aren’t working out so well
    By Doug Powers • December 9, 2012 12:29 PM

    In early September, “Let’s Move” released a back-to-school message featuring Michelle Obama announcing “exciting changes” to the lunch menus of public schools:

    “And today I want to tell you about some exciting changes that you’ll be seeing in your school cafeterias,” she said. “Starting this year, the talented people who cook the food at your school will be offering all kinds of healthy, delicious new choices. Foods that are good for you and that taste good, too.”

    “These healthy foods are good for your body, they’ll give you energy and make you stronger and they’re also good for your mind,” Mrs. Obama said.

    “Studies show that when you eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables that can actually help you pay attention in class and do a better job on your homework and tests.”

    “And that’s really what this is all about,” she said.

    I have two kids in high school and one in junior high, and though they take their own lunches on most days, I’ve heard stories from their friends about the quantity and quality of the new menu (the biggest complaint being that the new pizza with the whole wheat crust isn’t served with an antiemetic on the side). As it turned out, there was a national backlash over the new lunch menu.

    The complaints have reverberated all the way back to Washington, and now the Ag Department is beating a quick retreat:

    The Agriculture Department is responding to criticism over new school lunch rules by allowing more grains and meat in kids’ meals.

    Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack told members of Congress in a letter Friday that the department will do away with daily and weekly limits of meats and grains. Several lawmakers wrote the department after the new rules went into effect in September saying kids aren’t getting enough to eat.

    School administrators also complained, saying set maximums on grains and meats are too limiting as they try to plan daily meals.

    “This flexibility is being provided to allow more time for the development of products that fit within the new standards while granting schools additional weekly menu planning options to help ensure that children receive a wholesome, nutritious meal every day of the week,” Vilsack said in a letter to Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D.

    It only took a few months for the food cops and nutrition nannies in DC to come to a collective epiphany: By the time these kids grow up they may well have forgotten who exactly stuck them with trillions and trillions worth of debt, but they will always remember who made them eat s#*tty pizza.

    **Written by Doug Powers


    Too bad they didn’t make the White House and all the federal employees in DC eat the same lunches … it wouldn’t have taken months to get it changed …

    As I understand it though they are saying this is just a temporary hold on the lunch measure and the new rules will go back in effect next school year …


    I have something that I’ve wondered a little about lately. Who exactly designed these lunch menus? Was this really a direct action of FLOTUS? Did she take it upon herself to dictate what shall be served?

    If so, I ask: When and where did she receive her degree in nutrition and human growth and development? This woman was only qualified in her previous life to be hired due to having a husband in politics (much like a previous first lady we all know), so how did she manage to “learn” enough to pull this off?

    (Yes, skeptics, I know she does have a law degree and passed the bar, but I ask you, how many people did that but aren’t smart enough to follow the horses at a parade with a shovel?)


    The problem with the overweight school kids isn’t the food they are eating. The problem is that they are sitting on their behinds too much since a majority of the things we used to do in school to control our weight, like recess, dodge ball, running after each other etc., now have all been banned by overpaid know-it-alls who are constantly looking for ways to change a good thing into a monstrosity that is politically correct or acceptable to the fashionistas or just “different” enough to gain them credit for something that results in a fatter pay envelope or recognition of some sort.
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    New Federal Rules For School Food Will Cost Millions
    By Shannon Bream - Published March 05, 2013 -

    Newly proposed federal regulations aimed at the snack foods and drinks served in the nation’s schools could come with a hefty price tag.

    The American Action Forum estimates the regulations, which include caps on serving sizes and calorie counts, will cost schools $127 million and require more than 926,000 hours of paperwork.

    Sam Batkins, director of regulatory policy at the institute, says the proposals amount to yet another unfunded federal mandate for state and local governments, “at a time when many of their budgets are still struggling.”

    The Food and Nutrition Service regulations would be administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which says schools in at least 39 states already have some kind of snack food standards in place. Thousands of schools “have already taken voluntary steps towards meeting the proposed standards,” the department said, adding that many of the schools have started making the changes with little or no impact to their revenue.

    The new proposals come as a part of a second wave of regulations stemming from the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Administrators are still working to comply with a number of other mandates that have significantly changed school food options in recent years. They include a requirement that each student take a serving of fruit or vegetable as part of their lunch or the federal government may not reimburse the cost -- driving up prices for both students and school districts.

    But getting the healthier fare onto kids’ lunch trays doesn't necessarily mean that they'll actually consume the food. One West Philadelphia High School student told a local reporter that kids use the servings to play "food basketball," simply tossing away the fruit placed on their tray. "Like, if you have an orange or an apple, you take it, and you have a trash can, shoot it in the trash can and see if you can make it," the student said.

    That's the very thing first lady Michelle Obama urged kids not to do Monday, speaking in a Google Fireside Hangout marking the third anniversary of the creation of her Let's Move! initiative. Obama urged kids to give fruits and veggies a try, saying, "I want every kid to commit to not throwing out anything."

    The USDA will be taking public comments on the newest school food and drink proposals through April 9 at

    Artificial Sweeteners in Milk ?Read :

    Got diet milk? In a highly controversial move, the dairy industry wants to market artificially sweetened milk—without any special label to alert consumers.

    In a petition filed with the FDA, the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) seek to change the definition of “milk” so that chemical sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose can be used as optional ingredients not listed on the product label.

    The FDA is seeking public comments on the petition. Click here to let the FDA—and dairy industry—know what you think.

    If the petition—originally filed in 2009 and now under consideration by the FDA—is successful, these hidden additives could also be included in 17 other dairy products—including whipping cream, low-fat and non-fat yogurt, eggnog, sweetened condensed milk, sour cream, and half-and-half—without requiring any special labeling.

    Flavored Milk; Petition to Amend the Standard of Identity for Milk and 17 Additional Dairy Products!docketD...DA-2009-P-0147
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    All three of my kids have started taking lunches to school - the "new menu" is tasteless - "nasty" in their words AND they have cut portions down to a ridiculous amount. No one is allowed "seconds" anymore. I promise you - my 17 year old football/lacrosse player - wrestler eats way more then my 15 year old artist.

    FLOTUS: Hang in there kids, the USDA is working on making those school lunches I pushed for somewhat appetizing By Doug Powers • May 4, 2013 01:46 PM

    **Written by Doug Powers

    The Ag Department first announced it as “exciting changes” to school lunches. Then a student tried the new menu and was admitted to the vomitorium for evaluation. Then another. Then several more. Before too long there was lost appetite pandemic. In response to the criticism, the caloric regs were loosened a little — which brings us to some good news, and some bad news. The good news: Michelle Obama says they’re working to make school lunches more “delicious.” The bad news: She’s referring to the same administration that said they were going to make health care more affordable.

    From The Hill:

    First lady Michelle Obama said Friday that the Department of Agriculture (USDA) was working on making school lunches “delicious” after the implementation of new school meal regulations that have drawn fire from some conservative critics.

    “I believe that that legislation is truly one of the greatest legacies that we can leave our children. Because of this act … 32 million American children are getting more of the nutrition they need to learn and grow and be successful,” Obama told workers at the USDA.

    “And I do hope that it’s delicious,” she added, to laughter. “We’re working on that, yes indeed.”

    Last autumn, conservative critics of the new standards — which cap meal calories at 650 for students in kindergarten through fifth grade, at 700 calories for middle school students and 850 calories for high school students — charged that the restrictions made meals unappetizing to children.

    And by “conservative critics” they mean “anybody who tried eating the stuff”:

    Have any of these supposed attempts to get kids to eat better ever included calling on parents not to rely on the school for everything and instead pack their own brown bag lunches? Sorry, silly question.
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    Indiana school district loses $300K because students refuse to buy first lady’s "healthy meals"
    By Jessica Chasmar - The Washington Times

    School officials in Carmel Clay, Ind., said they lost $300,000 last school year because students are rejecting the healthy menu changes brought on by First Lady Michelle Obama’s federal lunch regulations.

    “I’ve had a lot of complaints, especially with the little guys,” Linda Wireman, a food service director for North White School Corp., told JCOnline. “They get a three-quarters cup of vegetables, but if it’s something they don’t like, it goes down the garbage disposal. So there are a lot of complaints they’re going home hungry.”

    Amy Anderson, the food service director for the school district, said the rules made her feel less like an educator and more like a “food cop.” The changes have even made her consider retiring early.

    Lori Shofroth, Tippecanoe School Corp.’s food service director, said many students are throwing food away, putting a dent in the district’s budget.

    “They’re teaching our kids with this meal pattern that it’s OK to throw away,” she told JCOnline. “We did a waste study on three different schools, and there was a huge amount of waste. That was just with produce, fruit or vegetables or milk.”

    Other students don’t eat the lunches at all, resulting in a $300,000 loss for the district.

    “I’ve got kids who can stop at Panera and pick up a sandwich that meets none of these criteria. I’m not maybe your typical school district, and they’re assuming that every student doesn’t have access to food, and that’s incorrect in this community,” Amy Anderson told the paper. “Our kids can just wait and just hop in their BMWs and go to McDonald’s, which they’re rebuilding, making it bigger.”

    Fifteen percent of Indiana high school seniors were obese in 2011 — one of the highest rates in the nation, reported.
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