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    Next week is "Innovation Week" at White House

    WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is devoting much of next week to his goal of boosting American innovation, including a visit Wednesday to Penn State University and the launch of an effort to help new businesses get off the ground.

    The White House said Friday that Obama will tour university labs at Penn State that are focused on solutions for energy-efficient buildings. He also will deliver remarks on the importance of spending money on innovation and clean energy to create jobs.

    Penn State has a relationship with an "energy innovation hub" being developed at the Navy Yard in Philadelphia. Obama is not expected to travel there for a visit. The Energy Department is setting up a series of innovation hubs across the country, and the one under development in Philadelphia is being devoted to energy efficiency in buildings.

    As for the rest of next week, Obama plans to discuss innovation with technology business leaders on Tuesday.

    On Monday, Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and administration officials and other business leaders are set to announce the initiative for start-ups with an eye toward spurring job creation.

    In his State of the Union address this week, Obama outlined a plan for America to "win the future" by leading the world in the areas of innovation, education and building its infrastructure.



    "Win The Future" ?? WTF ?


    I wonder if this could be a hint as to our presidents problems? The man is so busy campaigning, yes i said it, campaigning, to do his job. I know the job entails a considerable degree of being busy, but there is never mention of him getting dizzy from sitting at his desk studying things over too much. If he is sitting there it has to be thinking of how he can make some dumb reporter write a dumb article about some dumb things he is saying or contemplating.

    It is funny that Obama only speaks to the kids,he hardly ever speaks where adults are unless it is a union shop. He doesn't represent America, he doesn't like America as it is, he wants to transform it into his vision of how it should be; regardless of how most Americans feel. He is still very much just a community agitator.


    I didn't realize that next week had been set aside for innovative thinking at the White House?

    Come to think of it .......... that explains a whole lot about the White House. And, he has to travel to "hubs" where thinking actually occurs. I hope Obama takes pictures.


    Bush was bad, but in comparison to Obama, he is beginning to look really good.


    I have never really thought Obama should be the president. After all, his only qualification was that he could give a good speech, even if it was mostly a bunch of @#$%. But after over two years of watching him I now understand more than ever how inept he is at trying to lead a great country like the United States of America. He could have done better if he had surrounded himself with people who were smarter than he is and actually knew what they were doing (a good leader does that), but he has picked people for his advisors that are as clueless as he is, having done not much more that hold down a polical job or teach somewhere. Not a good business man among them, and running a country is like running a business.


    Emphasizing math, science and engineering, as Obama and all the commentators keep calling for will NOT breed innovators. When this is all that we teach, what we are doing is training, not educating. We need ART to teach problem solving skills. We need literature to teach new ways of looking at problems. We need journalism to help us know what others are trying. We need history to show us what has failed in the past. We need civics to know that we have the right to think for ourselves. We need nutrition programs that allow ALL children to concentrate on their studies instead of their growling bellies. We need the leisure to think instead of spending all of our time working long hours just to survive. These are the real tools of innovation. These are the "frills" that have been cut from our public schools.


    this just makes me laugh.we are doomed. unemployment is at 10% and his solution is we need to be innovative. how about you innovate and get big business to bring jobs back to our country, or tax them til it's good for them to bring them back? or innovate the businesses who hire illegals to not do that anymore by penatlies that actually hurt? or maybe, jusy maybe, you innovate the idea to the rest of your crew that we need to stop cutting public programs while at the same time sending billions to other countries to support them? do what is best Mr. President, disappear and take your spendocrats with you. Sincerely, a former supporter


    I am getting weary of hearing Obamam talk about how he can create private sector jobs and spark innovation. If he does know how do do these things you would never be able to tell it by what he does. What he has done up to now is just the opposite of what creates private sector jobs and encourages innovation.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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