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    Rush Limbaugh's 'Slut' Comment Controversy Proves It Has Staying Power
    By Amy Bingham | ABC News – 6 hrs ago

    It has been nearly two weeks since Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a "slut" and in the age of the 24-hour news cycle, that is virtually an eternity.

    Yet the outrage over the conservative talk radio host's remarks is still making headlines, spawning activist attacks and causing headaches for advertisers. Premiere Networks, the radio group that syndicates the Rush Limbaugh Radio Show, pulled all of its barter ads - which run at all hours, not just during Premiere Network programming- from the group's affiliated stations. The company would not say whether the suspension, which runs from March 12 through March 23, was in response to the Limbaugh backlash, but the only two companies whose ads are exempted from the hiatus are LifeLock and Lear Financial, both of which have publicly said they will not pull their ads from Limbaugh's show.

    Premiere Networks spokeswoman Rachel Nelson said the memo was "part of Premiere's overall strategy to update our processes and services to better meet our clients' needs."

    ABC has confirmed more than three dozen companies that have pulled their ads from Limbaugh's three-hour time slot, many of which, such as Geico and JC Penny, issued statements saying their ads - presumably barter ads - were not specifically bought during Limbaugh's time slot and were mistakenly run there. Premiere issued a memo last week that lists almost 100 companies, including Geico and JC Penny, that have requested that their ads not run during programs that may contain "offensive or controversial" content that is "likely to stir negative sentiment from a very small percentage of the listening public."

    Limbaugh, along with Sean Hannity, Glen Beck and other talk radio programs were listed as examples of such off-limits programs. Nelson said the memo was a "routine communication" that is distributed on a "quarterly basis." She sought to dispel any rumors that Limbaugh's show could be canceled. "There is no truth to that rumor," Nelson said in an email to ABC News.

    Advertising time that was bought specifically during Limbaugh's show will still air as usual and it is unlikely that listeners will notice the change, said Tom Taylor, the editor of Chicago-based "I believe that Premiere wants the whole thing to have a chance to cool down," Taylor said. "Right now the temperature sure is pretty high, it sure is, and I think that's what Premiere wants to do is get that down below 212 degrees, below the boiling point."

    Taylor said the two-week barter ad holiday "probably puts a dent" in Premiere's finances temporarily, but that it will not affect local stations' revenue, which may have been hurt by the local advertisers pulling out of Limbaugh's airtime.

    Limbaugh's inflammatory comments have made their way into presidential politics as well. The progressive activist group released a web video Tuesday quoting Limbaugh and declaring that Republicans were waging a "war on women." "Judging from their comments, the GOP must have a serious problem with women," a women in the ad says. "And until the Republicans get over their issues, we women have got a serious problem with the Republican Party."

    In another web video, the women's rights group Ultraviolet went specifically after Mitt Romney for his tepid response to Limbaugh's rant. Romney merely said "it's not the language I would have used."

    "Tell Mitt Romney to stand up to Rush and stand up for women," the group's ad says.

    But it's not just Republicans who have come under attack in light of the Limbaugh controversy. Rick Santorum said Monday that "the left" has an "absolute double standard" because while they condemn Limbaugh's comments, similarly offensive statements from comedian Bill Maher, who donated $1 million to the pro-Obama Super PAC, have not been similarly scorned.

    The women's rights group Concerned Women for America said Maher was a "vile misogynist" and called for Priorities USA to return Maher's $1 million donation. Maher found himself in an advertiser boycott similar, although smaller, than Limbaugh's after he called Sarah Palin offensive names. "Hate to defend #RushLimbaugh but he apologized, liberals looking bad not accepting," Maher tweeted last week. "Also hate intimidation by sponsor pullout."

    On his show Tuesday, Limbaugh declared the "slut" controversy all-but-over, claiming victory against Democrats and the "Obama media." The Republican kingpin pointed to the latest CBS/New York Times poll that shows Obama's approval rating at 41 percent, its lowest point in his presidency, as proof that the uproar over his comments had "backfired" against the left. "He has 41 percent approval one week after they were all doing handstands, one week after they were all celebrating the 'Rush Limbaugh comment,'" Limbaugh said. "So they've lost. Not only did it backfire, it backfired so bad that Obama lost tremendous, humongous ground in approval numbers."

    Obama's approval rating is down 7 points from the Times' poll one month ago. Gallup's daily polling found the president's approval rating at 47 percent, the exact same as it was on Feb. 28, the day before Limbaugh's controversial comments.

    Fluke, the 30-year-old law student that Limbaugh verbally attacked, is also claiming a victory. In a Tuesday op-ed posted on, Fluke said the attempts of Limbaugh and others to "silence women" have "clearly failed." "Attacking me and women who use contraception by calling us prostitutes and worse cannot silence us," Fluke wrote.


    I truly believe that blind partisanship (party over principle) is the single biggest current threat to our Republic.


    INDEED, Yahoo is giving this story LOTS of "staying power"


    Until Americans can start talking about and to each other without falling back on insults, political dialogue will NEVER move forward. George Washington warned about the ills that party politics cause and this comment board exemplifies his statements.


    two words: bill maher.

    you can say he can spew vitriolic hatred because he doesn't have sponsors(a lie, yahoo sponsored him) or because people have to pay to see or hear him(funny, i can see videos of him spewing vitriolic hatred all over the web including his twitter account)

    it basically comes down to the fact that in america it is ok to say nasty, viscous things about a conservative white female but it isn't ok to say anything derogatory or demeaning about black or jewish women.

    it's called a warped DOUBLE STANDARD.

    i don't care how you try and spin it, you're full of zhit. it's wrong and it is going to end.

    obama calling out limbaugh and then taking a million from bill maher is outrageous. but, hmmmm.....ya know. one standard for liberals, another standard for everyone else.


    it's ok with cnn, cbs, abc, nbc and the rest of themainstream media when libretards call CONSERVATIVE women even worse names ... they don't say a frickin word!!! this is about moving their agenda forward not womens rights


    Too bad the "Media" didn't go after David Letterman for making lewd remarks about Sarah Palin's then 14 year old daughter & a NY Yankees 2nd Baseman or Bill Maher for calling Michelle Bachman the C*nt word. Wrong is wrong no matter which end of the political spectrum you ascribe to. If justice is truly blind, where were you Gloria Allred when all of these women were verbally abused and/or slandered?....Double standard perhaps?


    You can bet the liberal Obama progressive news media won't let this die out .They will do anything to get rid of Rush and anyone else with opposing views.


    Fluke basically said the women at Georgetown want their expensive education, but they want someone else to pay for their contraption. I miss my dad's generation. They made self-sacrifices so no one else was overburdened. Nowadays, there is no shame in living off someone else. Thanks, Obama.
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    March 14, 2012
    All The News That's Fit For Sasha And Malia - Bill Maher Edition

    The NY Times front-pages a fundraising appeal for the Obama SuperPACs, warning the faithful that the Republicans are raising more money.

    They manage to splash some ink on Bill Maher while completely ducking the controversy that has driven David Axelrod off his show. Here they go again:
    Priorities USA Action, a super PAC supporting the president’s re-election, will report $2 million in February donations, group officials said, including $1 million from the television host Bill Maher. Those amounts are substantial for Priorities USA and a related group, which together raised about $6.1 million through the end of 2011.


    Mr. Maher said he had decided to contribute to Priorities USA after attending the Grammys in mid-February and being told by several Hollywood friends that the election was “in the bag” for Mr. Obama.

    “One reason I was doing this was to try to throw a snowball and create an avalanche among rich people on the left,” said Mr. Maher, who did not inform Priorities USA of his plans before announcing the donation.
    That's all Times readers need to know - start your own snowball.

    The Times is in a bit of a quandary here. If they acknowledge the Maher controversy they will set a precedent for future coverage. If Team Obama succeeds in opening the spigots of the entertainment industry there is sure to be a clown car of thug rappers and foul-mouthed fools for the Times to avoid covering. Rather than show some commitment by defending free speech or free association (and ignoring Obama's 'What would I say to Sasha and Malia' explanation for attacking Rush Limbaugh) the self-styled Paper of Record has elected to move on.

    Sasha and Malia will never know the sort of people their dad takes money from, if they rely on the Times.

    FULL DISCLOSURE: Back in 2007 Obama explained that we are all complicit in the coarsening of our culture. I have done my part by apologizing and returning the money Bill Maher gave to this blog. Still waiting for Barack...

    Here's something for the GMAX file - in order to get Obama to a 50% approval rating, they had to poll a sample with 51% Democrats.

    Bigot Bill Maher’s Southern-bashing hate tweet; Update: Another crude sexual tweet aimed at Newt, Santorum
    By Michelle Malkin • March 14, 2012 12:26 AM

    Read all about it.

    It’s a repeat of the Iowa bigotry we saw in January.

    Progressives of pallor just can’t help themselves, can they?

    Update: Be sure to see the update. He’s got tweet-arhea of the mouth.


    Earlier this week:

    New video: ShePAC strikes back at misogynist Bill Maher

    A little scene-setting for you before I bring you this brand spanking — emphasis on the spanking — new video from my friends at ShePAC.

    As I noted earlier this morning, I discussed the miscreant Bill Maher and called him what he was: An invertebrate (and yes, I meant “invertebrate,” not “inveterate” — though both would do) coward.

    I also said that countless conservative women out there are fed up and pushing back.

    ShePAC, which supports principled conservative women in public office, has just released a video exposing the depths of Maher’s misogyny. The ladies’ hands are probably red from the beatdown they’ve just administered.

    I call this damning clip “Speaking Truth to Coward.”

    Help us spread the word about Obama’s million-dollar misogynist donor and share will all your friends:

    ShePAC calls out former Obama staffer Bill Burton, who runs the Obama superPAC Priorities USA:

    President Obama has categorically condemned this sort of language against any woman. We are calling on you today to put the President’s words to action by condemning the equally egregious and despicable behavior of HBO talk show host Bill Maher. Mr. Maher has a history of attacking women and recently attacked a host of women including a specifically violent attack at one woman who regularly, as the President says, “engages in the issues she cares about” and is a mother of three daughters and grandmother.

    Mr. Maher, who disagrees with Sarah Palin’s politics, has called her a litany of adjectives inappropriate to repeat in any setting and are of the most derogatory of terms reserved for only violent verbal hate crimes against women. We understand that he has donated $1 million dollars of his personal money paid to him through various businesses that thrive on the ratings of his hate speech to your Priorities USA Action to aid in your efforts to re-elect President Obama.

    President Obama eloquently stated today in his press conference that, “all decent folks can agree that the remarks that were made don’t have any place in the public discourse.”

    We are certain you agree with him, as do we that these types of remarks have no place in our society and the people that unapologetically make them must not be allowed to purchase a seat at the table of public discourse. Therefore, we are calling on Priorities USA Action and you to live up to the standard set by President Obama and take Mr. Maher’s million dollars and pay it forward.

    Prove to American’s that your group is run by “decent folks” that President Obama speaks of. Donate this money to a charity of your choosing that focuses on supporting abused women and children.

    We look forward to your action and joining with the President in ending hate speech against women.


    Teri Christoph, Co-Chair of ShePAC
    Suzanne Haik Terrell, Co-Chair of ShePAC
    Tim Crawford, Treasurer of ShePAC
    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 03-14-2012 at 11:43 AM.
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    Axelrod will not appear on Maher's show as planned. Talk about a small concession. Guess they like small concessions at the WH now, follows the concession to HHS.

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    Quote Originally Posted by janelle View Post
    Axelrod will not appear on Maher's show as planned. Talk about a small concession.
    Only because of the hew and cry ... it isn't like Bill has only made one or two comments, they are hardly isolated. His stance is that Rush caved to advertisers pressures and that he himself need not apoligise because his show is on a subscriber network.

    I am sure that Bill's million dollar donation to Obama's Super Pac - made on stage at a "performance" - has absolutley nothing to do with Axlesrod's stance.
    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 03-22-2012 at 09:12 AM.
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    Gingrich Says De Niro's 'White First Lady' Crack Is 'Inexcusable'
    By Elicia Dover | ABC News – 3 hrs ago...

    SHREVEPORT, La. - Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich called on President Obama to apologize for comments made by actor Robert De Niro at a fundraiser supporting the president. "What De Niro said last night was inexcusable and the president should apologize for him. It was at an Obama fundraiser, it is exactly wrong," Gingrich said, referring to a joke made by De Niro about the potential Republican first ladies.

    De Niro told a crowd of about 90 people that it was "too soon" for a white first lady. The comment was made Monday night at a reception in New York City that was hosted by De Niro and his wife, and attended by First Lady Michelle Obama. "Callista Gingrich. Karen Santorum. Ann Romney. Now do you really think our country is ready for a white First Lady?" De Niro asked, according to a pool report from the fundraiser.

    The report said the crowd roared and someone yelled "No!" as De Niro asked, "Too soon, right?"

    The White House today agreed with Gingrich. "We believe the joke was inappropriate," said Olivia Alair, Michelle Obama's press secretary.

    Gingrich said the comments made by De Niro divide the country and "if people on the left want to talk about radio talk show hosts, then everybody in the country ought to hold the president accountable when somebody at his event says something as utterly, totally unacceptable as Robert De Niro said last night," Gingrich said.

    Gingrich said the president should hold De Niro accountable for the comments. "On behalf of both my wife, and on behalf of Karen Santorum and on behalf of Ann Romney and that is I think Robert De Niro is wrong. I think the country is ready for a new first lady and he doesn't have to describe it in racial terms," Gingrich said.

    ABC News reported yesterday that tickets started at $5,000 and included a photo with with Obama and a cocktail. The fundraiser charged $25,000 to mingle with the first lady. The host committee included Whoopi Goldberg, Angela Bassett, Star Jones, Tina Knowles, Tonya Lewis Lee, Alfre Woodard, Lynn Whitfield, Lisa Ellis and Peg Alston.

    The proceeds from Monday's event benefitted the Obama Victory Fund, a joint fundraising account that funnels cash to both the Obama campaign and Democratic National Committee.

    Funny... if it were 'black' instead of 'white' and said at a GOP rally it'd be headline news for a week with demands from every Democrat that an apology was made.

    If the left wants to say it's just a joke, then they have to drop their protests when the right says something that's "just a joke." Be consistent, that's all.
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    Ninth-grader says teacher told him to read Langston Hughes poem 'blacker'
    By NBC News and staff

    A veteran Fairfax County high school teacher has been accused of using racially insensitive language by telling a student to read a Langston Hughes poem in a "blacker" style.

    Jordan Shumate, a ninth-grader at George C. Marshall High School in Falls Church, Va., told the Washington Post that he was reading Hughes' "Ballad of the Landlord" when the English teacher interrupted him. "She told me, 'Blacker, Jordan. C'mon, blacker. I thought you were black,'" Shumate told the Post.

    The 14-year-old student claimed that when he refused to continue reading the poem, the teacher read it herself, apparently to demonstrate the style of speaking she meant. "She sounded like a maid on the 1960s," Shumate told the Post, saying he asked the teacher if she thought all black people spoke that way. “She read the poem like a slave, basically.”

    He said he was reprimanded for talking out of turn and was told to sit down. Shumate told his mother, Nicole Cober Page, about the incident on Tuesday, the Post said.

    According to the Post, mother and son identified the teacher as Marilyn Bart. Bart has not spoken publicly about the alleged incident, the Post reported.

    Principal Jay Pearson declined to provide further details on Friday, adding, “We take these allegations very seriously, and we’re investigating.”

    REALLY ?? What the teacher said was both insenstive and ignorant ... but does it rate national headline news ?? This goes back to another conversation about "the race card" being used to create division during this election cycle.

    The 14-year-old student claimed that when he refused to continue reading the poem, the teacher read it herself, apparently to demonstrate the style of speaking she meant. "She sounded like a maid on the 1960s," Shumate told the Post, saying he asked the teacher if she thought all black people spoke that way. “She read the poem like a slave, basically.”
    Does this writer ( if not the child ) realise that there where no "slaves" in the US in the 1960's ?? Are they alluding to "The Help" ??


    If the teacher was reading a poem written by a Bostonian, or Minnesotan author, for instance, and she said to read it with a Boston "accent" (don't paak the cah too fah,) or Minnesotan "accent" (yah, yew betcha; MINNeSOta) would we be reading about it in the news? Nope. Teacher's only "crime" was suggesting he read it in the accent and timbre of the times it depicts or was written. To get a more authentic and genuine feel of the author, the times, or the place. Like actors do in movies, all the time.

    This is yet another example of political correctness run amok.


    Langston Hughes didn't sound like Amos 'n' Andy, so it's really an insult to both the poet and the young man called on to read the poem, since apparently he doesn't either. Apparently this teacher has one stereotypical speech pattern in mind which she feels all "authentic" black people use.

    The negative implications of this are pretty strong, as it would easy for him to interpret her words as "Know your place, boy, and don't be trying to act like one of us," and as young black people of achievement are already often castigated by their peers for "acting too white", it would certainly be ridiculous for a white teacher to join in this chorus of negativity. If the events are as the young man and his mother describe them to be, action has to be taken.


    The interesting thing here is that there are two standards of right and wrong.

    If the teacher was black, and the student was black there would likely have been no objection.

    If the teacher was white, and the student was white there would likely have been no objection.

    If the teacher was black and the student was white there would likely have been no objection.

    But the teacher being white and the student being black, this identical situation suddenly becomes racist and the teacher is supposed to have her career and life ruined forever?

    Geez, wonder what would have happened had he read a poem written in ebonics or rap?

    We've got to get over having one law for one culture and a different law for a different culture. Better yet, stop calling this culture!


    This is funny because Langston Hughes was an educated (studied engineering at Columbia), articulate individual, who did not speak as if he were raised in the ghetto by a couple of thugs. I often see whites "mimicking" ghetto blacks and they way they dance, speak, walk, dress, etc., some in a playful way, some because they think it's cool, and others in an attempt to "mock" or belittle blacks.

    My son ran into this when he was stationed in Germany. He and a few of his white buddies went out to a club one night. They asked my son to act more "black" so that they could attract more girls. My son said, "What do you mean, act more black? I am black!" When my son told me about it, we actually laughed and figured that what they meant was act like a "thug."

    I was raised by my aunt and uncle who were from Alabama. They had 6th grade educations, but tried to speak English the proper way. In our house, you would most likely "get one 'cross your lip" if you used bad grammar. My aunt told me once, "I have to speak this way. I had to quit school in the 6th grade and go to work in the fields to help feed the family. I'm not sending you down to that school house to learn how to talk like me."

    Now, had this request been made of one of my sons in high school, I can tell you that they would have refused. I doubt they would have made a big deal out of it, but they would have definitely refused. If the teacher had tried to exact some kind of punishment for refusing, then his dad and I would have gotten involved. If not, we would have stayed out of it. But, thank god the schools my sons attened had teachers who were interested in educating my son to the best of their ability, which included teaching these kids to speak the King's English the way an educated person would speak it.

    There are some among you who will understand, but others who feel that just because they can no longer walk around and openly refer to people by the derrogary names that I was called in school, without consequences, that this country is infringing on their free speech. Not true. Read the Constitution, please.

    I'm not sure making such a big deal out of it (as long as the teacher didn't retaliate) and calling in the media was the right thing to do, but I commend this young man for refusing to accommodate such an ignorant request.


    Please study Langston Hughes, people. Hughes wrote much of his work IN DIALECT! He used the language and speech patterns of the POOR blacks of the day! While Hughes himself may have spoken impeccable English, those depicted in his poetry DID NOT! I would suspect that to be true to Langston Hughes and his work, what we consider proper, educated speech would not work. As to the teacher's comment to speak blacker, has no one ever spoken with someone on the telephone and been immediately able to identify the unknown speaker as black? There IS a definite black dialect. That doesn't mean all blacks speak that dialect, but Langston Hughes' creations did!

    Hughes characters mirrored a diverse cultural esthetic. Over one hundred languages are spoken 24/7 in NYC. That dialect doesnt exist. Those who only see .... the blacks as single mind set absent of individuality.

    Ballad of the Landlord
    by Langston Hughes

    Landlord, landlord,
    My roof has sprung a leak.
    Don't you 'member I told you about it
    Way last week?

    Landlord, landlord,
    These steps is broken down.
    When you come up yourself
    It's a wonder you don't fall down.

    Ten Bucks you say I owe you?
    Ten Bucks you say is due?
    Well, that's Ten Bucks more'n I'l pay you
    Till you flx this house up new.

    What? You gonna get eviction orders?
    You gonna cut off my heat?
    You gonna take my furniture and
    Throw it in the street?

    Uh-huh! You talking high and mighty.
    Talk on-till you get through.
    You ain't gonn a be able to say a word
    If I land my fist on you.

    Police! Police!
    Come and get this man!
    He's trying to ruin the government
    And overturn the land!

    Copper's whistle!
    Patrol bell!
    Precinct Station.
    Iron cell.

    Headlines in press:
    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 03-22-2012 at 12:56 PM.
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    Where are the objections when high schools do Mark Twain plays and sound rediculous with their po' southn' accents.


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    Well .. you gots yo' po' Tenn versus po' Cajun whcih sounds totally different from a rich New Orleanians' or someone from Alabama.
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    Arby’s resorts to blocking conservatives on Twitter

    Posted at 7:00 pm on April 5, 2012 by Twitchy Staff
    Teri Christoph@TeriChristoph

    Ha, I got blocked by @Arbys.

    You may recall that yesterday, Arby’s announced via Twitter that it would no longer advertise on Rush Limbaugh’s show. Conservatives were not at all happy – and they got very vocal about it.

    Well, as it turns out, Arby’s has begun blocking conservatives who have tweeted complaints.

    I wonder if @Arbys blocked @TeriChristoph because they don't like women or because they don't like hearing from unhappy customers.
    @rightinillinois well I didnt know that I was blocked until I checked. I thought what I said to them was very well put. Ha
    @AJCalvarese @Arbys doesn't handle criticism, PR issues, Conservatism, or Free Speech well. Welcome to the #arbysblockedmeclub
    I've been blocked by @Arbys. What will I do now. It's not like there are hundreds of other fast food places to choose from. Oh, wait........
    So, @Arbys, now you're blocking people asking you why you caved to extortion tactics? Can you say "doubling down on failure?"
    The customer is always right, except at @Arbys. Tweet any criticism of them and you'll get blocked. Typical gutless left-wing b itches.
    Every time you ring the bell at @Arbys, they block a customer on Twitter. #truestory
    Arby’s had one foot in it yesterday … we guess they decided they needed to step in it with the other foot to even things out.
    heck out @Arbys ... if you're interested in watching a brand commit suicide by social media.

    Has a company Twitter account ever blocked its customers for complaining before? Is this … unprecedented? In any event, Arby’s, we’re thinkin’ you really screwed up.

    Really. Who is more likely to buy 4 roast beef sandwiches for five bucks? Whole Foods liberals or gun and bible clinging conservatives. C'mon Arby's - think it through!


    Good point. Liberals block fast food franchises, want to regulate diet and some even want meat production and consumption to stop. Joke's on you, Arby's.


    Arby's is excercising it's right to advertise where ever it wants, and make a big deal other those places the don't. This standard practice tells the public what they believe. Thats why we can vote them out of business, buy not going to their business, to let them know what we think.


    The Roark Capital Group owns Arby's & other fast food like Carvel, Cinnabon, Moe's etc...
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Last night, I linked to the story about Arby’s blocking conservatives on Twitter for protesting the company’s protest of conservative talk show giant Rush Limbaugh.

    Today, the Right Sphere notes that Arby’s president is a big Democrat donor.

    Here’s the bottom line on this latest manufactured attempt by the Hush Rush mob to make it appear that he and the radio stations that carry his show are suffering economic harm because of Soros monkey-directed pressure.

    It’s complete bull. Total Kabuki theater. Arby’s is not and has not ever been a national sponsor of Rush’s program. In the radio industry, advertisers can buy “Run of Schedule” — commercials that are to be aired during different times of the day for more than one day on local stations. Arby’s most likely told local stations not to run their ads during Rush’s show. That is not a cancellation of an ad buy; there’s no loss of money.

    This is prog gesture politics to create the appearance of an anti-Rush advertising stampede. It’s astro-turfed by lying Media Matters hitmen.

    Remember: No less than the Washington Post reported last week that the latest prog campaign to destroy the Rush Limbaugh show — like all the other ones before it over the past two decades — has been an utter failure. Total fail:

    While more than 100 advertisers told Premiere that they didn’t want to be associated with “controversial” radio programs of any kind in the wake of the flap, some of these companies weren’t regular Limbaugh sponsors in the first place.

    Carusone said most of the advertiser exodus over the past month appeared to be among companies whose ads aired only in regional or local markets, he said.

    “Contrary to the wishful thinking of the professional special interest groups, reports of sponsors fleeing the ‘Rush Limbaugh Show’ are grossly exaggerated. In fact, the program retains virtually of all its long-term sponsors who continue to have great success” with the show, said Rachel Nelson, spokeswoman for Premiere.

    …In all, “the temperature of this controversy has finally fallen below the boiling point,” said Tom Taylor, news editor of, which covers the industry. He added, “I think the advertiser base is coming back.”

    Indeed, I am told 7 new sponsors have already signed up and will roll out in May.

    As I’ve written before about President Obama and the Left’s attacks:

    Too bad Obama hasn’t learned the lessons of his predecessors. Limbaugh not only has survived countless protests, boycotts, media smears and political attempts to kick him off the airwaves. He has emerged each time with a higher profile, greater influence, and a strengthened hand.


    It’s fitting. A fake boycott from a place that sells fake beef

    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

  12. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jolie Rouge View Post
    Trayvon Martin Story Destroys Last of Media's Credibility
    Leon H. Wolf ~ Monday, April 2nd at 12:00PM EDT

    I don't really know what happened between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. What I do know is that this story has resulted in at least one homicide - the self-inflicted homicide of the media's last shreds of credibility. And it isn't just conservative blogs that are noticing; even straight news sources have begun to notice the shame with which the media has covered itself during this entire sad saga. The Washington Post reported Friday that NBC's egregious editing of Zimmerman's 911 call will be "internally reviewed"; which is as close as you will ever get to an admission of a very serious screw up from a major news organization.

    The most stunning admission yet came from something called a Touré, which is apparently an MSNBC contributor.;_ylv=3 Touré apparently got tired of being on a television channel no one watches so he went on Piers Morgan last week to take Piers to task for the journalistic crime of getting both sides of the story:

    You know, at NBC, in the hallways, we were laughing at you today,” Touré told Morgan. “We wouldn’t take [Robert Zimmerman]. Standards and Practices at NBC wouldn’t let him get through door. And you had him on the air and allowed the hundreds of thousands or tens of thousands or whatever number of people watch your show listen to what he had to say.
    This is the first time I can remember an alleged news figure explicitly stating that his network had a policy against allowing one of the major players in a national news story to give his side. My favorite part of Touré's hysterical rant was his indignation at the fact that people would hear what Zimmerman had to say. One thing is clear - the way the media has been covering this story so far validates that Touré really was telling the truth. Journalistic Standards and Practices apparently don't allow for any coverage of the Trayvon Martin story that would suggest that the race pimps who are currently hustling this story don't have it right.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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