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    So back to regular news ... Make a bomb .. Meet president ... Play games on playground .. Get 3 days suspension ...

    Child pretends to shoot student with imaginary bow, suspended for 3 days

    Parents say first-grader was playing game of Power Rangers at recess when incident happened

    UPDATED 11:32 PM EST Nov 02, 2015

    CINCINNATI —A first-grader at Our Lady of Lourdes is serving a three-day suspension for pretending to shoot another student with a bow and arrow.

    The boy's parents, Matthew and Martha Miele, told WLWT their son was playing a game of Power Rangers at recess on Thursday when it happened. "I think he's a good principal. I just think a bad decision was made," Matthew Miele said.

    Martha Miele said she was called Thursday afternoon while at work by Principal Joe Crachiolo. "I didn't really understand. I had him on the phone for a good amount of time so he could really explain to me what he was trying to tell me," Martha Miele said. "My question to him was 'Is this really necessary? Does this really need to be a three-day suspension under the circumstances that he was playing and he's 6 years old?'"

    The Mieles sent Crachiolo an email Thursday evening and met with him Friday morning asking him to reconsider. "He told me that he was going to stand firm and that he was not going to change it," Martha Miele said.

    On Friday, Crachiolo sent a letter home to parents stating in part,

    "I have no tolerance for any real, pretend, or imitated violence. The punishment is an out of school suspension."
    The Mieles also contacted the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and were told someone would talk with the principal. On Monday the archdiocese told WLWT "It cannot comment on disciplinary issues involving a minor."

    The suspension was effective immediately for Friday, Monday and Tuesday. But the Mieles claim they have yet to receive a written notice of the suspension which is required by the archdiocese.

    Page 18, Section 407.02 of the Educational Policy Manual For School Administrators states:

    In cases where a student is suspended, these procedures must be followed:

    a) Written notification is to be sent to the parents and student indicating the reason for suspension. The notification should also include the length of time of the suspension.

    b) A conference must be held between the school representatives and the family before or during the suspension.

    c) When a student's behavior constitutes a threat, physically endangers herself/himself or others, or causes serious disruption to instruction, she/he may be removed immediately, with due process requirements to be fulfilled as soon as practical.
    The Meiles son is expected to return to school on Wednesday and they've had a difficult time explaining to him why he can't go to school. "I can't stop him from pretending to be a super hero. I can't stop him from playing ninja turtles. I can't stop him from doing these things and I don't think it would be healthy to do so," Martha Miele said. "His imagination can go limitless places. We try to encourage that as parents," Matthew Miele said.

    The Mieles said they do not want any other parents to go through this type of situation and they hope this experience can change the way other similar incidents are handled at the school.


    It's not electronics that might be a bomb - clock or not. Who knows what harm that could cause.

    However this is just pretend - an imaginary bow. So there is no harm to the other kids nor to the kid who did this.
    The parents are far nicer than I would have been. I would have made it clear in no uncertain terms that this principle lacks the judgment needed to be a principal. I would have worked a petition to have them removed.

    "I have no tolerance for any real, pretend, or imitated violence. The punishment is an out of school suspension."

    You could easily test that by refusing to leave the principals office. And then asking them if they will be proving their hypocrisy by having you forcefully removed. Oh, you know that if you did that this principal would have called security to physically remove you using violence or the treat thereof. People like this principal should not be tolerated. We only have ones like this now because of the ones we have been tolerating over the last decades. They are the enemies of our nation - a nation of freedom - because they want EVERYTHING controlled. Sure, there will be rules - but you don't suspend a 6 year old for 3 days just for playing Cowboys and Indians... or Power Rangers as the case may be.

    If this principal doesn't know that - then they have no business in that position.


    When Easter comes around, the school kids should act out the Stations Of The Cross on the playground... Careful, don't pretend to be giving 40 lashes, or pounding imaginary nails into Jesus' wrists, because the principal has "no tolerance for any real, pretend, or imitated violence." ... Pffft.


    Welcome to the POLITICALLY CORRECT PRISON CAMP KNOWN AS SCHOOL. Since 9-11 the the fear mongering draconian policies that have since been enacted by lawmakers and school boards do not promote child development kids cant just be kids anymore. The things I did at recess back in the early 1970s are now probably considered a felony. No imagination or creative thinking is encouraged today.
    They want to create mindless robots to conform without question, not free thinking individuals who challenge authority.


    This child was role playing, it is very healthy and should be encouraged. He was the yellow ranger shooting arrows at the black ranger.... Not Johnny Banks three desks from's Pretend. All of it was Pretend...

    After his three day suspension, have him wear a dress to school... Role Play: The Pink Ranger...he will be celebrated and cheered

    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jolie Rouge View Post
    Earlier this week, a Muslim boy was arrested in Texas after an English teacher turned him into the principal for having a suspicious pencil case, fearing it could be a bomb.

    Turns out it was a homemade digital clock.

    As you might imagine, progressive race hustlers immediately started salivating over the incident, chomping at the bit to start tossing out the “racist” label as quickly as possible, politicizing the incident to boost support for the Democratic Party and their push to appear like “tolerant” social justice warrior do-gooders out to save the world.

    In reality, they just want to expand the voter base, but hey, no big deal, right?

    A lot of folks jumped to the boy’s defense claiming the case obviously looked like a clock, not a bomb. This meme pretty much shoots that defense to pieces. Take a look.

    Read more :
    Clock Boy Is Back, And His Lawyers Want $15 Million From The Gov’t
    Jonah Bennett - Reporter
    2:35 PM 11/23/2015

    The law firm representing Ahmed Mohamed, who has become known as Clock Boy, has sent the Irving City Hall and Irving School District a letter demanding $10 million and $5 million respectively for the poor treatment of Mohamed.

    If the government refuses to cough up the $15 mil, the law firm will file a suit for damages. The city and school have 60 days to comply.

    In a letter sent Monday, the law firm Laney & Bollinger also demanded a written apology from Mayor Beth Van Duyne and Police Chief Larry Boyd. The attorneys are claiming that Mohamed’s civil rights were violated.

    “Ahmed never threatened anyone, never caused harm to anyone, and never intended to,” read the law firm’s letter to the city. “The only one who was hurt that day was Ahmed, and the damages he suffered were not because of oversight or incompetence. The school and city officials involved knew what they needed to do to protect Ahmed’s rights. They just decided not to do it.”

    Mohamed made headlines in September, when it was reported that he was arrested and suspended from school for bringing a homemade clock to class, though skeptical observers familiar with electronics noted that the homemade clock was really just a commercial clock without the casing. A teacher reported him to the police, who subsequently took him out of class, leading Mohamed’s father to claim Islamophobia. President Barack Obama invited Mohamed to the White House.

    The school has been unable to tell its side of the story, owing to federal educational privacy laws, but if a lawsuit is filed, that muzzle will immediately be lifted.

    Mohamed’s family has since moved to Qatar, an absolute monarchy which runs the country based on Sharia law and also has the fourth-highest number of slave laborers in the world.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Ahmed “Clock Kid” Mohamad Wants Permission To Come Back To America

    Jeff Dec 2, 2015

    Ahmed “Clock Kid” Mohamed left the U.S. after the incident saying that he was traumatized by the experience.

    He has just announced that he wants to move back to Texas. This is just days after demanding $15 million from the school district. He is out of line.

    This goes to show that even with all of the criticism this man has received, he would still rather live in America than in Qatar. Land of the free.

    This should be a lesson for Ahmed, that actions have consequences. Do you think Ahmed should be allowed to return to the U.S.?

    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Suspension of a second grader over chewing his breakfast pastry into the shape of a gun is upheld.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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