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    Gordon Brown’s ludicrous refusal to speak the truth about Britain’s enemies is a direct result of th

    Gordon Brown’s ludicrous refusal to speak the truth about Britain’s enemies is a direct result of the European Union’s craven policy of preemptive appeasement: Terror-spooked EU: ‘Don’t say Muslims’.

    Gordon Brown has avoided labelling the terrorism since the attacks in Glasgow and London

    The prime minister has told Cabinet members not to mention "Muslim" and "terrorism" in the same breath.

    It comes after the European Commission issued a guide for government spokesmen to avoid offence by ruling out the words such as "jihad", "Islamic" or "fundamentalist" in statements about terrorist attacks.

    It has been working with governments to make sure "non-offensive" phrases are used when announcing anti-terrorist operations or dealing with terrorist attacks.

    It is not the first time the EU has tackled the issue of language - last year its guidelines suggested that the phrase "terrorists who abusively invoke Islam" should be used rather than "Islamic terrorism".

    The prime minister avoided labelling the terrorism in his statement to the nation following the Glasglow Airport attack on Saturday.

    The EU is determined to take front-line action in the fight against terrorism. Yesterday it announced plans to set up a network of bomb disposal units to share intelligence.

    EU Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini wants to create 'a European Islam'
    Other proposals - which will be presented in October - include sharing air passenger data within Europe and tracking stolen or lost explosives.

    It also plans to make it a criminal offence to spread bomb-making instructions via the Internet.

    EU Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini is also going to canvass the 27 member states on how they handle religious education in a bid to prevent Islamist radicalisation. "The idea under discussion is to have a European Islam," he said.

    "We have to co-operate even more closely on fighting terrorism, on prevention, or radicalisation," Frattini said. "There is a network across Europe of people who are directly or indirectly linked."
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Circuit advertisement The Bush administration & CAIR
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    Once again Europe refuses to call a long handled flat metal possibly curve bladed implement for the express purpose of digging and normally used to create a hole, a spade.
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    Quote Originally Posted by turbob View Post
    OMG, something you said that I can agree with! Most of your post is not correct- the Quran does NOT teach Muslims that to die in a Jihad (struggle for god) is the ultimate honor. If you had actually read the Quran, (which I have) you would know that in the Quran it actually says that to kill one man is to kill ALL men. I also am amazed that you would NOT agree that limiting sexual contact with women other than their wives( which is also says) is the right thing to do. However, I do agree with one thing you said - " this should be a war against RADICAL Islam." Radical Islamists are very different than the millions of peaceful practioners of Islam.
    No actually they dont even allow SOCIAL contact and interaction with women. I may have misunderstood some of what the quran says from texts like this

    Loving words from the koran...
    [9.29] Fight those who do not believe in Allah (satan)
    nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah (satan) and His Apostle (mohamed) have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.
    [9.3] And an announcement from Allah (satan) and His Apostle (mohammed) to the people on the day of the greater pilgrimage that Allah (satan) and His Apostle (mohamed) are free from liability to the idolaters ( Jews, Christians, Westeners.. etc.); therefore if you repent, it will be better for you, and if you turn back, then know that you will not weaken Allah (satan); and announce painful punishment to those who disbelieve.
    [9.5] So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters (Christians, Jews and Westerners) wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer (to islam, ie. satanism) and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah (satan) is Forgiving, Merciful.

    I have not read much of the Quran that is true.

    This is still one twisted religion that in general mistreats women and encourages men to violence. MANY palestinians consider it the highest honor to die in Jihad even if the Guran doesnt actually say that.

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    Looks like a game of semantics. In this country they don't want illegals to be called illegal - they want them to be called 'undocumented'. So now the world is suppose to not hurt anyone's sensibilities and if that is the case, then we should all just sew up our mouths and never say another word because someone, somewhere will always find fault even if the words are not mentioned because "you were thinking it". Can you image a history teacher not allowed to say the words 'nazi' and 'germany' in the same sentence....or 'americans killed' and 'iraq'....or a person's name and 'pervert'.....

    Can you see news reports reading something like this...... American troops came under fire by some people from a country whose desire is to rid some country from the west. Those firing upon the troops stated that they were following the wishes of the holy leader of their religion as stated in their holy book. Mr Anonymous continued to voice his opinion of the Americans and their Allies and confirmed that this is now what some would call a holy war......

    If they feel that they can't call a spade a spade then I can see protests here from the families of convicted felons stating they don't want their family name mentioned since people might see them in the same light as their family member who has been convicted. So the news report would be something like: Mr Anonymous has been convicted as a sexual predator of young children. His name is being withheld along with city and state as requested by his attorney who cited the reason that he would be embarrassed if people knew of his crimes. The judge has granted his request.......

    I sure wouldn't want to hurt that convict's sensabilities....bull!

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    CAIR blames Justice for its troubles
    August 21, 2007
    By Audrey Hudson

    The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) says it is suffering from a decline in membership and fundraising and blames the Justice Department for listing it as an unindicted co-conspirator in a case involving a charity accused of terrorist ties.

    CAIR is asking a federal judge to strike it as one of the more than 300 Muslim groups listed as unindicted co-conspirators in the government's case against the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, which is currently on trial in Dallas.

    "The public naming of CAIR as an unindicted co-conspirator has impeded its ability to collect donations as possible donors either do not want to give to them because they think they are a 'terrorist' organization or are too scared to give to them because of the possible legal ramifications of donating money to a 'terrorist" organization," CAIR said in an amicus curiae brief filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas.

    The brief cites reporting by The Washington Times about the organization's declining membership — coverage that CAIR had previously denounced as a "hit piece."

    The Justice Department shut down the Holy Land Foundation and in 2004 indicted several of its top officers who are accused of raising $36 million from 1995 through 2001 for organizations and persons linked with Hamas, designated as a terrorist organization by the Clinton administration in 1995. The foundation raised $12.4 million after the designation that made such fundraising illegal, prosecutors say.

    The 42-count federal indictment accused the foundation's officers of conspiracy, providing support to terrorists, money-laundering and income-tax evasion.

    On May 29, the Justice Department made public a list naming 307 unindicted co-conspirators — including CAIR — in the case now being tried in the Dallas courtroom of U.S. District Judge A. Joe Fish.

    "The name of CAIR has been smeared by association with a criminal case that ostensibly involves the charitable funding of a 'terrorist' group," said the brief filed last week.

    The brief says federal prosecutors had no legitimate governmental interest in publicly releasing the names of CAIR and other unindicted co-conspirators. "Instead, the disclosure is the vindictive attempt of the government to smear a group which has been critical of the government's actions in aggressively and selectively prosecuting Muslim groups or persons," CAIR told the court.

    The Washington Times reported in a June 11 online exclusive that IRS documents showed CAIR's membership declined more than 90 percent from 2001 through 2006, from 29,000 to fewer than 1,700. CAIR called that article "false and misleading" and a "hit piece" in an "action alert" message that urged recipients to "show The Washington Times what you think of its biased reporting ... by becoming a member" of the group.

    "Our membership is increasing steadily, as is our donor base, annual budget, and attendance at CAIR events around the country promoting interfaith understanding and respect for civil liberties," Nihad Awad, CAIR executive director said in a June 12 statement.

    However, in the brief filed in Dallas, CAIR three times cites The Washington Times article as evidence the organization was damaged by its designation as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation case — although the article covered membership losses before prosecutors publicly made that designation.

    "This negative reaction by the American public can be seen in the decline of membership rates and donations resulting from the government's publicizing of CAIR as an unindicted co-conspirator," reads a sentence on page 10 of the brief.

    The article is again cited in support of CAIR's assertion on page 38 of the brief that the group's fundraising had suffered, and a sentence on pages 51 and 52 that says "the amount of donations" to CAIR "has dwindled well below their monthly budget and as their associational activity necessarily relies upon donations from the public, the government's labeling of them as an unindicted co-conspirator has chilled their associational activity."

    The brief says that the U.S. Attorney's office and Justice Department are part of a "trend of the demonization of all things Muslim" by making the unindicted co-conspirator listing public: "Being publicly labeled as a criminal organization, CAIR does not have any recourse under the law to fight this baseless accusation."

    Naming co-conspirators should be "unconstitutional, because once the government publicizes the names of the unindicted co-conspirators, the damage to their reputations, economic well being and expressive associations is done," the brief said.

    "The result of the public labeling of CAIR as an unindicted co-conspirator has resulted in significant inflammatory retorts from the American media, significantly impairing the main mission of CAIR to foster understanding and acceptance of Muslims in American society," the brief said.

    CAIR's motion was filed electronically last week, said the group's attorney William Moffitt, who said the court could rule on his motion without a hearing.

    Mr. Moffitt said he could not provide any numbers on CAIR's membership, but said "there has been a decline in membership." Asked if the numbers continued to decline after the June 12 article, Mr. Moffitt said "yes."
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    Thumbs down

    CAIR Goes Back to School
    By Patrick Poole --

    As children all over the country prepare for the annual American rite of the beginning of school, hundreds of school children and their parents from the Columbus, Ohio Somali refugee community may be getting far less than they bargained for, as well as Ohio taxpayers.

    These children will be attending two publicly-funded K-8 charter schools, International Academy of Columbus and Westside Academy, schools are sponsored under an Ohio Department of Education contract with the Buckeye Community Hope Foundation and operated by a politically-connected group of Islamic extremists associated with both the national and Ohio chapters of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). At least one of the taxpayer-financed schools has been used during the last school year to play host to an anti-Israel CAIR-OH “teach-in”.

    Even though many of the new students are learning English as a new language, an essential tool for helping them integrate into their new community, the schools instead focuses on Arabic as part of their core curriculum. As a result, standardized test scores for the schools are well below state standards; and yet Ohio educrats continue to give the project new life, pumping millions of taxpayer dollars into each school every year to keep the schools open and renewing their contracts. One board member for both schools has even co-authored an article advocating an educational policy of “selected acculturation” and “accommodation without assimilation” to “encourage Somali youth to develop an adversarial identity that will put them at odds with mainstream society” – thus trapping the students in a cycle of perpetual cultural alienation and isolation.

    The student population of both schools is overwhelmingly drawn from the Central Ohio Somali community, which itself is comprised of refugees who fled their war-torn country to escape from the warlords and clan warfare that have torn the country apart since 1991. Sadly, these refugees have arrived only to find the warlords and clan leaders in charge of the very public and private institutions here in the US intended to help them resettle and adjust to life in their new home.

    One of the new educational warlords these unsuspecting Somali families are encountering is Ahmad Al-Akhras, CAIR national vice chairman, who is listed as one of the incorporators of both charter schools, and who is listed as the treasurer of International Academy. Joining him on the board of both schools is Abukar Arman, the Somali terror apologist who was recently forced to resign from the Central Ohio Homeland Security oversight board following my FrontPage exposé regarding his published statements of support for terrorist organizations and individuals (see, “Hometown Jihad: The Somali Terror Apologist Next Door” and “Terror Sympathizer Tossed from Homeland Security Oversight Panel”). Arman identifies himself as the board president of Westside Academy and March 2005 press release announcing his appointment to a government board lists him as “building director” of International Academy.

    Because the number of Somali refugees attending these two schools, both qualify for tens of thousands of dollars in federal grants under Title III. According to the US Department of Education, the Ohio Title III Director just happens to be none other than Al-Akhras and Abukar Arman business partner, Abdinur Mohamud, who also is listed as director of the Ohio Department of Education’s Lau Resource Center. (More on Mr. Mohamud’s financial ties to this operation and his partnership with Al-Akhras and Arman below.)

    The other board members of both institutions are a collection of CAIR-OH officials and board members, and business partners and associates of Al-Akhras, many of whom have served or presently serve on the board of Sunrise Academy, the only full-time Islamic school in the area. In fact, the website for Westside Academy features a link to the Islamic school, even though the charter school claims to be non-sectarian. Sunrise Academy has also been the subject of a recent FrontPage exposé, “Hometown Jihad: The School Gym that Terror Built”, following their multiple fundraising events featuring Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and an advocate of replacing the US Constitution with shari’a law.

    Ahmad Al-Akhras is one of Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman’s closest advisors, and Coleman has rewarded his political partner by appointing him to the city’s Community Relations Commission, along with several other city government boards and working groups. This despite the public support that Al-Akhras has given to two convicted Columbus-area Al-Qaeda operatives, another who was recently indicted for supporting terrorist activity, and his self-described longtime friendship with convicted and deported Palestinian Islamic Jihad operative, Fawaz Damra, who received considerable support from CAIR-OH and the national organization prior to his deportation (see, “Hometown Jihad: Getting By with a Little Help From His (Terrorist) Friends”). And in the current HAMAS/Holy Land Foundation terror financing trial in Dallas, where CAIR has been named unindicted co-conspirator, testimony by a FBI agent has placed two close associates of Al-Akhras, CAIR founders Omar Ahmad and Nihad Awad, at a critical 1993 HAMAS strategy meeting in Philadelphia designed to support the terror organization’s efforts to derail the Oslo Peace Accords. Those terrorist ties notwithstanding, Al-Akhras’ extensive political connections and business relationships seem to have paid off in getting the schools approved.

    Apart from the operation of the schools by extremists, the poor academic performance of the schools ought to be cause for concern for parents, taxpayers and education officials alike. The recently released Ohio Department of Education 2006-2007 report card for International Academy shows that it meets only 2 out of 19 state indicators for proficiency – 7th grade writing and attendance (report cards are also available for 2005-2006 and 2004-2005). Westside Academy has not had a published report card yet because it has only had one year of operations.

    Some additional findings from the most recent International Academy state education report:

    Since International Academy opened in 2003, it has never met the federal Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) requirement and it has never met more than 2 of the 19 state proficiency indicators.

    While the school’s performance index has crawled up slightly over the past three years, with a score of 72.2, it is still well short of the state goal of 100 out of 120.

    More than half of the students (54.9 percent) are rated as less than proficient.

    This year, in every single grade except the 3rd grade, proficiency in mathematics declined from the previous school year.

    While in the 2005-2006 school year, one-third (33.3 percent) of 5th grade students were rated as proficient in math, those same students dropped to one-quarter (25 percent) proficiency in 6th grade this past school year. This past year’s 5th grade scored only 11.1 percent in math proficiency.

    While 6th grade reading scored an impressive 83.3 percent proficiency in 2005-2006, rating higher than the state standard of 75 percent, those scores dropped precipitously this past year to 37.5 percent. Math scores also dropped in that grade from 38.9 percent in 2005-2006 to 25 percent last year. The 6th grade students who performed above the state standard in reading during 2005-2006, are now back below the state standard in the 7th grade at 64.3 percent.

    Students staying at International Academy for more than three years appear to fall further behind in academic proficiency the longer they remain with the school. According to Ohio Department of Education data, proficiency for students with three years attendance at the school is less than one year in four out of five categories. Even after three years at the school, all proficiency scores are still below state standards.

    Even as these students fall further behind their peers academically, the educrats at the Ohio Department of Education continue to rubberstamp new contracts for these schools. Rather than wait for the school to improve at the expense of their children’s education, many parents have instead voted with their feet. Enrollment at International Academy has steadily declined since 2004-2005, when the average daily student enrollment was 227. The number of students dropped to 213 in 2005-2006, only to drop further to 193 during the last 2006-2007 school year. Both schools will reopen after Labor Day.

    (( continues ))
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    Ohio educrats are also apparently at ease with both schools taking time every day requiring the students to learn Arabic, which a August 2005 article in the Columbus Dispatch, “Seven New Charter Schools Seek Students, Staff, Buildings”, confirms that the language, which is foreign to virtually every Somali, is part of the schools’ core curriculum. The time spent on this Arabic foreign language instruction could otherwise be spent strengthening the schools’ lagging reading and math instruction; or instead, focusing on English proficiency, something the students use every day.

    Leaders of the Somali community might be concerned about the open profiteering by the school’s board members and employees from their enterprise. A 2003 Ohio State Auditor’s report on International Academy noted (p. 17) that the school paid $83,500 to Strategic Education and Economic Development (SEED) for teacher training, curriculum development, financial management and State relations. According to filings with the Ohio Secretary of State, SEED was a trade name for the Consolidated Investment Group, Inc., which had the following incorporators: Ahmad Al-Akhras, Abukar Arman, Abdinur Mohamud (the Ohio Dept of Education Title III Director), and International Academy Principal Mouhamed Tarazi. The state legislature closed that loophole in 2003 preventing charter school developers and board members from profiting from their positions in this manner.

    However, a bit of digging demonstrates that the profiteering may not be entirely over. The Franklin County Auditor’s property tax records shows that the building currently occupied by Westside Academy is owned by Unified Investment Corp., which lists its place of business as Mouhamed Tarazi’s home address and Tarazi is the listed as the business agent. The 2004 Ohio State Auditor’s report notes in addition (p. 22) that a corporation that Tarazi was a partner of, Sali International, was also paid $140,386 by International Academy.

    One wonders how the Somali community would receive the news that these gentlemen had profiteered from the very same schools that have academically failed the children it claims to serve.

    Extremist politics, rather than education concerns, seems to be the driving factor of the schools. One of the leaders of the two schools admits to creating a program designed to keep students from integrating into the “racist” American mainstream. In a published education article, “Educating Immigrant Youth in the United States”, Abukar Arman and his co-author lay out an educational plan of keeping Somali children from integrating into their new culture, and cite the experience of International Academy as the best example of their
    recommended “selected acculturation” educational philosophy in practice.

    Another indicator of the partisan political and sectarian use of these schools is in an anti-Israel “teach-in” sponsored by CAIR-OH held at International Academy in September 2006, entitled “Palestine 101”. The event was co-sponsored by a number of Marxist and extremist organizations: The Committee for Justice in Palestine, International Socialist Union, World Can’t Wait-Columbus, and Not In Our Name-Columbus. CAIR national official and school treasurer Ahmad Al-Akhras served as one of the panelists.

    From all the Ohio Department of Education data currently available for these schools, it is abundantly clear that in academic terms CAIR’s publicly-funded schools are failing students and their families miserably. But the anecdotal evidence also indicates that academics takes a back seat to the financial interests, political agendas, and alienating educational philosophies of the board members – all of whom are active with CAIR and other extremist groups whose views depart radically from the moderate and mainstream views of most members of the Columbus Somali community.

    This situation is clearly not what Ohio taxpayers and state legislators had in mind when they approved charter schools; rather than improving performance, the data suggests that these schools are mired in chronic failure. All the while, Ohio educrats and the political friends and allies of Ahmad Al-Akhras seem reluctant to intervene in this deplorable situation. Don’t expect the ACLU to intervene, either, as Al-Akhras sits on their state board as well.

    Ohio taxpayers, too, should be aware of this situation as they pour millions into the two existing schools, and while Ahmad Al-Akhras and his fellow educational warlords have incorporated yet another school, Eastside Academy, in the hopes of expanding their enterprise. Evidence suggests that the Somali refugee community would be better served by having their children in public schools, where they would be able to get the academic attention and assistance they needed to academically compete with their peers, instead of being pawns in service to an Islamic extremist cultural agenda. And while some of the families have understandably walked away from the program, all of the students surely deserve better.

    So much for the “No Child Left Behind” act and accountability for the instructors.
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    You know you're on America's side when CAIR is against you.
    *Note: CAIR has been declared a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates and was named by federal prosecutors as an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas-funding operation.

    CAIR Honcho Explodes at Breitbart News: ‘You Are Anti-Muslim Bigots’

    CAIR has been declared a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates and was named by federal prosecutors as an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas-funding operation.

    Hooper, contacted by telephone, said he did not wish to be interviewed by Breitbart News, and went on to equate the company and its employees with the Nazis.

    This reporter began the phone call by wishing Hooper a “Ramadan kareem” and well wishes during what is seen as the holiest month for Muslims.

    The purpose of the call was to ask Hooper if his organization had any information about the handling of the corpse of the Orlando terrorist, Omar Mateen, who opened fire on helpless patrons at a gay nightclub last weekend, taking 49 lives and injuring at least 50 others.

    Last year, CAIR ensured Islamic burials for the San Bernardino terrorists, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik. CAIR also arrange helped the family fight for custody of the terrorist couple’s baby. Farouk and Malik had opened fire on several of their colleagues during a holiday party this past December.

    According to a report from the Orange County, Florida Medical Examiner’s Office, Mateen’s body is still with the coroner. It is unclear whether arrangements have been made to bury him in accordance with traditional Islamic rituals, (Salat al-Janazah) which forbid cremation — the likeliest outcome should no one come forward to claim Matteen’s body.

    In a follow-up call, Hooper said he refused to entertain the request for an interview because Breitbart News is an “anti-Muslim organization that spreads anti-Muslim hate.”

    After the reporter said she was not an anti-Muslim bigot, Hooper said “You may not be, but the people you work for are anti-Muslim bigots and you work for an organization that spews hatred against Muslims.”

    “We only deal with legitimate news sources and Breitbart is not one,” Hooper said.

    “I have no idea where the body is,” Hooper added, before terminating the call.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Islam's long history of forced conversions

    Read Andrew Bostom at Front Page mag today, please:

    Forced conversions in Islamic history are not exceptional—they have been the norm, across three continents—Asia, Africa, and Europe—for over 13 centuries. Orders for conversion were decreed under all the early Islamic dynasties—Umayyads, Abbasids, Fatimids, and Mamluks. Additional extensive examples of forced conversion were recorded under both Seljuk and Ottoman Turkish rule (the latter until its collapse in the 20th century), the Shi’ite Safavid and Qajar dynasties of Persia/Iran, and during the jihad ravages on the Indian subcontinent, beginning with the early 11th century campaigns of Mahmud of Ghazni, and recurring under the Delhi Sultanate, and Moghul dynasty until the collapse of Muslim suzerainty in the 18th century following the British conquest of India.

    Moreover, during jihad—even the jihad campaigns of the 20th century [i.e., the jihad genocide of the Armenians during World War I, the Moplah jihad in Southern India [1921], the jihad against the Assyrians of Iraq [early 1930s], the jihads against the Chinese of Indonesia and the Christian Ibo of southern Nigeria in the 1960s, and the jihad against the Christians and Animists of the southern Sudan from 1983 to 2001], the (dubious) concept of “no compulsion” (Koran 2:256; which was cited with tragic irony during the Fox reporters “confessional”!), has always been meaningless. A consistent practice was to enslave populations taken from outside the boundaries of the “Dar al Islam”, where Islamic rule (and Law) prevailed. Inevitably fresh non-Muslim slaves, including children, were Islamized within a generation, their ethnic and linguistic origins erased. Two enduring and important mechanisms for this conversion were concubinage and the slave militias—practices still evident in the contemporary jihad waged by the Arab Muslim Khartoum government against the southern Sudanese Christians and Animists. And Julia Duin reported in early 2002 that murderous jihad terror campaigns—including, prominently, forced conversions to Islam—continued to be waged against the Christians of Indonesia’s Moluccan Islands.

    Given this enduring (and ignoble) historical legacy, it remains to be seen whether contemporary Muslim religious authorities—particularly those within Palestinian society, and affiliated with Hamas or Fatah—will condemn publicly the forced conversions of the kidnapped Fox reporters. Moreover, will they be joined by a chorus of authoritative voices representing the entire Muslim clerical hierarchy—Sunni and Shi’ite alike—from Mecca and Cairo, Qom and Najaf, to the Muslim advocacy groups in the West (such as CAIR in the United States, and the Muslim Council of Britain in England)—unanimous in their condemnation of this hideous practice, and formalized by a fatwa stating as much? Will such Muslim authorities at least recognize the acute predicament of Centanni and Wiig by issuing a fatwa stating that their “conversion”, being under duress, was not bona fide, condemning in advance any Muslim who might now attack these journalists for “apostasy” from Islam?

    But remember: "There is no compulsion" in the Koran and Islam is a "Religion of Peace."

    Islam is a "Religion of Peace."

    Gunpoint Conversions and Martyrdom

    Note: Please don’t go off on a tangent about “judging” the men, people. The question is: “Christians, what would you do if some maniac held a gun to your head and asked you to deny Christ or die?”

    Let’s keep the discussion on topic.

    By now I’m sure you’ve heard about the release of two FOX News journalists captured a couple of weeks ago by group of idiot thugs. According to one of the journalists, Steve Centanni, he and his fellow captive Olaf Wiig were forced to convert to Islam at gunpoint.

    A few short months ago, a former Muslim was facing death in Afghanistan because he’d become a Christian. The blogosphere rallied in support, and I blogged about it here, recounting the story of the first Christian martyr, Stephen. (Read the biblical account beginning with Acts 6.)

    Abdul Rahman did not deny Christ. He was willing to die for his beliefs, but God said, “Not yet.”

    There’s no indication in the FOX story or any I’ve read that Centanni or Wiig were Christians. If they were, they probably would’ve said so. All Centanni said was: “We were forced to convert to Islam at gunpoint,” Centanni told FOX News. “Don’t get me wrong here. I have the highest respect for Islam, and I learned a lot of good things about it, but it was something we felt we had to do because they had the guns, and we didn’t know what the hell was going on.”

    Embrace Islam or die. That would be a simple choice for me, though not an easy one if I had a gun to my head.

    (Isn’t it strange that Centanni, who said he “converted” only because he had a gun to his head, felt the need to be apologetically politically correct by expressing the “highest respect for Islam”? Unbelievable on so many levels.)

    Thanks to the blessing of living in a free and civilized country (for the time being), Christians in America likely won’t face deny-Christ-or-die scenarios. Aside from the usual attempts to shunt our beliefs from the public sphere at best, and the possibility of having Bible-based preaching labeled as hate speech at worst, Christians in America have it relatively easy compared to the rest of the world.

    However … knowing that people think you’re out of your mind for believing in an omnipotent, omniscient, intelligent being outside time and space who created the world and everything in it, and that this being saw how corrupt his creation was and destroyed it, then promised to never destroy it again by water, constantly forgiving and punishing his people, then condescended to become a man to teach people about his Father’s kingdom (What is the trinity?) and eternal existence beyond this world, and bear the Father’s wrath for the sins of those he came to save — although he was sinless — and promised to return some day to judge the whole world and gather his followers as if separating wheat from chaff … is not easy. But it’s not fatal.

    Christians, what would you do if some maniac held a gun to your head and asked you to deny Christ or die? Would you deny the Savior?

    I thought about this a couple of years ago when Nick Berg was beheaded. I don’t think Berg was a Christian or given the choice to deny or die. He was doomed just for being an American, and being a Jew certainly didn’t help matters.

    If I’m ever captured by Muslim maniacs or non-Muslim maniacs who gave me a choice between denying my Savior and death, I’d want to face death with all the dignity I had left. As a prideful person (for better or for worse), I don’t want to give my would-be murderers the satisfaction of breaking me, especially if they’re going to kill me anyway. And what is my life worth without Christ?

    [Clarification: If I gave the impression that I thought I would “lose” my salvation if I denied Christ, I certainly didn’t intend to, though the previous sentence may read that way. The Bible teaches that once Christ forgives us, we’re always forgiven. Once saved, always saved. I don’t have to work to “keep” my salvation. Yes, even if I denied Christ, God forbid it, he’s still my Savior.]

    Would I want to live with the shame of not trusting him and denying him for the sake of living in this fallen world?

    Judgment against those who’ve murdered people because of their faith in Jesus Christ is mentioned in the Bible specifically. John, the last surviving apostle and banished to the barren island of Patmos by the Roman government because of his faith, received a vision from God about existing Christian churches and future events, including worship in heaven, and God’s terrible and righteous judgment against unbelievers and the king of unbelievers, Satan. Inspired by God, John writes:

    When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as they had been was completed. (Revelation 6)
    Until Christ returns, his followers will be martyred for the faith. If ever faced with deny-or-die, I’d choose to be among those asking, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?”

    Addendum: A Christian mother says she’d convert (or pretend to) to stay alive for her children. While reflecting on this post before writing it, I thought about Christian mothers, especially those with young children. Would you pretend to convert to stay alive, or would you refuse to deny Christ, knowing your children may end up as orphans? Either way, it’s a matter of trust and faith.

    I would have to disagree - I believe in living to fight another day.

    Is a "conversion" real if it is effected at gunpoint ? Did they truly accept Islam in their heart and souls - or just as a device to live another day ?

    I also don't share his views on "Once Saved, Always Saved". Does this mean that once I am saved I can commit sins, crimes, ect because I have a "Get out of Hell Free" card ?
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    This post is from 2007... so the numbers area bit skewed

    A Grim Milestone Ignored
    By Patrick Poole -
    Thursday, November 15, 2007

    The establishment media is seemingly obsessed with “grim milestones” in the War on Terror, as the Associated Press reminds us this past weekend. But in the next week those same establishment media outlets will probably stand mute when yet another “grim milestone” is reached – the10,000th attack by Islamic terrorists and militants since 9/11, which is responsible for approximately 60,000 dead and 90,000 injured.

    The chronicler of this bloody tally is Glen Reinsford, editor of who began compiling and updating daily a detailed list of reported incidents of violence and terrorism around the world targeting non-Muslims and Muslims alike. Because of space limitations he only posts the past two months worth of attacks on his websites main page, though he has archived all of the incidents from past years (2001-2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007). He also maintains a banner graphic with the updated number of attacks, which people can post on their own websites.

    When asked what prompted him to begin such a labor-intensive undertaking, Reinsford identifies the tepid response to Islamic terrorism by otherwise outspoken Muslim groups, with one organization particularly in mind:

    The Council on American-Islamic Relations. After 9/11, I kept an eye on them and was quite disgusted by their lack of moral perspective. They complain about issues that affect Muslims which are quite trivial, on average, compared to what is happening in the name of their religion. They do occasionally denounce terror in a general, somewhat ambiguous, sense but there is an obvious lack of passion. Their real interest is themselves.

    Reviewing the list of recent incidents, it is surprising how many “smaller” attacks occur daily, which the establishment media pass with only a casual mention. While high profile attacks, like the one last week in Baghlan Province, Afghanistan that killed 75 and wounded at least 100 (many of them school children), receive plenty of attention, smaller incidents, such as the attack last week on a hotel in Baramulla, India that killed one, rarely register with the Western media.

    Because Reinsford relies on the establishment media for his numbers, the true number of attacks and their victims are underreported:

    In my case, I use published media reports from reputable sources on the Internet, such as the Associated Press. None of the information comes from rumor or word of mouth. Every bit of it can be verified through publicly-available sources. If anything, I undercount the attacks.

    In his explanation of his methodology, he notes that he doesn’t include combat-related statistics, and acknowledges that the death toll may increase in the days and months following the attack as victims die from their injuries, which almost never get reported. The list also doesn’t account for the genocide in Darfur committed by the Islamist government in Sudan and their Janjaweed marauding militias, which the UN estimated last year had resulted in 400,000 dead and 2 million displaced.

    With such seemingly incomprehensible carnage, I ask Reinsford if there were any particular incidents that stand out, and he identified three (qualifying that he could easily identify 15 more):

    Nadimarg, India (3/23/03), dozens of Hindu villagers roused out of their beds and machine-gunned by Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) Islamists.
    Beslan, Russia (9/3/04), some 350 people slaughtered by Islamic militants - half of them children.
    Malatya, Turkey (4/18/07), three Christian Bible distributors are tied up, tortured for hours then gruesomely murdered by men who acted explicitly in the name of Islam.
    For me, a September 2006 Washington Post article stands out concerning an attack targeting Shi’ite women and children stands out, when a Sunni suicide bomber detonated a kerosene fuel bomb filled with ball bearings (for added effect) ripped through a crowd waiting in line to buy fuel. The Post described the horrific scene:

    The horrific blast sent women engulfed in flames screaming through the streets. Two preteen girls embraced each other as they burned to death, witnesses said. Later, wailing mourners thronged the scene of the blast, which was strewn with the shoes of victims and a woman's bloodied cloak, and voiced doubt that the reprisal violence would ever end.

    While many Muslim organizations in the West expend considerable effort portraying themselves as victims of Western “Islamophobia”, very little is said by those groups about the fact that many of the countless victims of Islamic terrorism are Muslims themselves. There are certainly no public protests by organizations like CAIR in recognition of those Muslims murdered and maimed by Muslims, though they are quick to cite the number of civilians accidentally killed by US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan (though Reinsford notes that while 225 Iraqis were killed in collateral damage incidents in 2006, there were 16,791 Iraqi civilians killed by Islamic terrorists that same year).

    Reinsford says that the skewed perspective of ignoring the toll Islamic terrorism takes on Muslims stems from a failure by Muslim leaders to recognize the glaring problems that are resident in the heart of their own community:

    Yes, most of the victims of Islamic terror are Muslim, yet there is very little outrage on the part of the Islamic world to terror, relative to, say, a Muhammad cartoon or an "insult to Islam" by a public figure. What does this tell us about the priorities of Islam? In fact, sympathies for terrorists run much higher than many people realize. Even those that do truly disagree with violence (and there are many) somehow avoid taking any sort of responsibility for ending it by convincing themselves that it has nothing to do with Islam. Obviously it has everything to do with Islam, and the unwillingness on the part of Muslims in the West to provide moral leadership against Islamic extremism will ensure that the terror continues for a long time.

    With some of the biggest figures in the Islamic religious establishment preaching jihad beamed around the globe on Islamic satellite networks, and countless websites offering jihadist tracts, YouTube hosting a veritable smorgasbord of videos documenting terrorist incidents, and Internet forums dedicated to networking would-be jihadists and encouraging violence, it might be that Islamic extremists are a minority, but they clearly have dominated the conversation. And it is doubtful that the situation will change as long as that remains the case.

    Fortunately, there are some Islamic leaders willing to speak out consistently and forcefully against Islamic extremism and the non-stop acts of terrorism, but the establishment media rarely gives them notice, let alone a hearing, preferring instead the cacophony of CAIR and those extremists who offer weak condemnations of terrorism, yet defending its justification and denying its true causes.

    Meanwhile, the deadly toll continues to roll unnoticed by the establishment media. But Glen Reinsford is still there continuing his grim task keeping us all aware of how pervasive and unrelenting the problem of Islamic terrorism really is.

    A Grim Milestone Ignored

    I remember there being a thread with all kinds of information & reaction, but it didn't come up on 'seach' ...
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    The Beslan attack: 5 years later
    By Michelle Malkin • September 1, 2009 09:16 AM

    Have you forgotten?

    Five years ago today, Chechen jihadists attacked a school and took more than 1,100 hostages. 334 adults and 186 young students died in the siege.

    Jim Hoft remembers.

    BBC has video of interviews with surviving children of Beslan.

    AFP reports on the Beslan parents’ concern about ongoing jihadi violence:

    Five years on, Russian authorities have not learnt from the Beslan hostage siege, survivors of one of Russia’s worst massacres in recent memory said Tuesday as they marked its grim anniversary.

    Several hundred relatives and survivors gathered at the crumbling ruins of School Number One in this southern town to commemorate the hostage disaster that took the lives of over 330 people, including 186 children.

    The painful memory of the massacre that left a host of questions unanswered is slowly fading away and President Dmitry Medvedev did not mention the Beslan siege as he congratulated Russians on the start of a new academic year.

    Survivors and relatives of those who perished in the massacre said they had yet to see a fair investigation into the tragedy and complained that the security situation in the north Caucasus was deteriorating daily.

    “Five years ago, after Beslan, we thought that the world had to change,” said Valentina Ostaniy, who was at the besieged school together with her son and nephew.

    “But years later we see that nothing has changed. We are still afraid to send our children off to school because terror acts which have become yet more horrific and devious, take place in northern Caucasus every day.”
    Some people, and many in the current administration and MSM, are uncomfortable with the fact there is evil in the world, so they try to deny it. so there is no more “war on terror.”

    They, having no experience in dealing with the world, or even having traveled far, believe that, if we talk and smile to them, all will be okay. Some people believe the world is like the U.S., having never traveled beyond their city. These same people will also have us believe that if the U.S., only, passes cap and trade laws, the whole world will be nice and clean. Another 9/11, may come here; and you can bet planning is being done by terrorists. Like with a neighbor who threatens your family, you walk out with a baseball bat, and ask if they would like to settle it right now…not sit down over a beer, and discuss it.

    The Beslan attack is an example of evil for the sake of evil, undiluted by any hint of childhood trauma, and unblocked by any trace of kindness or goodness. This is a horrific reminder that evil must be confronted and defeated.

    Quote Originally Posted by Qur’an 4:89
    They wish that you should disbelieve as they disbelieve, and then you would be equal; therefore take not to yourselves friends of them, until they emigrate in the way of God; then, if they turn their backs, take them, and slay them wherever you find them; take not to yourselves any one of them as friend or helper.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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