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    Could This Possibly Be Nancy Pelosi’s Dumbest Tweet Ever?
    September 12, 2014 By Matthew Burke

    There has been a massive migration of Americans moving from liberal, progressive, Democrat Party dominated high tax states, like California, Illinois and New York, to lower tax states like Texas, Arizona and Florida. It’s a demographic and mathematical truth that is confirmed by so many studies that to question it borders on insanity.

    According to Investors Business Daily, using analysis provided by the Tax Foundation:

    Between 2000 and 2010, New York lost $45.6 billion in income to other states as workers have moved out. No other state has lost as much. It ranked dead last — 50th out of 50 states.

    Next at 49th is California, which lost $29.4 billion over that period, according to data compiled by the Tax Foundation.

    Falling in line at 48th is Illinois (a $20.4 billion loss). Next is New Jersey ($15.7 billion) and rounding out the bottom five is Ohio ($14.7 billion).

    So what caused so much income to leave these states? What do they have in common? High taxes. And excessive regulation.
    The fact that this trend has been occurring for years is completely undeniable, or at least one would think so.

    California Communist Democrat Nancy Pelosi tweeted on Friday either American families aren’t allowed to move to more favorable tax environments, or that it’s never happened, or perhaps she wants to make it illegal.

    You’d have to ask her for the interpretation of this embarrassingly stupid tweet that came across Nancy Pelosi’s Twitter account on Friday:

    Nancy Pelosi ✔ @NancyPelosi

    An American family can't just change their address to avoid paying taxes. @HouseGOP, why can corporations? Let's put the #MiddleClassFirst!

    3:54 PM - 12 Sep 2014

    See also
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    Nancy Pelosi: All civilization would be in jeopardy if GOP wins Senate
    September 13, 2014

    Forget the threat posed by radical ISIS militants. According to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, the California Democrat once called "mind-numbingly stupid" by Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., all of civilization would be threatened if Republicans take the Senate, The Blaze reported Saturday.

    ”Civilization as we know it today would be in jeopardy if the Republicans win the Senate," she told Bill Maher Friday night. Pelosi made the comment after Maher asked why he should care if Democrats lose.

    "Yeah, no, it's really important," she added. "But let's not wed ourselves to a stipulation that we're not going to win the Senate, let's instead work really hard."

    Pelosi wasn't finished, however. After claiming that modern civilization would be in danger, she actually said Democrats aren't the party of fear. "Fear is a motivator and we are not fearmongers," she claimed. "The Democrats are messengers of hope and that's what we will continue to be."

    But Pelosi's own history would seem to tell a different story. In 2011, for example, she falsely claimed a Republican budget would starve up to six million seniors. She also claimed Republicans want to literally destroy everything. At one point, she said Democrats are trying to "save life on this planet as we know it today."
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    Nancy Pelosi Refuses To Answer Questions About Her Her Crony Connection To Tom Steyer

    House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) became uncharacteristically quiet after she was asked about her crony connection to Democratic mega-donor Tom Steyer. Jason Mattera, author of the explosive new book CRAPITALISM: Liberals Who Make Millions Swiping Your Tax Dollars, recently caught up with Pelosi and questioned her about a San Francisco subway project that she steered $1B in taxpayer funds to. That particular project lined the pockets of Mr. Steyer — a fact that the Minority Leader has never publicly disclosed.

    “Did you secure a billion dollars for San Francisco’s light rail project knowing it would benefit Tom Steyer’s investment?” Mattera asked her.

    “I know your deal. You asked for the autograph…” Pelosi babbled, before quickly running into an elevator.
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    Even Liberals Booed Pelosi Off Stage As She Defended Obama

    House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was booed off stage last week—by liberals.

    Pelosi defended President Obama’s position on the NSA’s surveillance programs, and suggested that leaker Edward Snowden broke the law by whistleblowing. The congresswoman’s defense of spying was not well received.

    “People on the far right are saying ‘Oh, this is the fourth term of President Bush,’” Pelosi said. “Absolutely, positively not so.”

    Pelosi then advocated for a greater cooperation between security and privacy agencies.

    But the audience did not care for her rhetoric. Several audience members were removed from the room after objecting to Pelosi’s speech.

    “It’s not balance. It’s not constitutional! No secret laws!” yelled Marc Perkel. He was immediately carried out by security personnel.

    The audience then came to the defense of Perkel. “That’s what a police state looks like right there,” they yelled.

    But the tone became even more heated as Pelosi began to defend the Obama administration’s handling of the Edward Snowden scandal.

    “I look forward to working with all of you,” Pelosi said over hecklers. “Now that the public knows more, it gives us an opportunity for some of the things we’ve been advocating for a while.”

    Pelosi’s speech met little applause. Will she continue to experience little support this year?
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    Nancy Pelosi to Appoint Muslim to House Intelligence Committee
    Tuesday, 13 Jan 2015 06:24 PM - By John Blosser

    House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., will appoint the first Muslim member to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, which deals with sensitive information on America's war against terrorism.

    International Business Times reports that Rep. André Carson, D-Ind., the second Muslim elected to the House, following the election of Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., in 2006, will take a seat on the committee.

    Politico reported that Carson's nomination was announced by Pelosi in a closed-door weekly Democratic caucus meeting and would be announced publicly "in the coming days."

    Carson was first elected to the House in 2008 and converted to Islam 10 years before taking office, IBTimes reports.

    In 2014, Carson came under fire for being scheduled to appear on a panel entitled, "Ferguson is Our Issue: We Can't Breathe," at a convention of the Muslim American Society/Islamic Circle of North America in Chicago, along with Mazen Mokhtar, a webmaster and fundraiser for al-Qaida, the Center for Security Policy reports.

    However, after delivering a keynote speech, without explanation, Carson did not appear on the panel.

    In 2011, Carson told the Congressional Black Caucus that "some of them in Congress right now of this tea party movement would love to see you and me hanging on a tree" and accused tea party members of creating "the effort that we’re seeing of Jim Crow," Politico reports.

    Politico noted his spokesman Jason Tomcsi later explained, "The congressman used strong language because the tea party agenda jeopardizes our most vulnerable and leaves them without the ability to improve their economic standing.

    "The tea party is protecting its millionaire and oil company friends while gutting critical services that they know protect the livelihood of African-Americans, as well as Latinos and other disadvantaged minorities."

    In 2012, Carson caused another flap while speaking to the Islamic Circle of North America by saying that "America will never tap into educational innovation and ingenuity without looking at the model that we have in our madrassas, in our schools, where innovation is encouraged, where the foundation is the Quran," the Huffington Post reported.

    Carson later released a statement explaining, "While I do not believe that any particular faith should be the foundation of our public schools, it is important that we take note of the instructional tools these schools utilize to empower their young people. Christian, Jewish, and Islamic schools have experienced notable success by casting off a one-size-fits-all approach to education, and this is a model we must replicate. Having attended a parochial elementary school myself, I’ve seen these successes first hand."

    Pelosi's action "would make Carson the first Muslim to serve on the committee that receives intelligence on the threat of Islamic militants in the Middle East," WorldNetDaily reported.

    "Now, he’s going to be privy to some of the nation’s most sensitive intelligence."
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    Pelosi: Congress Has a Moral Authority to Act on Gun Control – But Not on Illegal Aliens
    By Tim Brown on July 9, 2015

    Communist Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called for more gun control following the murder of Kathryn Steinle at the hands of an illegal alien using a federal agent’s gun. She even said that it is a “moral responsibility” that Congress has to act. What she failed to put at the forefront was acting with regard to illegal aliens.

    “Last week, in San Francisco, our city suffered our own senseless act of gun violence with the killing of Kathryn Steinle, and our thoughts and prayers are very much with her family,” she said. “Today, we must do more as a nation to prevent dangerous people from getting easy access to guns. And Congress has a moral responsibility to act. What is so unclear? What do they not understand about that?

    Good question, what is so unclear? What do people not understand about this issue?

    First, let’s address this moral responsibility that Pelosi claims Congress has. Neither Congress, nor any other branch of the federal government has any such authority to restrict or regulate arms of any type and the Second Amendment is clear on that issue. Therefore, to do so would be immoral, not moral. It is not their responsibility.

    However, there might be a question of restrictions when it comes to agents of the federal government. After all, we know that Juan Francisco Lopez Sanchez allegedly shot and killed Kathryn Steinle with a gun… that belonged to a federal agent. It seems to me that Ms. Pelosi should not be looking to curb the rights of the people, but rather seeking to eliminate unconstitutional agencies, whose agents are being provided weapons that they cannot keep up with, or worse yet, provide to criminals to use to murder others. Does Operation Fast and Furious ring any bells with anyone?

    Second, not once does Pelosi bring up the fact that Sanchez was deported five times before and she isn’t calling for a halt to illegal immigration. I find this absolutely hypocritical. Deal with the root of the problem! And yes, Congress does have authority when it comes to immigration.

    Pelosi continued, “The memory of these victims, the cries of their families deserve action – results, not words. Today, we will say: we will not accept a status quo defined by the daily tragedy and grief endured by so many communities. We will not accept ‘the unique mayhem that gun violence inflicts upon this nation,’ as the President Obama so eloquently stated in Charleston. The American people deserve a vote to finish the job, starting with comprehensive background checks. We’ve had this conversation over and over again.”

    Yes, we have had this conversation over and over and Marxists like Pelosi and Obama can’t get it through their thick skulls that this is not something they have been given authority to deal with. The Second Amendment gives no authority for the federal government to intervene in the sale of guns to law-abiding citizens. It specifically says, “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” That would apply to obtaining said arms as well.

    But again, the elephant in the room is an illegal alien with a federal agent’s gun never gets mentioned.

    “We’ve always said: to us, in Dan’s spirit, it is inevitable that this legislation will pass. To some here, it may seem inconceivable that they will bring a vote to the floor. With 90 percent of the public supporting gun background checks, we must shorten the distance between the inevitable to us and the inconceivable to them, to finish the job.”

    Pelosi continues to play the same old saw of lies espoused by Michael Bloomberg’s puppet Shannon Watts. The founder of Moms Demand Action has been corrected time and again for promoting the lie that 90 percent of the American people support background checks, but this is what communists do. They lie, and they lie, and they lie.

    As Maine legislators recently announced, the Second Amendment is the only gun permit you need.

    One day, gun grabbers may illegally, unconstitutionally and, I might add, immorally pass legislation (again) to go after guns and gun owners, but those of us who understand the right to keep and bear arms is to fight off tyrants like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the totalitarian thinking Marxists our forefathers fought against in foreign lands won’t bow to such laws.

    In the end, people like Pelosi are just like those our forefathers fought against in 1776. Those serving the British crown attempted to infringe on the people’s rights to arms, eventually attempting confiscation and they were met with gunpowder and lead. Pelosi would do well to recount accurate American history and stop going down this road.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jolie Rouge View Post
    Facing ethics probes, Rangel drops tax leadership
    Larry Margasak And Tom Raum, Associated Press Writers – 9 mins ago[/i]

    WASHINGTON – Buffeted by ethics inquiries, 20-term Rep. Charles B. Rangel of New York stepped down Wednesday as chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, delivering a heavy new political jolt to a Democratic Party already facing angry voters.

    The action also muddied the congressional picture on taxes, coming as the House moves toward difficult debate over large automatic increases that lie just over the horizon. The outcome will affect tens of millions of American taxpayers.

    Rangel's relinquishing of the gavel spared colleagues from having to vote on a Republican-sponsored resolution to strip him of his post. But it also focused attention on ethical lapses by a top leader of a party that had promised to end a "culture of corruption" when it regained control of Congress in 2006 from Republicans.

    That could spread far beyond Rangel. Ethical problems can be politically toxic for the party in power, particularly this election year with so much anti-Washington sentiment in the air.

    Rangel stepped aside just days after being admonished for breaking House rules by accepting corporate-financed travel.

    He called his exile temporary. But he still faces inquiries by the House ethics committee over late payment of income taxes on a rental villa he owns in the Dominican Republic, his use of House stationery to solicit corporate donations to an educational institution that bears his name, and belated disclosure of hundreds of thousands of dollars in previously unlisted wealth.

    Some of these cases could result in rebukes more serious than last week's admonishment, and that could make it difficult for Rangel to reclaim his chairmanship.

    Rangel, 79, has been a key player in the health care overhaul debate, and whatever legislation finally emerges from Congress will bear his and the committee's stamp. Even more importantly, for the next few months Ways and Means will play a central role in shaping tax policy.

    Billions of dollars of tax cuts put in place by former President George W. Bush are due to expire at the end of this year. The tax committee's chairman will have great influence over which of these tax cuts are permitted to expire and which are extended.

    Veteran Rep. Fortney "Pete" Stark of California will serve as acting chairman, according to Rep. John Salazar, D-Colo., who was presiding over the House when Republican lawmakers posed the question on Wednesday.

    Stark, the next most senior Democrat on the panel, is a health policy expert and one of the most liberal members of the House. He has a reputation for being temperamental and sharp-tongued, not a consensus builder.

    Rangel, who has represented his Harlem district since 1971 and is the first black member to be Ways and Means chairman, stepped aside in the face of increasing pressure from fellow Democrats after the House ethics committee admonished him last week for accepting trips to the Caribbean that were sponsored by several large corporations, a violation of congressional gift rules. Rangel blamed the lapse on his staff.

    "In order to avoid my colleagues having to defend me during their elections, I have this morning sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi asking her to grant me a leave of absence until such time as the Ethics Committee completes its work" on remaining accusations against him, Rangel said at a hastily called session with reporters.

    He said later that his stepping aside "should take care of the political problem" that other Democrats might have as a result of his ethics problems.

    For all the ethical issues that have dogged the gregarious and sometimes irascible New Yorker over the years, Rangel has played a major role in tax policy, health care overhaul and in shaping other major issues that have come before his committee.

    If Stark's leadership doesn't work out, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi might maneuver to award the post to another senior Democrat on the committee, such as Sander Levin of Michigan, Jim McDermott of Washington, John Lewis of Georgia or Richard Neal of Massachusetts

    Pelosi issued a statement acknowledging Rangel's request for a leave. "I commend Chairman Rangel for his decades of leadership on jobs, health care and the most significant economic issues of the day," she said.

    Republicans had been calling for Rangel to step aside since last year, and those demands increased after the ethics panel released its report last Friday admonishing him.

    Since the report, support for him among Democrats has been evaporating, with Rep. Artur Davis, D-Ala., on Tuesday becoming the first member of the congressional Black Caucus — which Rangel helped found — to call for him to step down from his chairmanship.

    So long as Rangel remained chairman, an ethical cloud hung over Democrats who will be on November's ballots, a cloud that would darken with any additional rebukes by the ethics committee.

    Republicans were pressing for a vote this week, one expected to draw more than just token Democratic support. Rangel's announcement let his Democratic colleagues off the hook.

    But it also presented new headaches for Pelosi as the committee prepares to decide the fate of the Bush tax cuts.

    Due to expire are lower overall income tax rates that have been in effect for nearly a decade, the so-called marriage penalty relief. The $1,000 child credit will drop to $500, and maximum tax rates on dividend income and capital gains will rise sharply if Congress does nothing.

    President Barack Obama and his congressional allies want to keep many of these lower tax rates in place for all but those whose household income is above $250,000.

    "These are very contentious issues. You want somebody running the committee who's going to have a firm hand on the gavel," said Ross Baker, a Rutgers University political scientist who studies Congress. "This is a real crisis for Pelosi on top of the health care stuff. It's a distraction I'm sure she did not welcome."

    Rangel has raised considerable money for fellow Democrats. His leadership political action committee raised $2.2 million in the 2008 election cycle and spent $2 million, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. He also raises money through a Rangel Victory Fund.

    Republican campaign officials have started criticizing individual Democrats for holding on to chunks of campaign contributions that resulted from Rangel's fundraising.

    As an example of his eroding support, several Democratic House members said they were giving campaign donations linked to Rangel away to charity.

    Ann Kirkpatrick of Arizona is giving up $14,000, Debbie Halvorson of Illinois $16,000 and Jim Himes of Connecticut $16,000.
    Rangel Decries ‘No Due Process’ After Guilty Verdicts on 11 of 13 Ethics Violations

    Charlie Rangel has no ethics!

    June 26, 2016

    You can almost see where Charlie Rangel is headed when he tries to defend himself from House ethics charges. Poor Charlie is claiming that it is not “fair.” The fact that the committee was balanced between Democrats and Republicans has no bearing on the hearing. Representative Rangel could face and number of sanctions over his unethical behavior; including being expelled from Congress. Will that happen to him? Read the details here.

    As Written By Tom Knighton for PJ Media:

    Democrat Rep. Charlie Rangel has found himself in a bit of a pickle. After years of allegedly thumbing his nose at pesky things like rules, his supposed misdeeds may be coming back to bite him on the proverbial hind quarter.

    A House ethics committee subpanel today found Democratic Rep. Charlie Rangel guilty of 11 of the 13 charges of ethics violations against him.The panel, composed of four Democrats and four Republicans, emerged after private deliberation to announce their findings.

    “This has been a difficult assignment,” committee chair Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) said. “We have tried to act with fairness, led only by the facts and the law, and I believe we have accomplished that mission.”

    The subpanel will now submit its findings to the full ethics committee, which will schedule a public hearing to determine the appropriate sanctions to take against the longtime New York representative. Whatever action they decide on during the sanctions hearing will then go to the full House of Representatives. The committee could go so far as to recommend expelling Rangel, but that would be unlikely. Other possible sanctions include a House vote deploring Rangel’s conduct, a fine or a denial of privileges.
    Full Story Here:

    Charlie Rangel Found Guilty on 11 of 13 Ethics Violations | PJ Media
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