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    Culture of corruption alert: The Sanchez sisters

    From the most ethical Congress ever, yet another investigation into Democrat cronyism. Sister, sister (via Roll Call):

    The House ethics committee is reviewing whether the chamber’s rules were broken when Rep. Linda Sánchez (D-Calif.) put three of Rep. Loretta Sanchez’s (D-Calif.) aides on her own payroll in late 2006 because of a budget shortfall in her sister’s office.
    The shortfall, as the OC Register reported, was caused by one of Loretta’s aides, who used the congresswoman’s credit card to embezzle funds for pizza, groceries, and cab fare. Members cannot pay aides to work for offices other than their own, the paper notes.

    Fun fact: The Sanchez sisters published a book together on how they have changed the way the Washington old boys’ network is run. The book features a forward by corruptocrat Nancy Pelosi. Cronies in skirts are still cronies.

    The more things change…
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    2 former drug dealers tied to Murtha-backed firm
    Pete Yost, Associated Press Writer
    1 hr 11 mins ago

    WASHINGTON – Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., steered millions of dollars in defense work to a campaign donor and the Pentagon went along with it, even though two convicted drug dealers had been deeply involved with the company.

    Records filed in U.S. District Court in Pittsburgh starting in 2005 raise questions about whether the government ever checked into the background of William Kuchera of Windber, Pa., a Murtha constituent who has been doing government work for over 20 years.

    The records point to the political peril of Murtha and other members of Congress directing federal funds to particular contractors, an oft-criticized process known as earmarking that has directed hundreds of billions of defense dollars to favored contractors and programs over the past two decades.

    The companies owned by William Kuchera and his brother — Kuchera Defense Systems and Kuchera Industries Inc. — have received $53 million in federal contracts in this decade alone.

    According to the court records, Kuchera was convicted of marijuana distribution in 1982 in Wisconsin.

    Asked for comment, Dennis McGlynn, a lawyer for William Kuchera, said Friday he was preparing a response.

    In addition, a man who describes himself as an early partner in Kuchera's business in the 1980s is a convicted cocaine dealer who has served two terms in prison, according to the records.

    The early investor in Kuchera Industries Inc., Peter Whorley, is suing Kuchera for a share of the money Kuchera has collected in federal contracts.

    In 2007 and 2008, Murtha sponsored $14.7 million in defense earmarks for Kuchera Defense Systems. Before 2007, Congress did not disclose the identities of earmark sponsors, so it is impossible to say how much in earmarked funds Murtha directed to the Kuchera family business.

    In one early link to Murtha, Kuchera made a $1,000 campaign contribution to the congressman in March 1992.

    Kuchera and his uncle started doing business in the mid-1980s and Murtha became chairman of the House Appropriations defense subcommittee in 1989.

    According to the court records, in 1985 William Kuchera approached his uncle, Michael, who was just starting up Kuchera Industries.

    William Kuchera "confided to me that he had just spent time in prison and he was looking for a fresh start," Michael Kuchera said in an affidavit filed in federal court in 2005.

    "After I agreed to go into business with my nephew, he introduced Peter Whorley to me," Michael Kuchera's affidavit states. "One day shortly after I had met Mr. Whorley, Bill told me that Peter had agreed to invest in the business."

    Under questioning in the lawsuit, Whorley said that he had invested $50,000 in the Kucheras' new business. Before that, Whorley said, he had been in prison for drug trafficking.

    Whorley said that he and William Kuchera were best friends and that they had been involved in "drug dealings."

    The government's overall earmark spending reached $18 billion in 2009 and $18.3 billion for 2008, and adding to that to the decades of earmarks before, "you easily top a $100 billion and even move, into the hundreds of billions of earmark spending, in the last few decades," said Steve Ellis of Taxpayers for Common Sense, a group that tracks congressional earmarks.
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    Queen Nancy scoffs at her plummeting poll numbers
    By Michelle Malkin • July 27, 2009 03:31 PM

    Like Marie Antoinette, Woman of the People Nancy Pelosi doesn’t really care what the hoi polloi think of her.

    Let them eat…her Gulfstream exhaust.

    Via Politico:

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is one of the most despised political figures in the country.

    And, frankly, she doesn’t give a damn.

    “No, I don’t care,” Pelosi told POLITICO last Thursday, laughing heartily as she walked beneath the Capitol dome and plunged into a crowd of tourists.

    Last week’s Public Strategies Inc./POLITICO poll brought grim news for Pelosi, revealing that only a quarter of Americans trust the San Francisco Democrat — putting her in the basement with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio).

    Mention of the “trust” question halted the click-clack of Pelosi’s heels against Rotunda marble, and she turned to face the reporter who posed the question.

    “I don’t know about ‘trust’ — I think I’m trusted,” she said.

    “I certainly want to be trusted. I’m not particularly concerned if I’m liked.”

    But month after month of polling shows that the speaker is neither trusted nor liked by the general public — even as she emerges from one of the most productive legislative periods any speaker has ever enjoyed.

    “One of the most productive legislative periods any speaker has ever enjoyed?”

    Translation: One of the largest-spending, massive-taxing, deliberative democracy-undermining legislative periods taxpayers have suffered.

    I think it’s only a matter of time before San Fran Nan has a public meltdown like her Bay Area sister, Babs Boxer.

    Tick, tick, tick…
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    Quote Originally Posted by SurferGirl View Post
    More proof that we don't want the government to take over health care and the banks or anything else. They just love to waste money.
    Oh yay, a real post.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mabby89
    Oh yay, a real post.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mabby89 View Post
    Oh yay, a real post.

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    Ethics panel starts probes of 2 Dems, gets hacked
    By Larry Margasak, Associated Press Writer
    10 mins ago

    WASHINGTON – The House ethics committee announced Thursday it is investigating two California Democratic lawmakers, but its embarrassed leaders then had to explain that other members — named in a confidential memo that a hacker posted online — may have committed no wrongdoing.

    The committee said it is investigating whether Rep. Maxine Waters used her influence to help a bank in which her husband owned stock, and whether the couple benefited as a result. Separately, the panel is investigating whether Rep. Laura Richardson failed to disclose required information on her financial disclosure forms and received special treatment from a lender.

    As the House was conducting scheduled votes Thursday, ethics chairwoman Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., went to the microphone to announce that a confidential weekly report of the committee from July had leaked out in a case of "cyber-hacking."

    A committee statement said its security was breached through "peer to peer file sharing software" by a junior employee who was working from home. The staff member was fired.

    The July report contains a summary of the committee's work at the time, but Lofgren said no inferences should be made about anyone whose name is mentioned.

    The committee makes a public announcement when it begins an investigation of potential rule-breaking, which is conducted by an investigative subcommittee whose members also are made public.

    However, the weekly reports include a summary of the committee's work at an earlier stage, when its members and staff scrutinize lawmakers to see whether an investigation is warranted.

    The Washington Post reported in its online edition Thursday that the document was disclosed on a publicly accessible computer network and made available to the newspaper by a source familiar with such networks.

    The Post reported that nearly half the members of the House Appropriations defense subcommittee were under scrutiny.

    The previously disclosed inquiry involves lawmakers who steered appropriations to clients of a now-defunct lobbying firm and received campaign contributions from the firm and its clients.

    The names included three lawmakers previously identified in the inquiry: the chairman of the defense subcommittee, Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa.; and Reps. Peter Visclosky, D-Ind., and James Moran, D-Va.

    The Post said others whose names were in the report included Reps. Norm Dicks, D-Wash., Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio, C.W. Bill Young, R-Fla., and Todd Tiahrt, R-Kan.

    The committee, however, has not announced an investigation of any of these lawmakers.

    Waters is the No. 3 Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee and chairwoman of its subcommittee on housing. She has been an influential voice in the committee's work to overhaul financial regulations.

    Waters came under scrutiny after former Treasury Department officials said she helped arrange a meeting between regulators and executives at OneUnited Bank last year without mentioning her husband's financial ties to the institution.

    Her husband, Sidney Williams, holds at least $250,000 in the bank's stock and previously had served on its board. Waters' spokesman, Michael Levin, said Williams was no longer on the board when the meeting was arranged.

    Waters has said the National Bankers Association, a trade group, requested the meeting. She defended her role in assisting minority-owned banks in the midst of the nation's financial meltdown and dismissed suggestions she used her influence to steer government aid to the bank.

    "I am confident that as the investigation moves forward the panel will discover that there are no facts to support allegations that I have acted improperly," Waters said in a statement.

    The committee unanimously voted to establish an investigative subcommittee to gather evidence and determine whether Waters violated standards of conduct.

    The committee said it would investigate "alleged communications and activities with, or on behalf of, the National Bankers Association or OneUnited Bank" and "the benefit, if any, Rep. Waters or her husband received as a result."

    The committee also voted unanimously to investigate whether Richardson violated House rules, its Code of Conduct or the Ethics in Government Act by failing to disclose property, income and liabilities on her financial disclosure forms.

    The investigation also will determine whether Richardson received an impermissible gift or preferential treatment from a lender, "relating to the foreclosure, recission of the foreclosure sale or loan modification agreement" for her Sacramento, Calif., property.

    Richardson said she has been subjected to "premature judgments, speculation and baseless distractions that will finally be addressed in a fair, unbiased, bipartisan evaluation of the facts."

    "Like 4.3 million Americans in the last year who faced financial problems because of a personal crisis like a divorce, death in the family, unexpected job and living changes and an erroneous property sale, all of which I have experienced in the span of slightly over a year, I have worked to resolve a personal financial situation," she said in a statement.

    The committee ended an investigation of Rep. Sam Graves, R-Mo., and released a report finding no ethical violations. It investigated whether Graves used his position on the House Small Business Committee to invite a longtime friend and business partner of his wife to testify at a committee hearing on the federal regulation of biodiesel and ethanol production.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Congressional ethics report leaks, revealing names
    By LARRY MARGASAK, Associated Press Writer 2 hrs 46 mins ago

    WASHINGTON – Internal investigations into the conduct of over two dozen House members were exposed in an extraordinary, Internet-era breach involving the secretive process by which Congress polices lawmaker ethics.

    Revelations of the mostly preliminary inquiries by the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct — also known as the Ethics committee — and a panel that refers cases to it shook the chamber as lawmakers were immersed in a series of scheduled votes Thursday.

    The panel announced that it was investigating two California Democrats — Reps. Maxine Waters and Laura Richardson — even as its embarrassed leaders took pains to explain that several other lawmakers' names should not have been revealed and they may have done nothing wrong.

    The committee said it was investigating whether Waters used her influence to help a bank in which her husband owned stock, and whether the couple benefited as a result. Separately, the panel is looking into whether Richardson failed to disclose required information on her financial disclosure forms and received special treatment from a lender.

    Ethics chairwoman Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., went to the House floor to announce that a confidential weekly report of the committee from July had leaked out in a case of "cyber-hacking."

    A committee statement said that its security was breached through "peer to peer file sharing software" used by a junior employee who was working from home. The employee was fired.

    The fired employee was allowed to work on the document at home but was responsible for keeping it secure, said a House staff member with knowledge of the events, who spoke anonymously because he was not authorized to discuss it.

    The employee didn't realize that the file saved on a hard drive could be downloaded to another computer using the same file sharing software, according to the staffer. He said there is no indication that the individual accessing the document was looking for ethics committee material.

    The July report contains a summary of the committee's work at the time, but Lofgren said no inferences should be made about anyone whose name is mentioned.

    The committee typically makes a public announcement about its activities only when it begins an investigation of potential rule-breaking, which is conducted by an investigative subcommittee whose members also are made public.

    However, the weekly reports include a summary of the committee's work at an earlier stage, when its members and staff scrutinize lawmakers to see whether an investigation is warranted.

    The Washington Post reported in its online edition Thursday that the document was disclosed on a publicly accessible computer network and made available to the newspaper by a source familiar with such networks.

    The Post reported that more than 30 lawmakers and a few staff members were under scrutiny, including nearly half the members of the House Appropriations defense subcommittee.

    The previously disclosed inquiry involves lawmakers who steered appropriations to clients of a now-defunct lobbying firm and received campaign contributions from the firm and its clients.

    The names included three lawmakers previously identified in the inquiry: the chairman of the defense subcommittee, Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa.; and Reps. Peter Visclosky, D-Ind., and James Moran, D-Va.

    The Post said others whose names were in the report included Reps. Norm Dicks, D-Wash., Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio, C.W. Bill Young, R-Fla., and Todd Tiahrt, R-Kan.

    The committee, however, has not announced an investigation of any of these lawmakers.

    Waters is the No. 3 Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee and chairwoman of its subcommittee on housing. She has been an influential voice in the committee's work to overhaul financial regulations.

    Waters came under scrutiny after former Treasury Department officials said she helped arrange a meeting between regulators and executives at OneUnited Bank last year without mentioning her husband's financial ties to the institution.

    Her husband, Sidney Williams, holds at least $250,000 in the bank's stock and previously had served on its board. Waters' spokesman, Michael Levin, said Williams was no longer on the board when the meeting was arranged.

    Waters has said the National Bankers Association, a trade group, requested the meeting. She defended her role in assisting minority-owned banks in the midst of the nation's financial meltdown and dismissed suggestions she used her influence to steer government aid to the bank.

    "I am confident that as the investigation moves forward the panel will discover that there are no facts to support allegations that I have acted improperly," Waters said in a statement.

    The committee unanimously voted to establish an investigative subcommittee to gather evidence and determine whether Waters violated standards of conduct.

    The committee said it would investigate "alleged communications and activities with, or on behalf of, the National Bankers Association or OneUnited Bank" and "the benefit, if any, Rep. Waters or her husband received as a result."

    The committee also voted unanimously to investigate whether Richardson violated House rules, its Code of Conduct or the Ethics in Government Act by failing to disclose property, income and liabilities on her financial disclosure forms.

    The investigation also will determine whether Richardson received an impermissible gift or preferential treatment from a lender, "relating to the foreclosure, recission of the foreclosure sale or loan modification agreement" for her Sacramento, Calif., property.

    Richardson said she has been subjected to "premature judgments, speculation and baseless distractions that will finally be addressed in a fair, unbiased, bipartisan evaluation of the facts."

    "Like 4.3 million Americans in the last year who faced financial problems because of a personal crisis like a divorce, death in the family, unexpected job and living changes and an erroneous property sale, all of which I have experienced in the span of slightly over a year, I have worked to resolve a personal financial situation," she said in a statement.

    The committee ended an investigation of Rep. Sam Graves, R-Mo., and released a report finding no ethical violations. It investigated whether Graves used his position on the House Small Business Committee to invite a longtime friend and business partner of his wife to testify at a committee hearing.
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    Baucus: Girlfriend merited US attorney nomination
    By Matthew Daly, Associated Press Writer
    34 mins ago

    WASHINGTON – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus defended recommending his girlfriend for appointment as Montana's U.S. attorney, saying Saturday his one-time staff member and the former state prosecutor is "highly qualified" but eventually withdrew her nomination.

    Baucus said that he began dating former state office director Melodee Hanes after they were both separated from their spouses. The Montana Democrat said they did not have an affair, but began dating while she worked for him.

    Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele called Saturday for a Senate Ethics Committee investigation of Baucus' actions. Steele said the panel should determine "why Senator Baucus put his personal needs above those of the people of Montana."

    Baucus, who is helping lead Democratic efforts to expand health care, recommended Hanes for the federal prosecutor job in February. The senator said he appointed an independent, third-party reviewer and established "an open and fair process" that resulted in her name and two others being sent, unranked, to the White House for consideration.

    Baucus said he did not know whether the reviewer — who is a long-time campaign donor to Baucus — knew about the senator's relationship with Hanes.

    The reviewer is Dana Christensen, a Montana lawyer who contributed $3,400 to Baucus's political campaigns from 1989 to 2002. Christensen's role as reviewer was disclosed Saturday night by Baucus spokesman Ty Matsdorf. A phone message left at Christensen's law office was not immediately returned.

    In a statement issued by his office Saturday, Baucus said that "as we grew closer and things progressed, we knew it was time to begin the process of Mel transitioning out of my Senate office."

    He said he recommended Hanes to become Montana's U.S. attorney while they were dating because she is a highly qualified prosecutor who tried more than 100 jury trials and is widely regarded as an expert in child abuse prosecution.

    "Mel would have been an excellent U.S. attorney for Montana," said Baucus, 67. "I, for one, did not want her relationship with me to disqualify her from applying for the position."

    Baucus' office released a resume for Hanes, which listed her only federal court experience as handling personal injury and employment discrimination cases from 1982 to 1986 as a partner in a private Iowa law firm. All of Hanes' experience as a prosecutor came in state court, mostly in child abuse cases in Iowa and Montana, according to the resume.

    Hanes, 53, received prosecutor's training in 1994 at the FBI's National Law Institute in Quantico, Va., the resume states.

    Asked by reporters whether there should be an ethics investigation into the matter, Baucus said, "I can't understand why.

    "Everything is straight, on the up and up," Baucus added.

    Hanes withdrew in March, saying she did so because she received other opportunities she couldn't pass up. Hanes was hired in June as a top official in the Justice Department's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

    "We thought it made sense for her to withdraw her name from consideration," Baucus told reporters Saturday. "She also wanted to come back to Washington" to live with Baucus, which she now does.

    "Frankly we didn't want to live apart," Baucus said.

    Hanes received her Justice job after applying "independently," Baucus said. "Not surprisingly to anyone who's looked at her resume, (Hanes) got the DOJ job on her merit," he said.

    Baucus' office released details of his relationship with Hanes late Friday night in response to questions from, a news Web site covering the Justice Department that first reported the circumstances of Hanes' nomination.

    Baucus has played a major role in managing the Democrats' health care overhaul efforts. He led Senate debate Saturday on the health bill, receiving a nod of support from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

    "Max is a good friend, an outstanding senator and he has my full support," Reid, D-Nev., said in a statement released by his spokesman.

    Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska said she didn't think the issue would affect Baucus' leadership in the health care debate. "I don't think it's going to distract from the substance of the debate," she said.

    Baucus and his ex-wife Wanda announced last April that they planned to divorce after 25 years of marriage, his second. In a joint statement, they said they had "parted ways amicably and with mutual respect."

    Hanes started working for Baucus in 2002 and was his state director before leaving his office for the Justice Department position.

    President Barack Obama eventually nominated Helena attorney Michael Cotter for the U.S. attorney post, which supervises prosecutors of all federal crimes committed in Montana and the state's seven Indian reservations. Cotter is awaiting Senate confirmation.

    Thomas Towe, a Billings, Mont., lawyer and former state lawmaker, said Hanes is highly regarded in the state's legal circles. Many lawyers in the state considered her to be a shoo-in for U.S. attorney, he said.

    Towe, a Democrat, said both Hanes and Baucus had acted honorably in acknowledging their relationship and withdrawing her name. "I think it hurt her career-wise. It would have been a good career move for her to be U.S. attorney," he said.
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    Congress lower than car salesmen
    Andy Barr
    Wed Dec 9, 8:32 am ET

    Being a member of Congress rates as the least ethical and honest professions – faring worse than car salesmen by 4 percent – according to a new Gallup poll out Wednesday.

    In a poll ranking how Americans view the honesty and ethical standards of 21 professions, Congressmen were rated as having a “low/very low” ethical standards by 55 percent of 1,017 adults across the nation. Only 9 percent said members of Congress have “high/very high” standards, while 35 percent gave the lawmakers an “average” rating.

    Car salesmen were the only other professionals to get a “low/very low” rating by at least 50 percent of respondents, receiving 51 percent.

    Senators ranked third lowest in the poll, earning a 49 percent “low/very low” ethical rating, beating out stockbrokers, 46 percent, and HMO managers at 43 percent.

    Only 11 percent of respondents gave senators a “high/very high” ethical rating.

    Nurses ranked as the most respected profession with an 83 percent positive rating. Following nurses were pharmacists at 66 percent, doctors at 65 percent, police officers at 63 percent and engineers, who received a 62 percent “high/very high” rating.

    Governors were the only other political job polled, and ranked much higher than lawmakers in Washington. Only 15 percent said they had a “high/very high” opinion of governors, but 48 percent gave governors an “average” rating while 35 percent rated them as “low/very low."

    Please note that it doesn't specify Party affiliation - all of them seem to have forgotten why they were elected in the first place ...
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    Lifelike Pelosi robot on Rangel:
    We. Are. The most ethical Congress. Ever.

    posted at 8:00 pm on February 26, 2010 by Allahpundit

    Via CNS, an incredible simulation. It looks and sounds just like her, but its primitive programming forces it to resort to rote, moronic talking points even under circumstances that make them laughable. One fact I forgot to mention in last night’s Rangel post: As of early January, “the most ethical Congress ever” hadn’t punished a single congressman for ethics violations. Not one, despite the many, many imbroglios in which, to take a not-so-random example, Pelosi crony Jack Murtha was involved. In fact, seven more congressmen were exonerated of ethics charges just today despite their ties to the PMA lobbying group.

    Said Melanie Sloan, head of CREW:

    What a surprise that the Ethics Committee would once again clear members of Congress of wrongdoing. Apparently, in the committee’s view, no member of Congress ever earmarks as a result of a campaign contribution. Of course, the committee also determined that PMA Group lobbyists and their clients universally believed that the chances of obtaining an earmark were directly related to the amount of campaign contributions they made to members of Congress. But, hey, why let a little inconsistency like that get in the way of clearing members of wrongdoing – the raison d’etre of the committee.
    Even Rangel, admonished though he was, essentially got a wrist slap: The committee found that there wasn’t enough evidence to prove that he knew his trips to the Caribbean were corporate-sponsored despite the fact that his aides tried at least three times to let him know. From the AP:

    The ethics committee report released Friday is important in determining how aware Rangel was that he was receiving corporate gifts. The powerful Ways and Means Committee chairman says he did nothing wrong because his staff never told him about corporate sponsors.

    The report says investigators could not determine whether Rangel, D-N.Y., saw two staff memos to him in 2008 and a letter addressed to him in 2007.

    In other words, despite a trail of documentary evidence, Rangel told the committee “Gee, I didn’t see it” and they decided, “Gee, maybe he didn’t see it.” That’s the most ethical Congress ever in action. No wonder some Democrats are panicking and calling for Rangel to step down.

    Take it away, Pelosi-bot.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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