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    Re: Isn't This Racism ??

    Quote Originally Posted by Jolie Rouge View Post
    As Duke rape case unravels, focus turns to prosecutor
    Wed Dec 27, 8:22 AM ET

    Last March, when a young black woman who had been hired to strip at a Duke University lacrosse team party accused three white players of raping her, the case became a national sensation. The instant storyline was one of jocks gone wild, with echoes of North Carolina's sorry racial past.

    Today, the case is looking less like a vicious crime perpetrated by privileged athletes and more like an example of prosecutorial misconduct by the local district attorney. More broadly, its handling shows the danger in making snap judgments and should give pause to anyone who cares about fairness in the legal system.

    It's possible, of course, that Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong has damning evidence that hasn't been disclosed publicly. But his record so far reflects these questionable actions:

    Rushing to judgment. When the case erupted nine months ago, Nifong shamelessly exploited the racially charged atmosphere in the middle of an election campaign, calling the accused "hooligans" and likening the incident to cross burnings. He obtained grand-jury indictments against three of the players. Then, on the Friday before Christmas, he abruptly dropped the rape charges after the accuser told investigators that she's no longer certain that she was penetrated by a penis, the legal definition of rape in North Carolina. Despite inconsistencies in the accuser's accounts, Nifong said he would pursue kidnapping and sexual offense charges that carry similarly severe penalties.

    Bringing charges based on flimsy evidence. The 28-year-old accuser has given several contradictory versions of the incident. She first told authorities that 20 men had raped her, then that no rape had occurred and finally that three men raped her.

    Her identification of the men derived from a biased photo lineup that included only team members. At one point, she identified as an assailant a young man who wasn't even at the party. A fellow stripper initially told police the accuser's story was a "crock."

    Sitting on evidence. DNA tests turned up no link to the lacrosse players. The head of a lab retained to analyze DNA samples testified Dec. 8 that he and Nifong intentionally excluded from a report the finding that the accuser's clothes and body had DNA from other, unidentified males. Nifong had known of the complete DNA report for seven months and previously told a judge that he'd turned over all relevant evidence.

    Even if the remaining charges are ultimately dropped - the next hearing is scheduled for Feb. 5 - the damage has been considerable. The three accused players face at least 12 years in prison. The lacrosse team's schedule was cancelled last season. The coach resigned. Duke's reputation was stained.

    The school's lacrosse team isn't angelic. Some of its conduct - hiring strippers, underage drinking, use of racial slurs and crude e-mails - fueled the outrage. Lawyers for the accused players have been skillfully releasing evidence favorable to their clients and may be holding back less flattering information.

    Even so, Nifong's performance raises so many troubling questions that it's time for the North Carolina Bar Association to investigate and for Nifong to step back from the case. If he won't go voluntarily, a judge should replace him.

    Being a prosecutor doesn't mean simply trying to win convictions or blindly accepting the word of a troubled accuser. It means respecting the rights of defendants and setting aside political expediency. Most of all, it means seeking justice and the truth, even in a charged atmosphere where many have jumped to conclusions based on stereotypes.

    Had this been three young black athletes facing the same situation, Jackson and Sharpton would have been all over this - and it would have been all about the "race card"...
    This case is most interesting every attempt has been made to drag both the victim and her attorney through hell. I wrote an extensive research paper on this case, and yes if the victim had been a white women raped by black men the media would have been much more sympathetic. The more attempt that is made to blame the victim the guiltier the men look. Rape Shield laws do not protect the victim from the attack of the media so in essence the victim is raped twice. This is one of the worst attacks of a victim I have ever seen. You have to really hand it to her personal strength for hanging in there!

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    Re: Isn't This Racism ??

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Scientific racism refers to the use of science (or the veneer of science) to justify and support racist beliefs. The use of science to justify racist beliefs goes back at least to the early 18th century, though it gained most of its influence in the mid-19th century. Works like Arthur Gobineau's An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races (1853-1855) attempted to frame racism within the terms of biological difference among human beings, and with the rise of theories of evolution after the work of Charles Darwin became well-known. L.S.B. Leakey in The Progress And Evolution Of Man In Africa (Oxford University Press), 1961 stated "Indeed, I would be inclined to suggest that however great may be the physical differences between such races as the European and the Negro, the mental and psychological differences are greater still."
    It became common to consider some races more evolved than others. These points of view were very common within the scientific community at the time — even Darwin, who was an active abolitionist and considered all humans to be of the same species (against a trend of polygenism at the time) believed that there were inherent biological differences in the mental capacities of different races. Ideologies such as social Darwinism and eugenics used and reinforced many of these views.
    There were also scientists who argued against biological reenforcement of racism, even if they believed that biological races did exist (though some did not). In the sciences of anthropology and biology, though, these were minority positions until the mid-20th century. During the rise of Nazism in Germany, many scientists in Western nations worked to de-bunk the racial theory on which the regime rested its claims of superiority.
    This, combined with repulsion to Nazi eugenics and the racial motivations behind the Holocaust, lead to a re-orientation of opinion around scientific research into race in the years following World War II. Changes within scientific disciplines—such as the rise of Boasian school of anthropology in the United States—also contributed to this shift.
    Since then, many of the scientific studies which some claim support racist claims have since been methodologically debunked by scientists with specifically anti-racist agendas, such as Stephen J. Gould. However, Gould himself has been accused by a number of scientists of misrepresenting the positions of those he engages, being politically motivated in his attacks, and being selective in his use of material to those ends.
    The status of the concept of biological race remains very controversial within science, though practically no mainstream scientists admit to using scientific data to justify racist beliefs. Some scientists, such as Arthur Jensen and Richard Lynn, have argued that the threat of being labeled as a "scientific racist" has made the scientific study of race and racial differences politically taboo and has stifled true scientific discourse. These charges have surfaced most often during the study of intelligence, IQ, and the concept in psychometrics termed general intelligence factor. Many scientists, though, believe that there is no evidence for typological notions of biological race, nor scientific justifications for racist beliefs.
    Last edited by MIKAER; 12-30-2006 at 01:45 AM.

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    Re: Isn't This Racism ??

    Quote Originally Posted by Chiizii View Post

    Seriously, I just don't get it. I have never gotten it. What liberation?
    That is what the poem is trying to explain! Try reading it line by line.....
    Last edited by MIKAER; 12-30-2006 at 09:07 AM.

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    Re: Isn't This Racism ??

    White nationalism is what put you in bondage
    Pirate and vampires like Columbus, Morgan, and Darwin
    Drank the blood of the sheep, trampled all over them with
    Steel, tricks and deceit
    I think even though I am on winter break I will research this poem anyway.
    Morgan must be the "Morgan Report" regarding the overturn of the Hawaiian empire. I am fairly certain Steel, tricks and deceit refers to a book entitled
    Guns Steel and Germs The word sheep is a biblical metaphor or it could be referring to "sacrificial lamb..." I am sure it will be included in college reading materials. It is really well written.

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    Re: Isn't This Racism ??

    Quote Originally Posted by MIKAER View Post
    This is one of the worst attacks of a victim I have ever seen. You have to really hand it to her personal strength for hanging in there!
    you have to be kidding. this chick was a straight up whore. i do not have ANY symapthy for a woman with the DNA of 3 different men in their panties. and NO, none of it was the from the players.
    There is always someone bigger and badder than you!

  7. #28
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    Re: Isn't This Racism ??

    MIKAER...I do believe that you have missed the point here altogether. Why is it only racist if a white person says such things as spoken in the original post's subject? The point of this thread is the subject of "reverse" discrimination...same thing as being racist, just the PC way of putting it.

    There is no such thing as a White American College Fund. What orginazations out there can be white people ONLY? If anything in this nation is even thought to lean that way they get sued out the arse. But if you are any "color" besides white you can have your college funds or private admissions based on race.

    As for the case of the girl claiming to have been raped by the Duke guys, ummm, like it was said, there is not one DNA sample to even indicate that these guys did what she claimed. So, if the girl and her attorney are "lynched" by the media, can you really blame them? Just like that black girl several years ago that claimed she was raped and Al Shapton got in the middle of that one screaming for justice...What justice? The girl was not kidnapped and raped, she had run away and had sex with a boyfriend or something and then lied to her family to keep from getting in trouble. Did you hear these people even offer a word of apology? No, you did not but if the situation was reversed then Jesse and Al would be up on the soapbox yelling for the white people to apologize for their false accusations.

    I am sick of the matter on what side it is coming from. People like Jesse and Al just love to keep it going though. If everyone would just shut up and stop spreading the hate, we could all get along a lot better. I do not owe anyone anything. And while on the subject, why aren't the blacks of this nation that are still crying over slavery holding the African brothers responsible? They are the ones that sold their prisoners into slavery in the first place. Is that okay? Why is that part of the story never shouted out over the rooftops when the issue of slavery is brought up? And how about all the white folk that were slaves...oh, excuse me, indentured servants.
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    Re: Isn't This Racism ??

    Quote Originally Posted by Njean31 View Post
    you have to be kidding. this chick was a straight up whore. i do not have ANY symapthy for a woman with the DNA of 3 different men in their panties. and NO, none of it was the from the players.
    DID YOU DRAW THE CONCLUSION THAT "this chick was a straight up whore." BASED ON THE INFORMATION "woman with the DNA of 3 different men in their panties." SUPPLIED BY THE MEDIA? IF SO, YOU HAVE DRAWN THE CONCLUSION THAT THE DEFENSE WANTS YOU TO DRAW!

    Unfortunately none of that information is relevant to the case and in is protected under the RAPE SHEILD LAWS SO INFACT YOU HAVE ALREADY TRIED [through manipulation of the media] THE VICTIM IN THIS RAPE CASE.

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    Re: Isn't This Racism ??

    Quote Originally Posted by tngirl View Post
    MIKAER...I do believe that you have missed the point here altogether. Why is it only racist if a white person says such things as spoken in the original post's subject? The point of this thread is the subject of "reverse" discrimination...same thing as being racist, just the PC way of putting it."
    The OP's thread is about a poemcalled "White Nationalism Put U In Bondage"
    The poem is about racISM not racIST [PEOPLE]
    Quote Originally Posted by tngirl View Post
    There is no such thing as a White American College Fund. What orginazations out there can be white people ONLY? If anything in this nation is even thought to lean that way they get sued out the arse. But if you are any "color" besides white you can have your college funds or private admissions based on race.
    The poem was read during "Black History" Month to the best of my knowlege no law suits have been filed on the authors behalf.
    Quote Originally Posted by tngirl View Post
    As for the case of the girl claiming to have been raped by the Duke guys, ummm, like it was said, there is not one DNA sample to even indicate that these guys did what she claimed.
    "Appeal to ignorance" [i.e. no evidence is not evidence.]
    The presence of DNA is not required nor is it the "norm" in a rape case.
    Quote Originally Posted by tngirl View Post
    So, if the girl and her attorney are "lynched" by the media, can you really blame them? Just like that black girl several years ago that claimed she was raped and Al Shapton got in the middle of that one screaming for justice...What justice? The girl was not kidnapped and raped, she had run away and had sex with a boyfriend or something and then lied to her family to keep from getting in trouble. Did you hear these people even offer a word of apology? No, you did not but if the situation was reversed then Jesse and Al would be up on the soapbox yelling for the white people to apologize for their false accusations.

    I am sick of the matter on what side it is coming from. People like Jesse and Al just love to keep it going though. If everyone would just shut up and stop spreading the hate, we could all get along a lot better. I do not owe anyone anything. And while on the subject, why aren't the blacks of this nation that are still crying over slavery holding the African brothers responsible? They are the ones that sold their prisoners into slavery in the first place. Is that okay? Why is that part of the story never shouted out over the rooftops when the issue of slavery is brought up? And how about all the white folk that were slaves...oh, excuse me, indentured servants.
    Perhaps you should read the poem...
    Last edited by MIKAER; 12-30-2006 at 06:31 PM.

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    Re: Isn't This Racism ??

    White Nationalism Put U In Bondage

    White nationalism is what put you in bondage
    Pirate and vampires like Columbus, Morgan, and Darwin
    Drank the blood of the sheep, trampled all over them with
    Steel, tricks and deceit.
    Nothing has changed take a look in our streets
    The mis-education of she and Hegro — leaves you on your knee2grow
    Black lands taken from your hands, by vampires with no remorse
    They took the gold, the wisdom and all of the storytellers
    They took the black women, with the black man weak
    Made to watch as they changed the paradigm
    Of our village
    They killed the blind, they killed the lazy, they went
    So far as to kill the unborn baby
    Yeah White nationalism is what put you in bondage
    Pirates and vampires like Columbus, Morgan, and Darwin
    They drank the blood of the sheep, trampled all over them with
    Steel laden feet, throw in the tricks alcohol and deceit.
    Nothing has changed take a look at our streets.

  11. #32
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    Re: Isn't This Racism ??

    Quote Originally Posted by MIKAER View Post
    "Appeal to ingnorance" [i.e. no evidence is not evidence.]
    The presence of DNA is not required nor is it the "norm" in a rape case.
    Hmm....catchy phrase.......(even when spelled correctly)

    It is the prosecution's responsibility to present all evidence and prove beyond a 'reasonable doubt' the guilt of the defendants. Apparently this was not done. DNA usage is a tool, not always available, and therefore is not always a 'norm' for all cases......and was not a tool until recent history.

    This may have been tried in the media, but it also apparently was tried in the courts unsuccessfully. When they read the verdict, don't they say "not guitly".....they don't say "innocent".
    Mrs Pepperpot is a lady who always copes with the tricky situations that she finds herself in....

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    Re: Isn't This Racism ??

    Quote Originally Posted by pepperpot View Post
    Hmm....catchy phrase.......(even when spelled correctly)".
    Appeal to "ignorance" is a method of argument
    Quote Originally Posted by pepperpot View Post
    It is the prosecution's responsibility to present all evidence and prove beyond a 'reasonable doubt' the guilt of the defendants. Apparently this was not done. DNA usage is a tool, not always available, and therefore is not always a 'norm' for all cases......and was not a tool until recent history.
    This case has not yet gone to court most of the information leaked or fabricated to the media is a violation of the "Rape Shield" laws.
    Quote Originally Posted by pepperpot View Post
    This may have been tried in the media, but it also apparently was tried in the courts unsuccessfully. When they read the verdict, don't they say "not guitly".....they don't say "innocent".
    No they say "this [black] woman based on the manipulation of the media got what she deserved....

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