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    Valley of the Wolves : New movie w/ Billy Zane & Gary Busey


    So Turkey is abuzz about the imminent release of their biggest-budget movie blockbuster ever. http://www.kfccinema.com/index.php?s...94643&archive=

    Americans, however, may not be so thrilled.

    In the most expensive Turkish movie ever made, American soldiers in Iraq crash a wedding and pump a little boy full of lead in front of his mother.

    They kill dozens of innocent people with random machine gun fire, shoot the groom in the head, and drag those left alive to Abu Ghraib prison where a Jewish doctor cuts out their organs, which he sells to rich people in New York, London and Tel Aviv.

    Valley of the Wolves Iraq, set to open in Turkey on Friday, feeds off the increasingly negative feelings many Turks harbor toward their longtime NATO allies: Americans. http://www.valleyofthewolvesiraq.com/high/main.html

    The movie, which reportedly cost some $10 million, is the latest in a new genre of popular culture that demonizes the United States. It comes on the heels of a novel called Metal Storm about a war between Turkey and the U.S., which has been a best seller for months.

    At this point, movies that portray America are annoying, but common; I'm not sure the Americans in this film are much more sinister than the CIA and oil companies in the wretched Syriana.

    But what's special about this one is that some pretty prominent American actors are joining in the America-bashing:

    The movie's American stars are Billy Zane, who plays a self-professed peacekeeper sent by God, and Gary Busey as the Jewish-American doctor.

    Pardon my French, but Billy, Gary... you're whores. You will contribute to the vilest propaganda for a pile of cash. You're actors; we knew you would sell out your mother for a name above the title and a share of the home video rights, but now you're willing to act out stereotypes straight out of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion for some Turkish lira.

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    Re: Valley of the Wolves : New movie w/ Billy Zane & Gary Busey

    Then don't watch it.

    I find it fascinating...why? Because in our cinema we never see the Americans as true "bad guys". I play a lot of WWII FPS video games and I'm always cast in the role of an American soldier, British Paratrooper, or Russia Soldier. I'd be curious to see what it would be like to see entertainment take on the always assuming role of Americans as heroes.
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    Re: Valley of the Wolves : New movie w/ Billy Zane & Gary Busey

    [b]Turkish film on Iraq plays on anti-U.S. sentiment

    Wed Feb 01, 8:43 AM ET

    When he hears about the treatment of Turkish commandos detained by the U.S. military in Iraq, Polat Alemdar decides to take revenge to restore his country's honor.

    But on his quest, the intelligence agent encounters U.S. forces conducting a string of atrocities -- a massacre of wedding guests, the torture of prisoners and ethnic cleansing.

    Almost single-handedly he takes on America's military might.

    Alemdar is the hero of "Valley of the Wolves - Iraq," a new Turkish action film that capitalizes on a rise in anti-American sentiment in Turkey since the Iraq war and turns a spotlight on relations between the NATO allies.

    The two countries enjoy warm ties but many Turks are ambivalent about the United States, enjoying its culture and products while distrusting its foreign policy, particularly in the Middle East.


    The movie, which has a Turkish record budget of $10 million, opens with a depiction of the real-life arrest of Turkish special forces officers in north Iraq in July 2003.

    The image of U.S. troops putting hoods over the commandos' heads stirred public anger and at the time Turkey's military chief condemned it as an attack on the nation's honor. One newspaper dubbed it the "Rambo Crisis."

    "This attack is not against us, it is against the Turkish nation," says one of the soldiers in the film's depiction of the incident, which occurred three months after Ankara refused the U.S. army permission to use Turkish soil for its Iraq invasion.

    More recently, Ankara criticized Washington's failure to act against Kurdish rebels who attack Turkey from northern Iraq.


    But the film comes at a time of improving bilateral relations and a U.S. diplomat brushed aside the film's significance, arguing relations between the two nations were returning to normal.

    "It is entertainment. It does not purport to be a factual version of events," he told Reuters.

    "Every relationship has its ups and downs. But our view is that we now need to look forward. There are lots of problems on which we need to work together and our relations actually overlap to a large degree in this region, including on Iraq."

    A host of Turkish celebrities and politicians joined the film's stars at its Hollywood-style premiere on Tuesday night in Istanbul and Turkish guards in fake U.S. military uniforms maintained security.

    Many in the audience said the film rang true.

    "This film shows the reality of the oppression in Iraq," said university student Emrah Adiyaman as he posed for a photo in front of Hummer vehicles and weapons used in the movie.

    "This is an important film. It should make Americans see why the world doesn't like them," said businessman Sabahattin Can.

    American actor Billy Zane stars in the film as Alemdar's nemesis, a powerful U.S. intelligence agent who is determined to sow discord among Iraq's Arabs, Kurds and Turkmens.

    He said he was not worried by the film's anti-U.S. slant. "It was definitely slanted," he told reporters from his seat at the front of the cinema after the screening. But he added: "I'm a patriot. That's why I made this film."

    Gary Busey appears in the film as a Jewish-American doctor who carries out organ transplants on unwitting Iraqi casualties, sending the organs off to Israel and the United States.

    The film is directed by Serdar Akar and based on a popular TV series in which Alemdar, played by Necati Sasmaz, infiltrates Turkey's mafia in order to destroy it.

    The film opens on Friday in Turkey and 14 other countries including the United States, Britain, Egypt and Syria.


    American actor Billy Zane stars in the film as Alemdar's nemesis, a powerful U.S. intelligence agent who is determined to sow discord among Iraq's Arabs, Kurds and Turkmens.

    He said he was not worried by the film's anti-U.S. slant. "It was definitely slanted," he told reporters from his seat at the front of the cinema after the screening. But he added: "I'm a patriot. That's why I made this film."

    Doesn't that contridict itself ??
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    Re: Valley of the Wolves : New movie w/ Billy Zane & Gary Busey

    Well now thats all a matter of pespective.

    Take dissent for instance, George Bush says if you protest this war and his policies you are helping the enemy.
    Others would say it is ones duty to protest if one disagrees with what the government is doing. Now if you think about it Bush criticized Clinton many times when he was in office for his policies but yet he wants to silence others by painting anyone else who voices dissent as unpatriotic and a traitor to their country.
    __________________________________________________ ______________________
    George W. Bush, 4/9/99:

    “Victory means exit strategy, and it’s important for the president to explain to us what the exit strategy is.”

    And on the specific need for a timetable, here’s what Bush said then and what he says now:

    George W. Bush, 6/5/99

    “I think it’s also important for the president to lay out a timetable as to how long they will be involved and when they will be withdrawn.”

    [ed. note: article originally ran in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer on 6/5/99]


    George W. Bush, 6/24/05:

    “It doesn’t make any sense to have a timetable. You know, if you give a timetable, you’re — you’re conceding too much to the enemy.”

    __________________________________________________ ______________________

    As to this movie if they show 1/4 of the reality of this war then yes they are patriots.

    While our mainstream news channels give us stories that were once upon a time found in the national enquirer and victim stories once only on our local news channels. Why? The rest of the world sees and hears a very different story about this war. You might want to look at this, and then again maybe not. The stories are heartbreaking, and the photos are also very graphic showing open wounds and some photos where people were shot in their genitals. also photos of dead bodies. So don't go there if you are squeamish over such things, be warned!
    Last edited by mesue; 02-04-2006 at 01:28 AM.
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    Re: Valley of the Wolves : New movie w/ Billy Zane & Gary Busey

    Also this, and you might notice other journalists are actually showing what is going on in Iraq but ours will spend hours talking all around it but they won't show you these pictures or tell you stories and photos like you found in the link above. Heck they won't even show you stories about our own military who are wounded and maimed and dead. These soldiers are coming home and some are not even able to get proper medical care. How many of our military come home and have committed suicide after not being able to deal with what they had to do to stay alive.

    Here is the link to the actual photos she speaks of (warning graphic)

    Printer Friendly Version E-Mail This Article
    Published on Friday, January 28, 2005 by the National Catholic Reporter
    What the Rest of the World Watched on Inauguration Day
    by Joan Chittister

    Dublin, on U.S. Inauguration Day, didn't seem to notice. Oh, they played a few clips that night of the American president saying, "The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands."
    But that was not their lead story.

    The picture on the front page of The Irish Times was a large four-color picture of a small Iraqi girl. Her little body was a coil of steel. She sat knees up, cowering, screaming madly into the dark night. Her white clothes and spread hands and small tight face were blood-spattered. The blood was the blood of her father and mother, shot through the car window in Tal Afar by American soldiers while she sat beside her parents in the car, her four brothers and sisters in the back seat.

    A series of pictures of the incident played on the inside page, as well. A 12-year-old brother, wounded in the fray, falls face down out of the car when the car door opens, the pictures show. In another, a soldier decked out in battle gear, holds a large automatic weapon on the four children, all potential enemies, all possible suicide bombers, apparently, as they cling traumatized to one another in the back seat and the child on the ground goes on screaming in her parent's blood.

    No promise of "freedom" rings in the cutline on this picture. No joy of liberty underlies the terror on these faces here.

    I found myself closing my eyes over and over again as I stared at the story, maybe to crush the tears forming there, maybe in the hope that the whole scene would simply disappear.

    But no, like the photo of a naked little girl bathed in napalm and running down a road in Vietnam served to crystallize the situation there for the rest of the world, I knew that this picture of a screaming, angry, helpless, orphaned child could do the same.

    The soldiers standing in the dusk had called "halt," the story said, but no one did. Maybe the soldiers' accents were bad. Maybe the car motor was unduly noisy. Maybe the children were laughing loudly -- the way children do on family trips. Whatever the case, the car did not stop, the soldiers shot with deadly accuracy, seven lives changed in an instant: two died in body, five died in soul.

    BBC news announced that the picture was spreading across Europe like a brushfire that morning, featured from one major newspaper to another, served with coffee and Danish from kitchen table to kitchen table in one country after another. I watched, while Inauguration Day dawned across the Atlantic, as the Irish up and down the aisle on the train from Killarney to Dublin, narrowed their eyes at the picture, shook their heads silently and slowly over it, and then sat back heavily in their seats, too stunned into reality to go back to business as usual -- the real estate section, the sports section, the life-style section of the paper.

    Here was the other side of the inauguration story. No military bands played for this one. No bulletproof viewing stands could stop the impact of this insight into the glory of force. Here was an America they could no longer understand. The contrast rang cruelly everywhere.

    I sat back and looked out the train window myself. Would anybody in the United States be seeing this picture today? Would the United States ever see it, in fact? And if it is printed in the United States, will it also cross the country like wildfire and would people hear the unwritten story under it?

    There are 54 million people in Iraq. Over half of them are under the age of 15. Of the over 100,000 civilians dead in this war, then, over half of them are children. We are killing children. The children are our enemy. And we are defeating them.

    "I'll tell you why I voted for George Bush," a friend of mine said. "I voted for George Bush because he had the courage to do what Al Gore and John Kerry would never have done."

    I've been thinking about that one.

    Osama Bin Laden is still alive. Sadam Hussein is still alive. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is still alive. Baghdad, Mosul and Fallujah are burning. But my government has the courage to kill children or their parents. And I'm supposed to be impressed.

    That's an unfair assessment, of course. A lot of young soldiers have died, too. A lot of weekend soldiers are maimed for life. A lot of our kids went into the military only to get a college education and are now shattered in soul by what they had to do to other bodies.

    A lot of adult civilians have been blasted out of their homes and their neighborhoods and their cars. More and more every day. According to U.N. Development Fund for Women, 15 percent of wartime casualties in World War I were civilians. In World War II, 65 percent were civilians. By the mid '90s, over 75 percent of wartime casualties were civilians.

    In Iraq, for every dead U.S. soldier, there are 14 other deaths, 93 percent of them are civilian. But those things happen in war, the story says. It's all for a greater good, we have to remember. It's all to free them. It's all being done to spread "liberty."

    From where I stand, the only question now is who or what will free us from the 21st century's new definition of bravery. Who will free us from the notion that killing children or their civilian parents takes courage?

    A Benedictine Sister of Erie, Sister Joan is a best-selling author and well-known international lecturer. She is founder and executive director of Benetvision: A Resource and Research Center for Contemporary Spirituality, and past president of the Conference of American Benedictine Prioresses and the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. Sister Joan has been recognized by universities and national organizations for her work for justice, peace and equality for women in the Church and society. She is an active member of the International Peace Council.

    © 2005 The National Catholic Reporter
    Last edited by mesue; 02-04-2006 at 01:52 AM.
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    Re: Valley of the Wolves : New movie w/ Billy Zane & Gary Busey


    (This is not the whole article, please go to the link for the whole article)

    We delivered by hand the medical aid provided by some of you to the hospital in Falluja. Me and one Iraqi woman, WE were the international medical aid to Falluja. We carried these boxes one at a time through the checkpoints, across the bridge and into the hospital. They would not let us drive in, we had to walk these boxes in. We did it every day for a week, one box at a time.

    All of the people I talked to had messages to the American people. They said: “We did not attack you! We have done nothing to the Americans. Why have you done this to us?”

    These are the people who hosted me, fed me, and worried about my safety. They took care of me and I will never forget their generosity, compassion and grace. They want peace with America and they want the fighting to stop. They feel they are the ones being attacked and that the Americans are the terrorists. They see absolutely no justification for this war and were constantly asking me to explain how the American people can support these acts against a civilian population. For the first time in my life, I was ashamed to be an American

    I cannot tell you what to do. This is a story of just one area in Iraq. These stories are all over the area we call the Sunni Triangle. But I was there and lived with these people and they taught me about love, forgiveness, truth and compassion. They, after all that has happened to them, still have the ability to differentiate between the acts of an enemy and the people of a nation. They cry out to us to save them from the ignorance that has brought this destruction on them. They have suffered 33 times 9/11. Over 100, 000 Iraqis have died at the hands of the American invasion (note 2) and still they say that they have nothing against the American people. This is grace. I learned from these people how to find peace. By deeply listening to my “enemy” I have found that the real enemy is ignorance and fear and acting from that place of weakness.
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    Re: Valley of the Wolves : New movie w/ Billy Zane & Gary Busey

    Just wondering if anyone here has the stomach to read this. I am on my second page, I read the third page, first but will read it again. How anyone can read this and continue to support this war, it would amaze me? But you guys sure surprise me sometimes? Those people you originally went there to save are begging for you to read it and know about what is going on there. They beg for you to be told and for you to know. They plead with the journalists, nurses and drs. to tell you. Read this please, I think it is one of the most important and heartfelt writings, you will ever read.
    Last edited by mesue; 02-04-2006 at 11:14 PM.
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    Re: Valley of the Wolves : New movie w/ Billy Zane & Gary Busey

    I have spoken to several men and women who have served there and continue to do so. I will take a first hand eye witness account from someone I have know for a number of years over the self serving content from someone I have never met.
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    Re: Valley of the Wolves : New movie w/ Billy Zane & Gary Busey

    In other words the viewpoints and stories from the Iraqi people don't count. You do not want to hear anything from them. Their viewpoints about this war especially as victims just don't count. How could anyone in the military coming from there give you the Iraqi viewpoint? Sure they can give you their American military viewpoint but they can't speak for the Iraqi people.

    In these stories the Iraqi people beg for the American people to know what is happening to them. They believe the American people don't know and are not being told by our media what really is happening, which is true. Our media is not covering any of it. But here is your opportunity to know and you refuse to look, so the truth is that no one really cares.

    What you don't want, is to read anything written that shows these people in Iraq as real families, real people other than numbers or terrosists. You don't want to read about their loved ones being locked up for no reason, the torture, their children being killed, the way they are being forced to live, all you want is to label them ALL as terrorists. And when you hear of a child dying or a whole family being killed, oh well thats too bad, thats war.

    Don't feel too bad Jolie I am afraid most American feel this way they don't want to see the Iraqi people as anything but terrorists but yet many supporters of this war say we got to stay there to prevent the terrorists from taking over. How many dead Iraqi's does it take before we call this war what it is, a massacre of the Iraqi people. Is 100,000 dead civilian Iraqi men and women and children enough? Apparently not!!!

    Who do you think they see as the terrorists? In a few years those children are going to grow up that have watched members of their families die in this war, who do you think they are going to hate? And they won't need propraganda to hate us all they will need to do is remember their dead loved ones. Yeah right, we are winning the war on terrorism!
    Last edited by mesue; 02-05-2006 at 05:34 PM.
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    Re: Valley of the Wolves : New movie w/ Billy Zane & Gary Busey

    No - I don't believe the journalist who are claiming to represent the "Iraqi People". I think that there are some - those who prospered under the corrupt system under Saddamn and therefore do not want things to change - I am sure they want the US and other forces to leave. We have recieved cards made by Iraqi children - sent to us from Iraq. THOSE I choose to believe.

    Why do you refuse to believe that there are those with a differnt agenda who would be willing to lie, cheat, steal and kill to get things back to the way they were ? Why do you refuse to believe that there are those who will do anything to do the same in our country ?
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Re: Valley of the Wolves : New movie w/ Billy Zane & Gary Busey

    Most of these reports are from aid workers and some are Americans. Why would they lie? These storiies are being told also by the Iraqi people complete with photos.

    Did you look at the family that the nun wrote about? I listed the link to the photos, its the one of the little girl covered in blood and screaming.

    BTW this is what the rest of the world sees, why are our journalists not showing us these photos and these stories? Instead all you get from them is feel good stories. How can you make up your mind you are right, when you won't even look at the stories from the people there?

    If you are so sure, look at them, read their stories and then tell me staying there and bombing and killing more people is the right thing to do. Until then you've only viewed and heard one side, so how can you make up your mind without all the facts?

    And yes I have read the American side in your posts, talked to military who were there, and watched all the propaganda for this war on my tv.
    Last edited by mesue; 02-05-2006 at 11:21 PM.
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