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    Mary_Jo3's Avatar
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    Found $100 in an envelope

    I am guilty, I've had stuff in boxes since we moved into this house in 2008. In an effort to get rid of stuff I started going through boxes I packed from the old house and found a box of stuff I emptied from the junk drawer in the kitchen. I also found 15 year old gum, mints, and assorted condiment packs as well as keys that have no purpose, playing cards, and other misc junk that should have been put in the trash and not a box. It pays to open every envelope and package and not just chuck it all. LOL
    Also found my husband's backup CD's from all his applications from a Laptop that has been replaced 3 times. There was a time when you owned the software and didn't have to rent it by the year.
    Everyone, have an amazing day!!
    Keep your hands to yourself, leave other people's things alone, and be kind to one another.

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